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Dementia Research Unit

Director: Prof. Linda LAM

With an increasing aging population, dementia care has become a pressing issue for many countries. The Dementia Research Unit of the Department was set up in 1998 to organize and promote research in this area. The unit invites local and international collaborations. Its research focus is the genetic, epidemiological, and clinical aspects of Alzheimer's disease and related dementia.

Selected Publications:

  1. Lam LC, Tam CW, Lui VW, Chan WC, et al. Prevalence of very mild and mild dementia in community dwelling Chinese older persons in Hong Kong. Int Psychogeriatrics, 2008;20:135-48.
  2. Lam LC, Tam CW, Lui VW, Chan WC, et al. Screening of mild cognitive impairment in Chinese older adults ??a multi-stage validation of the Chinese abbreviated MCI (CAMCI) test, Neuroepidemiology, 2008;30:6-12.
  3. Lam LC, Tam CW, Lui VW, et al. Use of Clinical Dementia Rating in detecting early cognitive deficits in a community based sample of Chinese older persons in Hong Kong. Alz Dis Asso Disord,2008;22:153-7.
  4. Ma SL, Tang NL, Zhang YP, Ji LD, Tam CW, Lui VW, Chiu HF, Lam LC.? Association of prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2) polymorphisms and Alzheimer's disease in Chinese. Neurobiol Aging. 2008;29:856-60.
  5. Lam LC, Tam CW, Lui VW, et al. Modality of physical exercise and cognitive function in Hong Kong older Chinese community. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2008 Jul 10.