Bulletin Number Five 1986
Student Enrolment 1986-87 Compared with the previous year, the University in 1986-87 sees an increase in overall student enrolment from 6,990 to 7,221. Full-time undergraduate enrolment grows from 5,690 to 5,925 and part-time undergraduate enrolment from 442 to 518. In the Faculty of Business Administration, an Integrated General BBA Programme has been introduced in 1986-87. This programme is meant to gradually replace the existing programmes of the Faculty. Among all the full-time undergraduate programmes, the Department of Chinese Language and literature carries the biggest student number of 279, followed by the Department of Social Work with an enrolment of 269. In the Graduate School, the Part-time DipEd Programme has the biggest enrolment of 588. In 1986-87 , the following new programmes have been in roduced: MPhil in Biotechnology (full-time); MSc in Clinical Biochemistry (part-time); MBA Programme in Organization and Policy Studies (full-time); MPhil in Psychology (full-time). I. Undergraduates 5,925 Full-time Programmes 5 , 407 Faculty of Arts 1,092 Chinese Language & Literature 279 English 267 Fine Arts 75 History 247 Music 68 Philosophy 88 Religion 68 Faculty of Business Administration 944 Integrated General BBA 248 Accounting & Finance 251 General Business Management & Personnel Management 233 Marketing & International Business 212 Faculty of Medicine 484 Faculty of Science 1 , 558 Biochemistry 98 Biology 182 Chemistry 211 Computer Science 219 Electronics 263 Mathematics 183 Physics 229 Potential Medical Major 91 Statistics 82 Faculty of Social Science 1 , 329 Anthropology 49 Economics 251 Geography 172 Government & Public Administration 160 Journalism & Communication 133 Psychology 82 Social Work 269 Sociology 213 Part-time Programmes 518 Chinese & English 155 Music 51 Business Administration 159 Social Work 153 I I. Postgraduates 1,296 PhD (Full-time) 15 (Part-time) 21 MA (Full-time) 0 (Part-time) 34 MA (Ed) (Full-time) 0 (Part-time) 46 DipEd (Full-time) 120 (Part-time) 588 MBA 2-year (Full-time) 68 Marketing & International Business (Full-time) 13 Organization & Policy Studies (Full-time) 1 3 -year (Part-time) 166 MDiv (Full-time) 3 MPhil (Full-time) 178 (Part-time) 16 MSc (Part-time) 6 MSW 2-year (Full-time) 5 3-year (Part-time) 4 DipSW (part-time) 12 Grand Total: 7,221 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 17
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