Bulletin Special Supplement Ever in My Heart: Professor Ambrose King and The Chinese University
中文大學校刊 · 特刊 Chinese University Bulletin · Special Supplement 12 站 在這個莊嚴的講台上,就任 香港中文大學第五任校長, 我感到十分榮幸。儘管我不須像 我的幾位前任,在就職時要對校長 的職位作出長時期的承諾,但我一 樣感到責任的沉重。我會向這個崇 高的職位保證,一日是校長,我就 會做一日中大校長應做、須做的 事。我一定會竭盡所能,肩負起校 長的責任,不負大學對我的信任與 付託。 中大立校明年就四十年了。其實, 今年十月十七日中大已進入四十周 I feel most honoured standing here on this august platform to be installed as the fifth Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Unlike my predecessors I am not required tomake long-term commitments to this position; yet the weight of responsibility I feel on my shoulders is no less heavy. To this lofty position I offer my pledge: for as long as I am Vice-Chancellor, I will do what a vice-chancellor should and must. And for the confidence and trust reposed in me, I will return my best when performing my duties as Vice-Chancellor. The University will turn 40 next year. On 17 October it in fact entered its 40th year. The history of The Chinese University over the course of four decades is a magnificent story of the birth, growth, and blossoming of an institution of higher learning founded by the Chinese. I feel impelled to pay tribute to our founding Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Choh-Ming Li, and to my predecessors — Prof. Ma Lin, Prof. Charles Kao, and Prof. Arthur Li. It is my good fortune to have worked with them at different stages of my career, availing myself of the opportunity to be involved in institutional development in diverse capacities under their leadership, and to share in the joy of growing with the University. Every one of our former Vice-Chancellors served the University with all their heart, each successfully pushing it to a newand higher plane of development during his term.What needs also to be pointed out is that the University is most 就職講辭 Inaugural Address
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