Bulletin Number Five 1986
(6) From Bei Shan Tang Foundation Ltd. a supplementary grant of HK$40 , 790 for the recruitment of a Research Associate of the Institute of Chinese Studies. (7) From Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre: (a) HK$45,000 for a research project by Dr. Tso Wung-wai of the Department of Biochemistry; (b) HK$40,000 for the Seminar on Chinese Style Management held in December 1986 by the Department of Marketing and International Business; and (c) HK$2,012 for Dr. Henry Nai ChingWong of the Department of Chemistry to conduct an oral examination for a PhD candidate at the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry. (8) From Dr. David T. Cheng a donation of US$10,000 in support of the research of a Visiting Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Chinese Studies in 1987. (9) From The Croucher Foundation: (a) a further grant of HK$ 11,250 for a research project undertaken by the Department of Morbid Anatomy; and (b) a travel grant of HK$3,571 for a staff of the Department of Biochemistry to visit the Institute of Biophysics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, in October 1986. (10) From Gene Labs, Inc. a donation of US$4,000 for a research project by Dr. Yeung Hin-wing of the Department of Biochemistry. (11) From Lee Foundation, Singapore: (a) HK$8,000 for cancer research undertaken by the Department of Anatomy in collaboration with the Department of Pathology of the University of Toronto; (b) HK$600,000 for a research project of the Department of Biochemistry over a period of three years from 1986-87. (12) From Richards Brooks McLaren (HK) Ltd. a donation of HK$500 for research work of the Department of Biology. (13) From Senvier Far East Ltd. a donation of HK$50,000 for a research project of the Department of Medicine. (14) From University of Toronto a donation of HK$15,000 for a joint research project between the University of Toronto and the Department of Physiology of this University. (15) From World Health Foundation (HK) a donation of HK$15,000 for a research project by Dr. Choy Yuen-min and Dr. Fung Kwok-pui of the Department of Biochemistry. (16) From World Health Organization a donation of US$1,500 for a research project by Dr. Dolly Huang of the Department of Morbid Anatomy. (17) From the following donors contributions to the Department of Morbid Anatomy: (a) HK$ 1,750 from Mrs. Y.L . Mills; and (b) HK$ 1,750 from Mrs. C.J. Wadham. (18) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd. expenses for a staff of the Department of Microbiology to attend a Congress in Thailand in December 1986. (19) From W.L . Gore & Associates (Far East) Ltd. a donation of HK$5,000 to sponsor a staff of the Department of Medicine to attend a Congress in Singapore in October 1986. (20) From Jardine Danby Ltd. a dondation of HK$2,000 for the Cardiac Seminar organized by the Department of Medicine. (21) From Ohmeda Medical a donation of HK$6,893 to sponsor a staff of the Department of Anaesthesia to attend a Symposium in Beijing in September 1986. (22) From Roche Far East Research Foundation a donation of HK$5,000 to sponsor a staff of the Department of Clinical Oncology to attend an International Symposium in Beijing in September 1986. (23) From Shun Hing Electronic Trading Co., Ltd. a donation of HK$ 1,000,000 for the development of studies in Information Technology at the University. (24) From Trustees of Lingnan University a donation of US$31,000 for the Comparative literature and Language Exchange Programme in 1986-87. (25) From various donors donations totalling HK$2,122,858 to Chung Chi College from 1st April to 31st October, 1986. (26) From Wyeth (HK) Ltd. a donation of HK$ 10,200 and two return air tickets for Hong Kong/Singapore for two staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend a Congress in Singapore in October 1986. (27) From Hong Kong Society of Digestive Endoscopy a set of computer accessories to the Combined Endoscopy Unit of the Departments of Medicine and Surgery. (28) From Leach & Gamer (HK) Ltd. a sample of high purity gold powder and a one-gram .9999 fine gold ingot for the teaching and research work of the Department of Chemistry. (29) From Dr. Li Dak Sum twenty personal computers and a batch of accessories to New Asia College. (30) From Mrs. Sylvia Teh a gu-zheng and two scores to the Department of Music.
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