====== Term 1, Fall 2019-20 ======
===== Intelligence Group Meeting =====
* **Day**: Tuesday
* **Time**: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
* **Venue**: Room 1027, HSB Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ Presenter 1 ^ Presenter 2 ^ Slides ^ Other material ^
| Sept. 10 | | Xinyu Fu | Yifan Gao | | |
| Sept. 17 | | Yue Wang | Jichuan Zeng | | |
| Sept. 24 | | Haoli Bai | Wang Chen | | |
| Oct. 01 | | National Day | | | |
| Oct. 08 | | Hou Pong Chan | Weibin Wu | | |
| Oct. 15 | | Jiani Zhang | Pengpeng Liu | | |
| Oct. 22 | | Wenxiang Jiao | Jingjing Li | | |
| Oct. 29 | | Ziqiao Meng | Yuxin Su | | |
| Nov. 05 | | Tianyu Liu | Yankai Chen | | |
| Nov. 12 | | Xinyu Fu | Menglin Yang | | |
| Nov. 19 | | Yue Wang | Yifan Gao | | |
| Nov. 26 | | Haoli Bai | Wang Chen | | |
| Dec. 03 | | Hou Pong Chan | Weibin Wu | | |
| Dec. 10 | | Jiani Zhang | Pengpeng Liu | | |
| Dec. 17 | | Wenxiang Jiao | Jingjing Li | | |
====== Term 2, Spring 2018-19 ======
===== Group Meeting =====
* **Day**: Monday
* **Time**: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1021, HSB Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ Presenter 1 ^ Presenter 2 ^ Slides ^ Other material ^
| Jan. 15 | | Xinyu Fu | Yifan Gao | | |
| Jan. 21 | | Yue Wang | | {{:presentations:topic-oriented summary.pdf|}} | |
| Jan. 28 | | Haoli Bai | Jichuan Zeng | | |
| Feb. 04 | | Chinese New Year Holiday | | | |
| Feb. 11 | | Xiaotian Yu | | | |
| Feb. 18 | | Hou Pong Chan | Wang Chen | {{:presentations:wchen_groupmeeting_0218.pdf|wchen_slides}} | |
| Feb. 25 | | Jiani Zhang | Weibin Wu | | |
| Mar. 04 | | Wenxiang Jiao | Yuxin Su | {{:presentations:puzzle.pptx|}} | |
| Mar. 11 | | Pengpeng Liu | | | |
| Mar. 18 | | Ziqiao Meng | Jingjing Li | | |
| Mar. 25 | | Han Shao | | | |
| Apr. 1 | | Han Shao | | | |
| Apr. 8 | | Yifan Gao | | tentative | |
| Apr. 15 | | Yue Wang | Xinyu Fu | {{:presentations:reddit_summarization_MMN.pptx|}} | |
| Apr. 22 | | No Meeting | | | |
| Apr. 29 | | Haoli Bai | Jichuan Zeng | | |
| May 27 | | Hou Pong Chan | Wang Chen | | |
| Jun. 10 | | Jiani Zhang | Weibin Wu | | |
| Jun. 17 | | Wenxiang Jiao | Yuxin Su | | |
| Jun. 24 | | Pengpeng Liu | | | |
| Jul. 8 | | Ziqiao Meng | Jingjing Li | | |
| Jul. 29 | | - | | | |
| Aug. 12 | | - | | | |
| Aug. 26 | | - | | | |
====== Term 1, Autumn 2018-19 ======
===== Group Meeting =====
* **Day**: Tuesday
* **Time**: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1021, HSB Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ Presenter 1 ^ Presenter 2 ^ Slides ^ Other material ^
| Sep. 11 | | Jingjing Li | Yifan Gao | | |
| Sep. 18 | | Han Shao | Yue Wang | | |
| Sep. 25 | | Holiday | | | |
| Oct. 02 | | Jichuan Zeng | Haoli Bai | | |
| Oct. 09 | | Wang Chen | Pengpeng Liu | | |
| Oct. 16 | | Ken Chan | Weibin Wu | | |
| Oct. 23 | | Yuxin Su | Xiaotian Yu | | |
| Oct. 30 | | Wenxiang Jiao | Tianyi Yang | | |
| Nov. 06 | | Jiani Zhang | Xinyu Fu | | |
| Nov. 13 | | Ziqiao Meng | | | |
| Nov. 20 | | | | | |
| Nov. 27 | | | | | |
====== Conference Deadline 2019 ======
^ Conference ^ Date ^ Site ^ Abstract Deadline ^ Submission Deadline ^
| AAAI2019 | Jan 27, 2019 - Feb 1, 2019 | Honolulu, Hawaii | Sep 1, 2018 | Sep 5, 2018 |
| ICLR2019 | May 6th - 9th | Ernest N. Morial Convention Center | | Sept. 27, 2018 |
| WWW2019 | May 13, 2019 - May 17, 2019 | San Francisco | Oct 29, 2018 | Nov 5, 2018 |
| IJCNN2019 | Jul 14, 2019 - Jul 19, 2019 | Budapest | | Dec 15, 2018 |
| IJCAI2019 | August 10-16, 2019 | Macao, China | | |
| ICML2019 | June 10 - June 15, 2019 | Long Beach Convention Center | | |
| KDD2019 | | | | |
| UAI2019 | | | | |
| ECCV2019 | | | | |
| RecSys2019 | | | | |
| NIPS2019 | | | | |
| CIKM2019 | | | | |
| EMNLP2019 | | | | |
| ICONIP2019 | | | | |
| ICDM2019 | | | | |
====== Term 2, Spring 2017-18 ======
===== Study Group =====
* **Day**: Monday
* **Time**: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1027, HSB Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ Presenter 1 ^ Presenter 2 ^ Presenter 3 ^ Slides ^
| Feb. 5 | Defense Rehersal | Xixian | | | |
===== Group Meeting =====
* **Day**: Tuesday
* **Time**: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1027, HSB Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ Presenter 1 ^ Presenter 2 ^ Slides ^ Other material ^
| Jan. 9 | | Xiaotian Yu | | {{:presentations:saddle_point_problem.pdf|}} | |
| Jan. 16 | | Yuxin Su | | | |
| Jan. 23 | | Weibin Wu | | | |
| Jan. 30 | | Jiani Zhang | | Talk the paper to be submmitted | {{:presentations:puzzle_thecafeproblem.pptx|Puzzle}} |
| Feb. 6 | | Jichuan Zeng | | | |
| Feb. 13 | Chinese New Year | | | | |
| Feb. 20 | Chinese New Year | | | | |
| Feb. 27 | | Yifan Gao | | {{:presentations:nqg-upload.pptx|}} | |
| Feb. 6 | | Wang Chen | | {{:presentations:2018-iclr-ask_the_right_questions.pptx|}} | |
| Feb. 13 | | Haoli Bai | | {{:presentations:haoli_bai-compression.pptx|}} | |
| Feb. 20 | | Pengpeng Liu | | | |
| Mar. 27 | | Yue Wang | | {{:presentations:group_presentation_yue.pptx|}} | |
| April. 3 | Easter | | | | |
| April. 10 | | Han Shao | | | |
| April. 17 | | Ken Chan | Wenxiang Jiao | | |
| April. 24 | | Jingjing Li | Albert Li | | |
====== Conference Deadline 2018 ======
^ Conference ^ Date ^ Site ^ Abstract Deadline ^ Submission Deadline ^
| [[http://www.ecomp.poli.br/~wcci2018/|IJCNN2018]] | July 08-13, 2018 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | | January 15, 2018 |
| IJCAI2018 | July 13-19, 2018 | Stockholm, Sweden | Jan 25, 2018 | Jan 31, 2018 |
| ICML2018 | July 10 -- July 15, 2018 | Stockholm, SWEDEN | | Feb. 9, 2018 |
| KDD2018 | | London | | Feb 11, 2018 |
| UAI2018 | August 7th - August 9th, 2018 | Monterey, California, USA | | March 9, 2018 |
| ECCV2018 | Sept 8-14, 2018 | Munich, Germany | | March 14 2018 |
| RecSys2018 | | | April 30, 2018 | May 7, 2018 |
| NIPS2018 | | | | May 18, 2018 |
| CIKM2018 | | | May 15, 2018 | May 22, 2018 |
| EMNLP2018 | | | | May 22, 2018 |
| ICONIP2018 | | | | June 1, 2018 |
| ICDM2018 | | | | June 5, 2018 |
====== Study Group ======
^ Date ^ Chapter & Materials ^ Presenter1 ^ Presenter2 ^ Presenter3 ^
| Sept. 12th | 6. Deep Feedforward Networks \\ {{:presentations:feedforward_network.pdf|}} {{:presentations:dl_lecture2_backpropagation.pdf|}} | Zhang Hongyi | Shao Han | Chan Houpong |
| Sept. 19th | 7. Regularization for Deep Learning {{:presentations:deep_learning_chap7_slides_demo.rar}} | Jiao Wenxiang | Bai Haoli | Li Jingjing |
| Sept. 26th | 8. Optimization for Training Deep Models \\ {{:presentations:gradient.pdf| optimization}} {{:presentations:tutorial.tar.gz| code}} | Yu Xiaotian | Chen Xixian | Su Yuxin |
| Oct. 3rd | 9. Convolutional Networks \\ {{:presentations:cnn_demo.pptx|demo}} {{:presentations:convolutional_networks.pdf|cnn_basic}} {{:presentations:cnn_slzhao.pdf|}} | Zhao Shenglin | Liu Pengpeng | Gao Yifan |
| Oct. 10th | 10. Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets \\ {{:presentations:research_trends_for_rnns.pptx|trend}} | Chen Wang | Zhang Jiani | Wang Yue |
| Oct. 17th | 14. Autoencoders \\ {{:presentations:autoencoder_part1.pdf|}} {{:presentations:autoencoder_part2.pdf|}} | He Shilin | Li Jian | Wu Weibin |
| Oct. 24th | 15. Representation Learning | Gao Yifan | Chen Wang | Jiao Wenxiang |
| Oct. 31st | 16. Structured Probabilistic Models for Deep Learning | Chan Houpong | Wang Yue | Shao Han |
| Nov. 7th | 17. Monte Carlo Methods | He Shilin | Li Jian | Wu Weibin |
| Nov. 14th | 18. Confronting the Partition Function | Chen Xixian | Zhang Jiani | Su Yuxin & Yu Xiaotian {{:presentations:pm_on_partition_function.pptx| ppt}} |
| Nov. 21st | 19. Approximate Inference | Bai Haoli | Li Jingjing | Zhao Shenglin |
| Nov. 28th | 20. Deep Generative Models | Joachim Curto | Irene Zarza | Liu Pengpeng |
====== Research Group Presentation Schedule ======
[ [[:presentations:2013t1]] | [[:presentations:2012t1]] | [[:presentations:2012t0]] | [[:presentations:2011t2]] | [[:presentations:2011t1]] | [[:presentations:2010t2]] | [[:presentations:2010t1]] | [[:presentations:2009t2]] | [[:presentations:2009t1]] | [[:presentations:2008t2]] ]
===== Term 1, Fall 2017-18 =====
* **Day**: Monday
* **Time**: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1021, HSB Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ Presenter 1 ^ Presenter 2 ^ Slides ^ Other material ^
| Sept. 11 | Welcome | | | | |
| Sept. 18 | | Xiaotian Yu | Yue Wang | {{:presentations:attention_is_all_you_need.pptx|}} | |
| Sept. 25 | | Wang Chen | Hongyi Zhang | {{:presentations:chen_wang_2017_9_25.pptx|Convolutional encoder & Conv Seq2seq}} | |
| Oct. 2 | National Day Holiday | | | | |
| Oct. 9 | | Jichuan Zeng | Albert Li | | |
| Oct. 16 | | Yuxin Su | Shenglin Zhao | {{:presentations:decentralized.pptx|}} {{:presentations:sigir17-nfm-slides.pdf|nfm.pdf}} | |
| Oct. 23 | | Haoli Bai | Han Shao | {{:presentations:deep_bayesian_10-23.rar|}} | |
| Oct. 30 | | Xixian Chen | Pengpeng Liu | | |
| Nov. 6 | | Ken Chan | Wenxiang Jiao | | |
| Nov. 13 | | Jingjing Li | Jiani Zhang | | |
| Nov. 20 | | Yifan Gao | Weibin Wu | | |
| Nov. 27 | | Joachim Curto | Irene Zarza | | |
===== Term 2, Spring 2016-17 =====
* **Day**: Monday
* **Time**: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1021, HSB Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ Presenter 1 ^ Presenter 2 ^ Slides ^ Other material ^
| Jan. 9 | Welcome | | | | |
| Jan. 16 | | Xiaotian Yu | | | {{:presentations:puzzle.pdf|}} |
| Jan. 23 | | Tong Zhao | | | |
| Jan. 30 | Chinese New Year | | | | |
| Feb. 6 | | Xixian Chen | | | |
| Feb. 13 | | Yue Wang | | {{:presentations:unsupervised_representation_learning_with_DCGAN.pptx|slides}}{{:presentations:DCGAN.pdf|paper}} | |
| Feb. 20 | | Wang Chen | | {{:presentations:presentation_wchen.pdf|slides}} {{:presentations:wchen-presentation-6057-using-fast-weights-to-attend-to-the-recent-past.pdf|paper}} | {{:presentations:wchen-words_puzzle.pdf|Words&Puzzle}} |
| Feb. 27 | | Hongyi Zhang | | {{:presentations:social_networks_under_stress_www16_slides.pdf|slides}} {{:presentations:socialnetworksunderstress.pdf|paper}} | [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q4cHFzpDI9esKZ3lRhso9M3asUE1GZPa87gw9MYmCwI/edit?usp=sharing|Words&Puzzle]] |
| Mar. 6 | | Albert Li | | | |
| Mar. 13 | | | | | |
| Mar. 20 | | Jiani Zhang | | {{:presentations:norm.pptx|}} | {{:presentations:puzzle_0320.pdf|}} |
| Mar. 27 | | Han Shao | Jiani Zhang | | |
| Apr. 3 | | Yuxin Su | | {{:presentations:distributed_fw_yxsu.pptx| Asynchronous Distributed FW}} | {{:presentations:20words_yxsu.docx| 20 words}}{{:presentations:puzzle_yxsu.docx|Puzzle}} |
| Apr. 10 | | Jichuan Zeng | | | |
| Apr. 17 | | Ken Chan | | | |
| Apr. 24 | | Pengpeng Liu | | | |
===== Term 1, Autumn 2016-17 =====
* **Day**: Tuesday
* **Time**: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1021, HSH Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ **Presenter I** ^ **Presenter II** ^ Slides ^ Other material ^
| Sep. 6 | Welcome | Xiaotian Yu | | | |
| Sep. 13 | | | | | |
| Sep. 20 | Deep Learning I | Han Shao | | | |
| Sep. 28 | Deep Learning II | Yue Wang | | {{:presentations:dl-rnn1.pptx|}} | [[https://piazza.com/cuhk.edu.hk/spring2015/eleg5040/resources|ELEG5040 Notes]] \\ [[http://www.wildml.com/2015/09/recurrent-neural-networks-tutorial-part-1-introduction-to-rnns|RNN Tutorial]] \\ [[http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs|LSTM Tutorial]] |
| Oct. 4 | Deep Learning III | Jiani Zhang | | {{:presentations:memory_networks.pptx|}} | |
| Oct. 11 | Deep Learning IV | Wang Chen | Albert Li | | |
| Oct. 18 | Deep Learning V | Shenglin Zhao | Hongyi Zhang | {{:presentations:introduction2drl.pdf|}} {{:presentations:alphago_ijcai.pdf|}} | |
| Oct. 25 | | Xixian Chen | Jichuan Zeng | {{:presentations:attention_in_nlp.pptx|}} | |
| Nov. 1 | | Yuxin Su | Tong Zhao | {{:presentations:deep_metric_learning.pdf|}} | |
| Nov. 8 | | Ken Chan | | {{:presentations:online_learning_in_crowdsourcing.pdf|Online Learning in Crowdsourcing}} | |
| Nov. 15 | | | | | |
| Nov. 22 | | | | | |
===== Term 2, Spring 2015-16 =====
* **Day**: Monday
* **Time**: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1021, HSH Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Presenter ^ **Topic** ^ Slides ^ Other material ^
| Jan. 11 | Welcome | | | |
| Jan. 18 | Xiaotian Yu | | | |
| Jan. 25 | Tong Zhao | | | |
| Feb. 1 | Yuxin Su | | | |
| Feb. 22 | Haiqin Yang | [[https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5763-fast-convergence-of-regularized-learning-in-games|Fast Convergence of Regularized Learning in Games]] | [[http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/vasy/presentations/fast-convergence.pdf|Slide]] | |
| Feb. 29 | Jiani Zhang | | | |
| Mar. 7 | Hongyi Zhang | [[http://machinelearning.wustl.edu/mlpapers/paper_files/icml2015_avron15.pdf|Community Detection Using Time-Dependent Personalized PageRank]] | {{:presentations:icml2015_avron_community_detection_01.pdf|Slide}} | |
| Mar. 14 | Ken Chan | {{:presentations:online-rank-elicitation-for-plackett-luce-a-dueling-bandits-approach.pdf|online-rank-elicitation-for-plackett-luce-a-dueling-bandits-approach}} | {{:presentations:online_rank_elicitation_for_plackett-luce.pptx|slide}} | {{:presentations:20_words.docx|words}} {{:presentations:paragraph.docx|Paragraph}} {{:presentations:puzzleken.docx|Puzzle}} |
| Mar. 21 | Shenglin Zhao | {{:presentations:sigir15bestpaper.pdf|QuickScorer: a fast algorithm to rank documents with additive ensembles of regression trees}} | {{:presentations:sigir15bestpaperslides.pdf|}} | {{:presentations:question_and_word.docx|}} |
| Apr. 11 | Xixian Chen | | | |
| Apr. 18 | Jichuan Zeng | | | |
===== Term 1, Autumn 2015-16 =====
* **Day**: Tuesday
* **Time**: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1022, HSH Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ **Presenter** ^ Slides ^ Other material ^
| Sep. 7 | Welcome | | | |
| Sep. 14 | | Yuxin | | |
| Sep. 21 | | | | |
| Sep. 29 | Online Influence Maximization | Tong | {{:presentations:presentations:1506.01188v1.pdf|slides}} \\ {{:presentations:presentations:lei2015influence-talk.pdf|paper}} | |
| Oct. 6 | Uncovering the Small Community Structure in Large Networks: A Local Spectral Approach | Hongyi | {{:presentations:www15.pdf|slides}} \\ {{:presentations:li2015localspectralclustering.pdf|paper}} | {{:presentations:gre1.pdf|wordlist}} \\ [[https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/10214486/dashboard#s=p2|programming problem]] |
| Oct. 13 | | Xixian | | |
| Oct. 20 | Rank-GeoFM | Shenglin | {{:presentations:sigir_rank-geofm.pdf|paper}} \\ {{:presentations:sigir15_rank-geofm.pptx|slides}} | {{:presentations:word.pdf|}} |
| Oct. 27 | | Xiaotian | | |
| Nov. 3 | | | | |
| Nov. 10 | Preference-Based Rank Elicitation using Statistical Models: The Case of Mallows | Ken | {{:presentations:preference-based_rank_elicitation_using_statistical_models_2.pdf|Slides}} \\ {{:presentations:icml14preferencebasedbandits.pdf|Paper}} | {{:presentations:puzzle.docx|Puzzle}}{{:presentations:wordlist.docx|WordList}} |
| Nov. 17 | | Jenny | {{:presentations:deep_knowledge_tracing_nips2015.pptx|Slides}} \\ {{:presentations:2015_nips_deep_knowledge_tracing.pdf|Paper}} | {{:presentations:words.docx|Words}} \\ {{:presentations:puzzle_rabbit.docx|Puzzle}} |
| Nov. 24 | | Jichuan |{{:presentations:kdd2014_li_sampling_complexity_01.pdf|Slides}} \\ {{:presentations:fastlda-kdd2014.pdf|Paper}} | {{:presentations:5_pirates_q.docx|Puzzle}} {{:presentations:week_6_words.docx|Words}} |
| Dec. 1 | | | | |
===== Term 2, Spring 2014-15 =====
* **Day**: Wednesday
* **Time**: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1022, HSH Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ **Presenter #1** ^ **Presenter #2** ^ Notes ^
| Jan. 14 | | | | |
| Jan. 21 | | Zach | | |
| Jan. 28 | {{:presentations:yxsu_communication.pdf|Communication Limits}}\\ {{:presentations:2014_nips_o.shamir_fundamental.pdf|paper}} | Yuxin | | |
| Feb. 4 | {{:presentations:topic_factorized_ideal_point_estimation_model_for_legislative_voting_network.pptx|kdd2014}} | Tong | | |
| Feb. 11 | {{:presentations:svm_-slides.pdf|LUPI slide}} \\ [[http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0893608009001130/1-s2.0-S0893608009001130-main.pdf?_tid=50ed6da6-a11c-11e4-bd1b-00000aab0f6c&acdnat=1421810551_04a0ff836a75f4b9d8f3795f8301cf9c|LUPI Paper]] \\ [[http://papers.nips.cc/paper/5561-object-localization-based-on-structural-svm-using-privileged-information|Structure SVM With PI]] | Haiqin | | |
| Feb. 18 | Public Holiday | | | |
| Feb. 25 | | | | |
| Mar. 4 | | | | |
| Mar. 11 | [[http://stanford.edu/~rezab/nips2014workshop/slides/inderjit.pdf|nomad slide]] [[http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~inderjit/public_papers/nomad_mc_vldb2014.pdf|paper]] | JJ | | |
| Mar. 18 | {{:presentations:cikm2013_joyce_overlapping.pdf|Overlapping Community Detection Using Seed Set Expansion (slides)}} | Hongyi | | |
| Mar. 25 | | Xixian | | |
| Apr. 1 | {{:presentations:taxi.pptx|Presentation}} \\ {{:presentations:p45-qu.pdf|A cost-effective recommender system for taxi drivers}} | Robbie | | |
| Apr. 8 | {{:presentations:sigir14slidesyelp.pdf|slides}} {{:presentations:sigir14.pdf|}} | Shenglin | | |
| Apr. 15 | | | | |
===== Term 1, Fall 2014 =====
* **Day**: Tuesday
* **Time**: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1022, HSH Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ **Presenter #1** ^ **Presenter #2** ^ Notes ^
| Aug. 19 | | Shouyuan | | |
| Aug. 26 | | Haiqin \\ [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/pmm4grocnplgdo7/ADMM.pptx?dl=0|ADMM]] | | |
| Sep. 2 | | Yuxin \\ {{:presentations:java_petuum2.pptx| ppt}} | | |
| Sep. 9 | Holiday | | | |
| Sep. 16 | | Zach \\ {{:presentations:collab_cluster.pptx| ppt}} {{:presentations:www2014_collab_cluster.pdf| paper}} | | |
| Sep. 23 | | Tong \\ {{:presentations:kdd1361-lu.pdf|paper}} {{:presentations:kdd14_ppt.pdf|paper}} | | |
| Sep. 30 | | JJ \\ [[http://web.stanford.edu/~jduchi/projects/DuchiJoWaWi14_slides.pdf|slides]] [[http://web.stanford.edu/~jduchi/projects/DuchiJoWaWi14_slides.pdf|paper]] | | |
| Oct. 7 | RecSys 2014 | | | |
| Oct. 28 | | Xixian | | |
| Nov. 4 | CIKM 2014/ICONIP 2014 | | | |
| Nov. 11 | | Robbie | | |
| Nov. 18 | | Shenglin \\ {{:presentations:www2014slides.pdf|slides}} {{:presentations:www14llr-lee.pdf|paper}} | | |
| Nov. 25 | | Hongyi \\ {{:presentations:montanezcikm2014.pdf|slides}} {{:presentations:montanezcikm2014_paper.pdf|paper}} | | |
| Dec. 2 | | Sophia \\ {{:presentations:iconip2014_slide.pdf| slide }} {{:presentations:iconip2014_paper.pdf| paper }} | | |
===== Term 2, Spring 2014 =====
* **Day**: Monday
* **Time**: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1027, HSH Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ **Presenter #1** ^ **Presenter #2** ^ Notes ^
| Jan. 13 | Individual briefing and Logistics | | | |
| Jan. 20 | | Yuxin | | |
| Jan. 27 | | Shouyuan | | |
| Feb. 3 | Chinese New Year | | | |
| Feb. 10 | | Tong | | |
| Feb. 17 | | Haiqin \\ [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/qw68tr9qfn16n9b/Second-Order%20Perceptron.pptx|Second order perceptron]] | | |
| Feb. 24 | | Zach \\ {{:presentations:multi-view-tm-kdd2013_final.pptx|PPT}} | | |
| Mar. 3 | | JJ \\ [[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1401.6740.pdf|Safe Screening for SVM]] | | |
| Mar. 10 | | Xixian | | |
| Mar. 17 | | Robbie \\ {{:presentations:bin_liu07oct2013.pdf|slides}} {{:presentations:p1043-liu.pdf|paper}} | | |
| Mar. 24 | | Negin | Jamie | |
| Mar. 31 | | Shenglin \\ {{:presentations:grouppresentation.pdf|slides}} {{:presentations:sigir13time-aware_point-of-interest_recommendation.pdf|paper}} | Pinjia | |
| Apr. 7 | | Hongyi \\ {{:presentations:wsdm450_talk.pdf|slides}} {{:presentations:wsdm14_xyu.pdf|paper}} | | |
| Apr. 14 | | Shuai | Yuanyuan | |
| Apr. 21 | Easter Holiday | | | |
| Apr. 28 | | | | |
===== Term 1, Fall 2013 =====
* **Day**: Monday
* **Time**: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
* **Venue**: Room 1022, HSH Engineering Building
^ Date ^ Topic ^ **Presenter #1** ^ **Presenter #2** ^ Notes ^
| Sept. 9 | Individual briefing and Logistics | | | |
| Sept. 16 | | Tong | JJ | |
| Sept. 23 | | Hang | Xixian | |
| Sept. 30 | | Haiqin \\ [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvfrpu4q09czlkr/SML_Workshop.pptx|Workshop Summary]] \\ [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/alogpw2dp4jo8a7/SD219_Scalable%20Approximation%20of%20Kernel%20Fuzzy%20c-Means.pdf|Scalable Approximation of Kernel Fuzzy c-Means]] | Luo Chen \\ {{:presentations:learning_topic_model_by_belief_propagation_tpami2013.pdf|belief_propagation_TPAMI2013}} | |
| Oct. 7 | IEEE Big Data | | | |
| Oct. 14 | Public Holiday | | | |
| Oct. 21 | | Zach \\ {{:presentations:htf.pdf|slides.pdf}} \\ [[http://i.stanford.edu/~julian/pdfs/recsys13.pdf|paper.pdf]] | Yang \\ {{:presentations:factorization_machine_model_optimization_and_applications_alpha.pdf|slides.pdf}} \\ {{:presentations:factorization_machine_model_optimization_and_applications_alpha.pptx|slides.pptx}} | |
| Oct. 28 | | Shouyuan \\ {{:presentations:simplematrixsketchingpresentationshort.pdf|slides}} \\ {{:presentations:simplematrixsketching.pdf|paper}} | | |
| Nov. 4 | Conference | | | |
| Nov. 11 | | Robbie | | |
| Nov. 18 | | Baichuan \\ {{:presentations:slides_idsigir.pdf|slides}} \\ {{:presentations:p463-raman.pdf|paper}} | Negin | |
| Nov. 25 | | Shenglin \\ {{:presentations:triangles.pdf|}} \\ {{:presentations:kdd2013_jha_birthday_paradox_01.pdf| kdd_presentation}} \\ {{:presentations:a_space_efficient_streaming_algorithm_for_triangle_counting_using_the_birthday_paradox.pdf| paper}} | Yuxin | |
| Dec. 2 | | Hongyi \\ {{:presentations:linguistic_change_lifecycle.pdf|WWW'13 Best Paper}} | | |
| Dec. 9 | NIPS | | | |
| Dec. 16 | | | | |
| Dec. 23 | Holiday | | | |
===== Big Data =====
==== Introduction ====
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_data|Wikipedia]]
* [[http://cra.org/ccc/docs/init/bigdatawhitepaper.pdf|Challenges and Opportunities with Big Data - A community white paper]]
==== Course ====
* [[http://cilvr.cs.nyu.edu/doku.php?id=courses:bigdata:slides:start|Large-Scale Machine Learning and Big Data]]
* [[https://class.coursera.org/bigdata-2012-001/class/index|Open Course on Coursera: Web Intelligence and Big Data (You may need to register)]]
==== Conferences and Workshops ====
* [[http://biglearn.org/index.php/Papers|NIPS2012 Big Learning]]
* [[http://www.stanford.edu/group/mmds/|MMDS 2012. Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets]]
* [[http://ampcamp.berkeley.edu/|UC Berkeley AMP Big Data Bootcamp]]
* [[http://www.ieeebigdata.org/2013/|IEEE BigData Congress 2013]]
* [[http://www.ischool.drexel.edu/bigdata/bigdata2013/index.htm|IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2013]]
==== Topics ====
==== Labs ====
* [[http://bigdata.csail.mit.edu/|Big Data@CSAIL, MIT]], 23 nodes (projects), e.g., linked data, computer vision, natural language, machine learning, social, etc.
* [[http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/ntl/|NASA tournament lab]], big data challenge, Apply the process of open innovation to conceptualizing new and novel approaches to using "big data" information sets from various U.S. government agencies, e.g., health, energy and earth science.
* [[http://www.fast-lab.org/|Fastlab, Georgia Tech]], make all textbook state-of-the-art machine learning methods computationally tractable on big datasets.
* [[http://www.noahlab.com.hk/|Noah'S ark lab, HK]], their goal is to push the frontier of our understanding on how knowledge can be learned and intelligence can be realized from the Big Data.
* [[http://www.select.cs.cmu.edu/|Select Lab, CMU]], the techniques they develop encompass a wide range of topics, including probabilistic graphical models, active learning and value of information, distributed algorithms, probabilistic inference, decision making under uncertainty, online learning and game theory.
==== People ====
* [[http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~jimmylin/|Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland)]]
* [[http://people.cs.umass.edu/~ronb/|Ron Bekkerman (LinkedIn)]]
* [[http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/mbilenko/|Misha Bilenko (MSR)]]
* [[http://hunch.net/~jl/|John Langford (Yahoo! Research)]]
* [[http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~agray//|Alexander Gray (GIT)]]
* [[http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~guestrin/|Carlos Guestrin (previously in CMU, now in UW)]]
==== Data ====
* [[http://www.data.gov/developers/community/developers|DATA.GOV]], Data portal provided by US government
* [[http://www.icwsm.org/data/|Blog data]], 3TB of Spinn3r dataset
* [[http://twitter.mpi-sws.org/data-icwsm2010.html|Twitter Data]], Twitter follow links data
* [[http://www.ehealthinitiative.org/resources/viewcategory/29-data-and-analytics.html|eHealth Initiative]], Data and analytics resources
==== Tutorial ====
* [[http://hunch.net/~large_scale_survey/|Scaling Up Machine Learning-Parallel and Distributed Approaches]], State-of-the-art platforms and algorithm choices, Hardware options (from FPGAs and GPUs to multi-core systems and commodity clusters), Programming frameworks (including CUDA, MPI, MapReduce, and DryadLINQ), Learning settings (e.g., semi-supervised and online learning), Example-driven, covering a number of popular algorithms (e.g., boosted trees, spectral clustering, belief propagation) and diverse applications (e.g., speech recognition and object recognition in vision)
* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uE9FQTGhqBA|Faster Learning for Massive Datasets by Alex Gray]], The presentation describes new approaches for online learning and stochastic programming, which achieve both tighter theoretical bounds across the board and significant empirical gains over state-of-the-art approaches including stochastic gradient descent and mirror descent. It also presents a scheme for distributed online learning exhibiting first-of-a-kind theoretical and empirical gains. For nonlinear kernelized methods, kernel matrix multiplications and summations become a bottleneck. It shows fast algorithms which provably reduce computation times from quadratic to linear time, with corresponding empirical runtime results, demonstrated on over 10,000 cores.
* {{:presentations:usama-bigdatamining-kdd2012.pdf|Big Data Analytics: Applications and Opportunities in On-line Predictive Modeling}}, In this talk I will cover some of the basics in terms of infrastructure and design considerations for effective an efficient BigData. In many organizations, the lack of consideration of effective infrastructure and data management leads to unnecessarily expensive systems for which the benefits are insufficient to justify the costs. We will then pay specific attention to on-line data and the unique challenges and opportunities represented there. We cover examples of Predictive Analytics over Big Data with case studies in eCommerce Marketing, on-line publishing and recommendation systems, and advertising targeting: Special focus will be placed on the analysis of on-line data with applications in Search, Search Marketing, and targeting of advertising. We conclude with some technical challenges as well as the solutions that can be used to these challenges in social network data.
* [[http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/ecastrom-1392560-microsoft-big-data/|microsoft big data]]
==== Blog and News Feed ====
* [[http://whatsthebigdata.com/|News and events about Big Data]]
* [[http://www.greenplum.com/industry-buzz/big-data/research-papers|News and research papers about Big Data]]
* [[http://www.ibmbigdatahub.com/|IBM Big Data Hub: Understanding big data for the enterprise]]
* [[http://www.bigdatahealthcaresummit.com/default.aspx|Big Data for Health Care]]
==== Project ====
* [[http://www.research.ibm.com/articles/watson.shtml|IBM Watson deep Q&A]], evidence-based decision support, deep question answering, Jeopardy!, Health care
* [[http://needleseek.msra.cn/|Needleseek]], mine open-domain semantic knowledge from web-scale data sources and answer user requests based on the mined semantic knowledge
==== Publication ====
* [[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1210.7350v1.pdf|Fast Data in the Era of Big Data: Twitter’s Real-Time Related Query Suggestion Architecture]]
* [[http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~jimmylin/publications/Asadi_Lin_CIKM2012.pdf|Fast Candidate Generation for Two-Phase Document Ranking: Postings List Intersection with Bloom Filters]]
* [[http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~jimmylin/publications/Ture_Lin_NAACL-HLT2012.pdf|Why Not Grab a Free Lunch? Mining Large Corpora for Parallel Sentences to Improve Translation Modeling]]
* [[http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~jimmylin/publications/Lin_Kolcz_SIGMOD2012.pdf|Large-Scale Machine Learning at Twitter]]
* [[http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2020426|Large-scale matrix factorization with distributed stochastic gradient descent]]
* [[http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1755842|SGD-QN: Careful Quasi-Newton Stochastic Gradient Descent]]
* [[http://leon.bottou.org/publications/pdf/compstat-2010.pdf|Large-scale machine learning with stochastic gradient descent]]
* [[http://people.cs.aau.dk/~csj/Papers/Files/2009_zhouICDEc.pdf|Routing Questions to the Right Users in Online Communities]]
* {{:presentations:carlos_guestrin.pdf|Carlos Guestrin's work since 2009}}
==== Book ====
* [[http://lintool.github.com/MapReduceAlgorithms/MapReduce-book-final.pdf|Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce]]
* [[http://www.amazon.com/Scaling-Machine-Learning-Distributed-Approaches/dp/0521192242/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1358754596&sr=8-1&keywords=Scaling+Up+Machine+Learning-Parallel+and+Distributed+Approaches|Scaling up Machine Learning: Parallel and Distributed Approaches]]
* [[http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/mmds.html|Mining of Massive Datasets]]
* [[http://net.pku.edu.cn/~course/cs402/2011/book/2009-Book-Hadoop%20the%20Definitive%20Guide.pdf|Hadoop: The Definitive Guide]]
* [[http://www.amazon.com/Big-Data-Glossary-Pete-Warden/dp/1449314597 | Big Data Glossary]]