Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 7 Mar 1971
70th Anniversary of Yale-in-China Association The Yale-in-China Association, which began its cooperation with and support for New Asia College in 1954, celebrated its 70th Anniversary on 10th February, 1971. At New Asia College a series of events marked the occasion: The College sent to the Association's headquarters in New Haven a plaque on which i s engraved the Chinese name of the Yale-in-China Association in the calligraphy of Mr. Tseng Ke-tuan, former Senior Lecturer in Chinese Literature at the College, and four Chinese scrolls composed and written by Dr. Ou Tsuin-Chen, former President of the College. The Board of Governors of th e College gave a dinner party on 6th February in honour of Mr. Timothy Light, the Yale-in-China Representative, and Mrs. Light. A special issue of New Asia Life was published, which included an account of the cooperation between the Yale-in-China Association and New Asia College, and articles by the Chairman of the College's Board of Governors, the President and former Presdients of the College, and past and present Yale-in-China Representatives. A special Monthly Assembly was held o n 12th February, at which talks were given by Mr . Tsufa F. Lee, Vice-Chairman of the College's Board of Governors, President Y.P. Mei and Mr. Timothy Light. A reception and a luncheon were given by Mr. Light on that day for staff of the College. Gifts to the University • The Kong E. Suen Memorial Scholarship Fund has been set up at the University with a donation of approximately HK$430,000 from the late Mr. Kong E. Suen, to provide scholarships for needy and worthy students of the University. • Chung Chi College has receive d a bequest of HK$10,000 from the late Mr. Lee Wing-Kim, Assistant Librarian of the College, for the establishment of. a scholarship endowment fund. The annual interest is to provide financial assistance for a needy third-year student in Chinese. • A travel grant has been donated by The Asi a Foundation for 12 students of the Department of Journalism to take a trip t o Taiwan for an internship programme. Assistance is also given to 19 students of the School of Education to take a trip to Taiwan for a survey of secondary education there. • A sum of HK$10,000 has again been donated by Mr. Henry Hsu for research purposes of the University. Personalia Appointments Prof. James C.Y. Shen — Director of Mass Communications Centre (concurrently) Mr. Hiroaki Kani — Visiting Lecturer in Japanology, Chung Chi College Dr. J ü rgen Kl ü nder — Visiting Lecturer in German, United College Mrs. Miranda Kwan - Administrative Assisant, United College Membership on committees • The following have been electe d by the Senate as members of the Honorary Degrees Committee: Mr. Yim Lee Prof. Jiri Nehnevajsa Mr. R.N. Rayne • Prof. Bay-Sung Hsu has been appointed representative of the University o n the Joint Salaries Committee during the absence of Prof. S.S. Hsueh. - 5 -
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