LEUNG, Kwong-Sak 
Research Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
(Chair) Professor of Computer Science & Engineering (2002-2018) Professor in
the CUHK-BGI Innovation Institution of
Trans-omics (2011-2018)
Associate Director, Institute of Future Cities
Director, Urban Informatics Programme, IOFC
B.Sc.(Eng), Ph.D.(Lond.), Distinguished Fellow HKCS,
Dr. Leung is currently Research Professor and appointed as
Professor in the CUHK-BGI Innovation Institution of Trans-omics in the
Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was Professor of Computer Science
& Engineering (Chair Professor) until 2018. He was
Chairman of the Department from Aug 1999 to July 2005 and
the Head
of Graduate Division of Computer Science between April, 1992 and July,
1997. He worked as a senior engineer and system analyst at ERA
and the Headquarters computer centre of Central Electricity Generating
Board respectively in England for five years before joining the Chinese
University in August 1985. He has gained extensive experiences in
management and the development of large scale software for research and
simulation purposes.
Dr. Leung received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University
London in 1977 and 1980 respectively, and is a fellow of
HKIE, a member
of IET and ACM, a
senior member of IEEE and a chartered engineer. He was nominated to be
the 17th Distinguished Fellow of Hong Kong Computer Society in
2000. He was one
of the founder members and the Chairman of ACM Hong Kong Chapter and a
Council member of Hong Kong Computer Society. He contributed
significantly in setting up the
Engineering Faculty as a member of the Planning & Implementation
Committee and all other 7 committees.
He served as a member of the Engineering Panel of the Research Grant
of the University Grant Committee for 5 years (94-99). He was an
examiner of OUHK. Dr. Leung is member of Editorial Board for Fuzzy
and Systems (until 2019) and the IT Magazine (94-98), associate editor
International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
He has served as chairman and member of numerous international
organizing and programme committees. He was a member of the
Research Committee and the Convener of Engineering Panel (96-00). He
authored and co-authored over 350 publications with an average impact
factor of >3.64 for the top 100 Journal papers and 4 books. His research
are in the areas of knowledge engineering, bioinformatics, soft
computing, genetic
and programming, automatic knowledge acquisition, fuzzy
and AI architecture.
Address: Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong

- Knowledge Engineering
- Bioinformatics (Roadmap) & Data Mining
- Automatic Knowledge Acquisition
- Fuzzy Logic Applications
- Genetic Algorithms and Programming
- AI Architecture (Intelligent Sensor Systems, IoT)
DNA Patents
Drug Patents
Intelligent Sensor Patent
Books Published
Representative Journal Publications: (student name) IF: impact factor
- X Liu, Y Xu, (R Wang), S Liu, J Wang, YL Luo, KS Leung, L
Cheng. “A network-based algorithm for the identification of moonlighting
noncoding RNAs and its application in sepsis”. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020;
- (WY Yi), K Leung, Y Leung. “Air quality measurement with
modular sensor system and method”. US Patent 10,533,981, 1, 2020; https://patents.google.com/patent/US10533981B2/en
- (PK
Wong), KS Leung, ML Wong. “Probabilistic grammar-based neuroevolution
for physiological signal classification of ventricular tachycardia”.
Expert Systems with Applications 135, 237-248; 2019; (IF: 4.3) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2019.06.012
- J
Qi, L Liu, B Xu, Z Shen, KS Leung, Y Sun. “Low-carbon Community
Adaptive Energy Management Optimization Toward Smart Services”. IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics; 2019; (IF:7.38) https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2019.2950511
- (R Wang), (S Li), L Cheng, MH Wong, KS Leung. “Predicting
associations among drugs, targets and diseases by tensor decomposition for drug
repositioning”. BMC bioinformatics 20 (26), 628, 2019; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12859-019-3283-6
- (P Liu), H Li, (S Li), KS Leung. “Improving prediction of
phenotypic drug response on cancer cell lines using deep convolutional network”.
BMC bioinformatics 20 (1), 408, 4, 2019; https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-019-2910-6L
- L Cheng, P Liu, D Wang, KS Leung. "Exploiting locational and topological overlap model to identify modules in protein interaction networks". BMC Bioinformatics 20 (1), 23; 2019; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-019-2598-7
- A Peón, H Li, G Ghislat, KS Leung, MH Wong, G Lu, PJ Ballester. "MolTarPred:
a web tool for comprehensive target prediction with reliability
estimation". Chemical biology & drug design; 3.2019; https://doi.org/10.1111/cbdd.13516
- H Li, J
Peng, P Sidorov, YLeung, KS Leung, ..."Classical scoring functions for
docking are unable to exploit large volumes of structural and
interaction data". Bioinformatics; 3.2019; https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz183
- (L
Cheng), KS Leung. "Identification and characterization of moonlighting
long non-coding RNAs based on RNA and protein interactome". Bioinformatics, 5.2018, (IF:7.3); https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty399J
- Qi,
C Lai, B Xu, Y Sun, KS Leung. "Collaborative Energy Management
Optimization Towards Green Energy Local Area Network". IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Jan 2018, (IF:6,8); https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2018.2796021
- Y
Leung, KS Leung, MH Wong, T Mak, KY Cheung, LY Lo, WY Yi, YL Dong.
"An integrated web-based air pollution decision support system – a
prototype". IJGIS; Apr 2018, https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2018.1460752
- KY Lee, KS Leung, NLS Tang, MH Wong. "Discovering
Genetic Factors for psoriasis through exhaustively searching for
significant second order SNP-SNP interactions". Scientific reports 8
(1), 15186; 2018.
- X Shi, H Li, A Shi, H Yao, K Ke, C Dong, Y Zhu, Y Qin, Y Ding, YH He, ..."Discovery of rafoxanide as a dual CDK4/6 inhibitor for the treatment of skin cancer". Oncology reports 40 (3), 1592-1600; 2018.
- B Xu, J Qi, X Hu, KS Leung, Y Sun, Y Xue.
"Self-adaptive bat algorithm for large scale cloud manufacturing
service composition". Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11 (5),
1115-1128; 2018.
- H Li, J Peng, Y Leung, KS Leung, MH Wong, G Lu, P Ballester. "The
impact of protein structure and sequence similarity on the accuracy of
machine-learning scoring functions for binding affinity prediction".
Biomolecules 8 (1), 12; 2018.
- KM Lo, WY Yi, PK Wong, KS Leung, Y Leung, ST Mak. "A
genetic algorithm with new local operators for multiple traveling
salesman problems". International Journal of Computational Intelligence
Systems 11 (1), 692-705; 2018
- (L Cheng), KS Leung. “Quantification of non-coding RNA
target localization diversity and its application in cancers”. Journal of
Molecular Cell Biology, 1.2018.(IF:6.0) https://doi.org/10.1093/jmcb/mjy006
- (WY Yi), KS Leung, Y Leung. “A Modular Plug-And-Play
Sensor System for Urban Air Pollution Monitoring: Design, Implementation and
Evaluation”. Sensors 18 (1), 7; 2018
- C Dong, ..., KS Leung… “Econazole nitrate inhibits
PI3K activity and promotes apoptosis in lung cancer cells”. Scientific reports
7 (1), 17987; 2017
- (L Cheng), P Liu, KS Leung. “SMILE: a novel procedure
for subcellular module identification with localisation expansion”. IET Systems
Biology; 2017
- Y Niu, H Li, L Gao, H Lin, H Kung, MC Lin, KS Leung,
MH Wong, W Xiong, ... “Old drug, new indication: Olsalazine sodium reduced
serum uric acid levels in mice via inhibiting xanthine oxidoreductase activity”.
Journal of pharmacological sciences 135 (3), 114-120; 2017
(L Cheng), K Fan, Y Huang, D Wang, KS Leung. “Full
characterization of localization diversity in the human protein Interactome”. Journal
of proteome research 16 (8), 3019-3029;
2017. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00306
- K Ke, H Li, H Yao, XN Shi, C Dong, Y Zhu, X Liu, L Li,
KS Leung, ... “In silico prediction and in vitro and in vivo validation of
acaricide fluazuron as a potential inhibitor of FGFR3 and a candidate
anticancer drug for bladder carcinoma”. Chemical biology & drug design 89
(4), 505-513 4; 2017
- ESA Lee, HYA Sze-To, MH Wong, KS Leung, TCK Lau, AKC
Wong. “Discovering protein-dna binding cores by aligned pattern clustering”. IEEE/ACM
transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 14 (2); 254-263; 2017
- H Li, CWS Tong, Y Leung, MH Wong, KKW To, KS Leung. “Identification
of clinically approved drugs indacaterol and canagliflozin for repurposing to
treat EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors-resistant lung cancer”. Frontiers in
oncology 7, 288; 2017
- B Xu, J Qi, X Hu, KS Leung, Y Sun, Y Xue. “Self-adaptive
bat algorithm for large scale cloud manufacturing service composition”. Peer-to-Peer
Networking and Applications, 1-14; 2017
- (MC Yuen), I King, KS Leung. “An online-updating
algorithm on probabilistic matrix factorization with active learning for task
recommendation in crowdsourcing systems” Big Data Analytics 1 (1), 14; 2016
- Y Liang, H Chai, XY Liu, ZB Xu, H Zhang, KS Leung. “Cancer
survival analysis using semi-supervised learning method based on cox and aft
models with l 1/2 regularization”. BMC medical genomics 9 (1), 11; 2016
- HJ Li, KS Leung, MH Wong and PJ Ballester. "USR-VS: a web server
for large-scale prospective virtual screening using ultrafast shape
recognition techniques". Nucleic Acids Research, 2016. (IF:10.162) DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkw320
- HJ Li, KS Leung, MH Wong and PJ Ballester. "Correcting the impact
of docking pose generation error on binding affinity prediction". BMC
Bioinformatics, 17 (11), 308; 2016.
- (LY Lo), ML Wong, KH Lee, KS Leung "High-order dynamic Bayesian
Network learning with hidden common causes for causal gene regulatory
network". BMC Boinformatics 16
(1), 1
- (LY Lo), ML Wong, KH Lee, KS Leung. "Time Delayed Causal Gene
Regulatory Network Inference with Hidden Common Causes". PloS ONE, 2015, 10 (9), e0138596
- XN Shi, HJ Li, H
Yao, X Liu, LLi, KS Leung, HF Kung, D Lu, MH Wong, and Marie CM Lin. In
silico Identification and in vitro and in vivo Validation of
Anti-Psychotic Drug Fluspirilene as a Potential CDK2 Inhibitor and a
Candidate Anti-Cancer Drug. PLoS ONE, 10(7):e0132072, 2015. DOI:
- HJ Li, KS Leung, MH Wong and PJ.
Ballester. Low-Quality Structural and Interaction Data Improves Binding
Affinity Prediction via Random Forest. Molecules,
20(6):10947-10962, 2015. DOI:
- (Peter LY Lo), KS Leung and
KH Lee, "Inferring Time-Delayed Causal Gene Network using Time-series
Expression Data ", IEEE/ACM
Transaction on
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2015.Vol. 12, Issue 1,142-154
- (HJ Li), KS Leung1, MH
Wong1 and PJ Ballester. “Improving AutoDock Vina Using Random
Forest: The Growing Accuracy of Binding Affinity Prediction by the
Effective Exploitation of Larger Data Sets.” Molecular Informatics,
Article first published online: 12 FEB 2015, DOI:
- XN Shi, (HJ L)i, H Yao, X
Liu, L Li, KS Leung, HF Kung, MH Wong, and Marie CM Lin. "Adapalene
Inhibited the Activity of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 in Colorectal
Carcinoma". Molecular Medicine Reports.12(5):6501-6508, 2015. DOI:
- (HJ Li), KS Leung, MH Wong
and PJ Ballester,"Substituting Random Forest for Multiple Linear
Regression Improves Binding Affinity Prediction of Scoring Functions:
Cyscore as a Case Study", BMC Bioinformatics,
2014, 15(1):291 DOI:

- MH Wong, (HY Sze-To), (LY
Lo), TM Chan, and KS Leung. "Discovering Binding Cores in Protein-DNA
Binding Using Association Rule Mining with Statistical Measures",
IEEE/ACM Transaction on
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2014. DOI:
- (HJ Li), KS Leung, T Nakane
and MH Wong. "iview: an interactive WebGL visualizer for protein-ligand
complex". BMC Bioinformatics,
15(1):56, 2014. DOI:
- (HJ Li), KS Leung, P.
Ballester, MH Wong. "istar: A Web Platform for Large-Scale
Protein-Ligand Docking", PLoS ONE 9(1): e85678, 2014. DOI:
- TM Chan, LY Lo, HY Sze-To,
KS Leung, X Xiao, and MH Wong, "Modeling Associated
Protein-DNA Pattern
Discovery with Unified Scores", IEEE/ACM
Transaction on
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 10(3) 696-707, May/June 2013.
- Y Liang, C Liu, XZ Luan, KS
Leung, TM Chan, ZB Xu, H Zhang. "Sparse logistic regression with a L1/2
penalty for gene selection in cancer classification", BMC Bioinformatics 14 (1), 198, 2013
- T.M. Chan, K.S. Leung, K.H.
Lee, M.H. Wong 1, C.K. Lau , Stephen K.W. Tsui, Subtypes
of Associated Protein-DNA (Transcription Factor-Transcription Factor
Binding Site) Patterns, Nucleic Acids Research,
August 2012; doi: 10.1093/nar/gks749 ; (IF:10.162)
- T.M. Chan, K.S. Leung, K.H. Lee,
Memetic Algorithms for de novo Motif Discovery. IEEE Transactions on
Evolutionary Computation, 2012, 16(5), pp. 730-748.(IF:10.629)
- T.M. Chan, K.C. Wong, K.H. Lee, M.H.
Wong, C.K. Lau, Stephen K.W. Tsui, K.S. Leung, Discovering approximate-associated sequence
patterns for protein-DNA interactions. Bioinformatics, 2011, 27(4), pp. 471-478.
- (S.K. LOU), J.W. LI, H. QIN, Aldrin K.Y. YIM, L.Y. Lo, Bing Ni,
K.S. Leung, Stephen K.W. TSUI, and T.F. CHAN, "Detection of splicing
events and multiread locations from RNA-seq data based on a
geometric-tail (GT) distribution of intron length", BMC Bioinformatics,
2011.07.27, Vol.12 suppl.5 S2.
- Y Liang and KS Leung "Genetic
Algorithm with adaptive elitist-population strategies for multimodal
function optimization", Applied Soft Computing 11 (2011) 2017–2034
- Leung, KS, (Wong, KC),
(Chan, TM), Wong, MH, Lee, KH, Lau, CK,
Tsui, Stephen, "Discovering
Protein-DNA Binding Sequence Patterns Using
Association Rule Mining," Nucleic
Acids Research. , 2010, 38(19), pp. 6324-6337. (IF:10.162)
Among NAR Top Articles - Computational Biology, as in Oct-Dec 2011
- (S.K. Lou)†, (B. Ni)†, L.Y. Lo, Stephen K.W. Tsui, T.F. Chan and
Leung, "ABMapper:
a suffix array-based tool for multi-location
searching and splice-junction mapping", Bioinformatics, Oxford Journal,
2010.02.01 †co-1st authors (IF: 7.307)
- (T.M. Chan), (G. Li), K.S. Leung and K.H.Lee, Discovering
multiple realistic TFBS motifs based on a generalized model, BMC Bioinformatics, 2009, 10:321.

- (G. Li), (T.M. Chan), K.S. Leung and K.H.Lee, A
Cluster Refinement Algorithm for Motif Discovery, IEEE/ACM Transaction on
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. pp.654-668., 2010.10.01
- KS Leung,
KH Lee, (JF
Wang), (Eddie
YT Ng), Henry LY Chan, Stephen KW Tsui, Tony SK Mok, C.H. Tse,
Joseph JY
Sung, “Data
Mining on DNA Sequences
of Hepatitis B Virus”. IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. vol.8
no.2, pp.428-40. 2011.03.
- (Chan, T.M.), Leung, K.S., and Lee, K.H., “ TFBS identification based on genetic algorithm with
combined representations and adaptive post-processing.” Bioinformatics, Vol.24,
No.3, pp341-349, Oxford Journals, Feb 2008. (IF: 7.307)

- (Rong Yang), Z.Y. Wang, P.A. Heng, and K.S. Leung, “Fuzzified
Choquet integral with fuzzy-valued integrand and its application on
temperature prediction,” IEEE Trans.
SMCB, Vol.38, no.2, pp367-380, April 2008.
- (S. M. Cheang), K. H. Lee and K.S. Leung “Applying Genetic
Parallel Programming to Synthesize Combinational Logic Circuits,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation, Vol.11, No.4, pp.503-520,
August 2007. (IF: 10.629)
- (Rong Yang), Z.Y. Wang, P.A. Heng, and K.S. Leung,
“Classification of
Heterogeneous Fuzzy Data by Choquet Integral With
Fuzzy-Valued Integrand”, IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy
Systems, Vol.15, No5, pp.931-942, Oct 2007. (IF: 7.671)
- Joseph JY Sung, KW Tsui, CH Tse, Eddie YT Ng, KS Leung, KH Lee,
Tony SK Mok, A. Bartholomeusz, CC Au, S Locarnini, Henry LY Chan “Genotype-Specific
Genomic Markers Associated with Primary Hepatoma
Based on Complete Genomic Sequencing of Hepatitis B Virus,” Journal
of Virology, vol.82, no.7, pp3604-3611, Apr. 2008.( IF:4.648) (GWAS paper)
- L. Zhu,
C.H. Tse, Vincent W.S. Wong, Angel M.L. Chim, K.S. Leung, Henry
LY Chan “A Complete Genomic Analysis Of Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes And
Mutations In Hbeag-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B In China,” The Journal
of Viral Hepatitis, 2008;15(6):449-458. (IP 3.307)
- Henry L.Y. Chan, C.H. Tse, (Eddie Y.T. Ng), K.S. Leung , K.H.
K.W. Tsui , Joseph J. Y. Sung “Phylogenetic, Virological and Clinical
Characteristics of Genotype C Hepatitis B Virus with TCC at Codon 15 of
the Precore Region,” Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Vol.44, No.3,
pp.681-687, (impact factor 4.232, 23 of 119 in
- (S. M. Tse), Y. Liang, K. S. Leung, K. H. Lee and Tony S. K. Mok,
"A Memetic
Algorithm for Multiple Drugs Cancer Chemotherapy Schedule
Optimization," IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B, vol. 37, no. 1,
pp.84-91, Feb. 2007. (IF: 7.384)
- Z. Wang, K.S. Leung, and G. J. Klir, “Integration on finite
sets,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 21 (10),
1073-1092, 2006
- K.S. Leung, Irwin King, and (Y.B. Wong) “A probabilistic
cooperative-competitive hierarchical model for global optimization.”
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 175 (2006) 1092-1124
- (S. M. Cheang), K.S. Leung and K. H. Lee “Genetic Parallel
Programming: Design and Implementation,” Evolutionary Computation
(MIT-Press), Vol. 14 Issue 2, pp. 129-156, 2006
- (Liang
Y.), Leung K.S. and Tony Mok S.K. "A Novel Evolutionary Drug
Scheduling Model in Cancer Chemotherapy," IEEE Transactions on
Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol.10, No.2, pp.237-245, April,
- P.A. Heng, T.T. Wong, (R. Yang), Y.P. Chui, Y M, Xie, K.S. Leung
and P.C. Leung, “Intelligent Interfering and Haptic Simulation for
Chinese Acupuncture Learning and Training,” IEEE Transactions on Information
Technology in Biomedicine, Vol.10, No.1, pp.28-41, Jan., 2006.
- (H.-D.
Jin), M.-L. Wong, and K.-S. Leung, “Scalable Model-based
Clustering for Large Databases Based on Data Summarization”, IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 27, no
11, pp.1710-1719, Nov. 2005. (IF: 8.329)
- (Y.Liang)
and K.S.Leung, “Evolution Strategies with
Exclusion-based Selection Operators and a Fourier Series Auxiliary
Function”, Applied Mathematics and Computation,
174, pp.1080-1109, 2006.
- Z. Wang, (Rong Yang), P. Heng, and K.S. Leung, “Real-valued
Choquet integrals with fuzzy-valued integrand”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
Vol.157, No. 2, pp, 256-269, Jan. 2006.
- (Rong Yang), Z. Wang,
P.A. Heng, and K.S. Leung, “Fuzzy numbers and fuzzification of
Choquet integrals”, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 153 , 95-113, 2005.
- (H.-D. Jin), K.S. Leung, M.-L. Wong, and Z.-B. Xu, “Scalable
Model-based Clustering of Large Data Sets: Working on Clustering
Features,” Pattern Recognition, Vol.38, pp.637-649, 2005.
- M.L. Wong and K.S. Leung, "An Efficient Data Mining Method for
Learning Bayesian Network Using an Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Hybrid
Approach", IEEE Transactions
on Evolutionary Computation, Vol.8, No.4,
pp.378-404, August 2004. (IF: 10.629)
- K.S. Leung, (Z.Y. Zhu) and Xu Z.B. “Multi-Objective Optimization
Using Non-dominated Sorting Annealing Genetic Algorithms,” Asian
Information-Science-Life, Vol1, No.3, pp.211-230, 2003
- M.L. Wong, ( S. Y. Lee) and K.S. Leung "Data Mining of Bayesian
Networks Using Cooperative Co-evolution" Decision Support Systems
and Electronic Commerce. 38, pp. 451-472.
- (Y.Y. Wong), K.H. Lee, K.S.
Leung, (C.W.
Ho.) "A novel approach in parameter adaptation and diversity
for genetic algorithm." Soft Computing, Vol.7, No.8, pp.506-515, August
- (Y.W. Lee), K.S. Leung, and
"Operation Shipping for Mobile File Systems", IEEE Transactions on
Computers. Vol.51, No.12 pp.1410-1422, December 2002
- K.S. Leung, M.L. Wong, W.
Wang and K.B. Xu "Learning Nonlinear Multiregression Networks Based on
Evolutionary Computation", IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and
Part B, Vol.32, No.5, pp.630-644, October 2002. (IF: 7.384)
- (Y.Y. Wong), K.S. Leung, and
K.H. Lee
"Stochastic load balancing algorithm for i-Computing," Concurrency and
Computation: Practice and Experience, 15(1), 55-78, Jan. 2003.
- (Xu K.B.), Wang Z.Y., Wong M.L. and Leung K.S. "Discover
Among Attributes By Using A New Type of Nonlinear Regression"
Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 16, pp.949-962, John Wiley &
- (Y.C. Wong), K.S. Leung and C.K. Wong, "Simulated
Algorithms for the Studies of the Thermoelastic Scaling Behavior" IEEE
Transaction on System, Man, Cybernetic. Vol.30, No.4, pp.506-516, Nov.
2000. (IF: 7.384)
- Wong M. L., Leung K. S., and Cheng J. C. Y. "Discovering
from Noisy Databases using Genetic Programming," Journal of the
Society for Information Science, Vol.51, No.9, pp.870-881, 2000.
- Wang Z.Y. , Leung K.S. and Wang J., "A genetic
for determining nonadditive set functions in information fusion," Fuzzy
Sets and Systems. 102 (1999), pp.463-469.
- Y. Leung, Leung K. S. and J. Z. He. "A generic
geographical information system". International Journal of
Information Science, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.475-498, Taylor &
Ltd, May1999
- Wong M.L., W. Lam and Leung K.S., "Using Evolutionary
and Minimum Description Length Principle for Data Mining of Bayesian
Networks" IEEE Transactions
on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Vol.21, No.2,
1999. (IF: 8.329)
- Leung K. S., Lee K.H., & (Wong Y.Y.), "DJM: a Global
Virtual Machine on Internet", Software - Practice and Experience,
pp.1269-1297, Oct 1998.
- Wong M. L., Lam W., Leung K. S., Ngan P. S., and Cheng,
J. C.
"Discovering Knowledge from Medical Databases Using Evolutionary
Algorithms" IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine. Vol.19, No.4, pp.45-55,
- (Li Y.Y.), (Cheung S.K.), Leung K.S. and Wong C.K.,
Constructions in ?3-Metric", IEEE Transaction on Circuits and
Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 45, No. 5, May 1998.
- Wong M.L. and Leung K.S. "Evolutionary Program Induction
by Logic Grammars" - Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 5, No. 2.,
MIT Press, 1997
- A. Albrecht, (S.K. Cheung), K.C. Hui, Leung K.S.,
Wong. "Optimal Placements of Flexible Objects Part I (Analytical
for the Unbounded Case)" - IEEE Transactions on Computers,
No.8, pp.890-904, Aug., 1997.
- A. Albrecht, (S.K. Cheung), K.C. Hui, LeungK.S., and C.K.
"Optimal Placements of Flexible Objects Part II (A Simulated Annealing
Approach for the Bounded Case)", IEEE Transactions on
Vol.46, No.8, pp.905-929, Aug.,1997.
- (Chan W.K.), Leung K.S. and Wong W.S., "An Oject-Oriented
Based System for Image Diagnosis", Applied Artificial Intelligence,
published by Francis & Taylor, Vol.10, No.5, pp.407-438, 1996.
- Leung K.S., (Ji H. B.) and Leung Y. "Adaptive Weighted
Learning Associative Memory" - IEEE Transactions on System,
and Cybernetics, Vol.27, No.3, pp.533-543, June 1997. (IF: 7.384)
- (Wong, M. L.) and Leung, K.S. (1995). "Evolving recursive
for the even-parity problem using genetic programming." In P. J.
and K. E. Kinnear, Jr. (Eds.) Advances in Genetic Programming 2.,
Chapter 11, pp.221-240, MA: MIT Press, 1996.
- (Chan W.K.), Leung K. S. and Wong W.S. "An Expert System
Detection of Cervical Cancer Cells Using Knowledge-Based Image
Analyser", Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine, 8, pp.67-90, 1996, published by Elsevier
- 张文修, 徐宗本, 梁怡, 梁广锡 包
含度理论 模糊系统与数学 10 (4), 1-9, 1996
- (Wong M.L.) and Leung K. S., "Genetic Logic Programming
- IEEE Expert, pp.68-76, Vol.10, No.5, Oct 1995
- Yam Y. and Leung K. S., Future Directions of Fuzzy
Systems, published by World Scientific Publishing as a monograph,
- Leung K.S. and (So Y.T.), "Consistency Checking for
Systems" - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,
No.3, pp.263-282, Oct., 1993, North-Holland, U.S.A.
- Leung Y. and Leung K. S., "An Intelligent Expert System
Knowledge-Based Geographic Information Systems: 1, The Tools" - International
Journal of Geographical Information Systems, Taylor & Francis
U.K., Vol.7, No.3, pp.189-199, 1993.
- Leung Y. and Leung K. S., "An Intelligent Expert System
Knowledge-Based Geographic Information Systems: 2, Some Applications" -
Journal of Geographical Information Systems, Taylor & Francis
U.K., Vol.7, No.3, pp.201-213, 1993.
- Leung K.S., (Fan Y.) and (Young F.Y.), "A Chinese
Based on Fuzzy Logic and Object-Oriented Approach" - Computer
of Chinese and Oriental Languages - An International Journal of the
Chinese Language Computer Society, World Scientific Publishing, Vol.6,
No.2, pp.205-219, Dec., 1992, Canada.
- K.S. Leung and (M.H. Wong), "Fuzzy Concepts in an Object
Expert System Shell", International Journal of Intelligent Systems,
Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 171-192, published by John Wiley, N.Y., USA, Feb.
- K.S. Leung and (M.L. Wong), "Automatic Refinement of
Knowledge Bases
with Fuzzy Rules", Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol.4, No.4,
Butter worth-Heinemann, Oxford, U.K., Dec. 1991.
- K.S. Leung and (M.L. Wong), "Inducing and Refining
Rule-based Knowledge
from Inexact Examples", Knowledge Acquisition, Vol.3, No.3,
Academic Press, London, Sept. 1991.
- Leung K.S. and (Wong M.L.), "AKARS-1: An Automatic
and Refinement System" - Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based
IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1991.
- Wong W.S., Leung K. S. and (So Y.T.), "The Recent
Evaluation of A Medical Expert System (ABVAB)" - International
of Bio-Medical Computing, Vol.25, No.2, pp.223-329, April, 1990.
- (Wong M.H). and Leung K. S., "A Fuzzy Database-Query
- Information
Systems, Pergamon Press, Vol.15, No.5, pp.583-590, Oct., 1990.
(Fuzzy Query Language)
- K.S. Leung and (M.H. Wong), "An Expert System Shell
Knowledge : An Object Oriented Approach", IEEE
Vol.23, No.3, pp. 38-47, March 1990.
- Leung K.S., (Wong M.H.) and (Lam W.), "A Fuzzy Expert
Database System"
- Data & Knowledge Engineering, North-Holland, Vol.4, No.4,
pp.287-304, Dec., 1989.
- Lee K.H., Leung K. S. and (Cheang S.M.), "A
Processor for Personal Computers" - IEEE MICRO, Vol.10,
pp.50-61, Aug., 1990.
- Leung K.S., Lee K.H. and (Cheang S.M.), "List Processing
Intelligence Applications" - Microprocessing and Microprogramming -
The Euromicro Journal, Vol.26, No.4, pp.271-287, Dec., 1989.
- K.S. Leung and (W. Lam), "A Fuzzy Expert System Shell
Exact and Inexact Reasoning", Journal of Automated Reasoning,
by D. Reidel Publishing Co., Holland, Vol.5, No.2, pp.207-233, June
- Leung K.S., Wong W.S. and (Lam W.), "Applications of a
Expert System Shell" - Expert Systems: The International Journal of
Knowledge Engineering, Vol.6, No.1, pp.2-10, Feb., 1989.
- Leung K.S., Wong W.S. and (Lam W.), "The Development of
Computer System on Medical Consultation" - International Journal of
Bio-Medical Computing, Vol.23, No.3, pp.265-278, Dec., 1988.
- Leung
K.S. and (Lam W.), "Fuzzy Concepts in Expert
COMPUTER, Vol.21, No.9, pp.43-56, Sept., 1988.
International Conference & Other Refereed Publications (student)
- (Shuai Li), W Chen, S Li, KS Leung. “Improved Algorithm on Online Clustering of Bandits “. Accepted in IJCAI 2019.
- (S
Lai), CH Lo, KS Leung, Y Leung. “CUHK at MRP 2019: Transition-Based
Parser with Cross-Framework Variable-Arity Resolve Action”. Proceedings
of the Shared Task on Cross-Framework Meaning Representation; 2019; https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/K19-2010.pdf
- (PK
Wong), ML Wong, KS Leung. “Probabilistic grammar-based deep
neuroevolution”. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference Companion; 2019; https://doi.org/10.1145/3319619.3326778
- (PK
Wong), ML Wong, KS Leung. “ Semantic fitness function in genetic
programming based on semantics flow analysis”. Proceedings of the
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion; 2019; https://doi.org/10.1145/3319619.332196
- (R Wang), (S Li), MH Wong, KS Leung. "Drug-Protein-Disease
Association Prediction and Drug Repositioning Based on Tensor
Decomposition". 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics
and Biomedicine (BIBM'18); 305-312; 2018.
- WC Wong, (S Lai), W Lam, KS Leung. "Guiding Approximate Text Classification Rules via Context Information". Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, 133-139; 2018.
- (P Liu), KS Leung. "Accelerating
Drug Discovery Using Convolution Neural Network Based Active
Learning".TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2005-2010; 2018.
- (S Lai), KS Leung, Y Leung. "SUNNYNLP
at SemEval-2018 Task 10: A Support-Vector-Machine-Based Method for
Detecting Semantic Difference using Taxonomy and Word Embedding
Features". Proceedings of The 12th International Workshop on Semantic
Evaluation, 741-746; 1; 2018.
- (PK Wong), ML Wong, KS Leung. Long-Short Term Memory Network for RNA
Structure Profiling Super-Resolution. International Conference on Theory and
Practice of Natural Computing, 255-266; 2017
- (KK
Tong), KS Leung, Y Leung. “A system for personalized health care with
ECG and EEG signals for analysis”. International Smart Cities
Conference (ISC2), 1-6; 2017
- (PK Wong), ML Wong, KS Leung. Learning grammar rules in
probabilistic Grammar-based Genetic Programming. International Conference on
Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, 208-220; 2016
- (WY Yi), KS Leung, Y Leung, ML Meng, T Mak. Modular
sensor system (MSS) for urban air pollution monitoring. SENSORS, 2016 IEEE,
1-3; 2016
- (MC Yuen), I King, KS Leung. An Online-Updating Approach
on Task Recommendation in Crowdsourcing Systems. International Conference on
Neural Information Processing, 91-101; 2016
- (PK Wong), ML Wong, KS Leung. Hierarchical Knowledge in
Self-Improving Grammar-Based Genetic Programming. International Conference on
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 270-280; 2016
- E.S Annie Lee,( HY Sze-To), MH Wong, KS Leung, Terrence CK Lau,
Andrew K. C. Wong, “Discovering Protein-DNA Binding Cores by Aligned
Pattern Clustering”. 2014 IEEE International Conference on
Bioinformatics and Biomedicine ( BIBM'14),
pp.125-130, Nov, 2014.
- (PK Wong), (LY Lo), ML Wong, KS Leung, “Grammar-based genetic
programming with dependence learning and Bayesian network classifier”.
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Genetic and evolutionary
computation, GECCO 2014,
pp.959-966, ACM.
- (PY Wong), TM Chan, MH Wong, KS Leung,"Predicting Approximate
Protein-DNA Binding Cores Using Association Rule Mining" ICDE 2012 (International Conference
on Data Engineering), Washinton DC, USA, 2012.04.01 (pp.965-976 )
- (PY Wong), TM Chan,
MH Wong and KS Leung, Efficient
Algorithm for Mining Correlated Protein-DNA Binding Cores, In
Proceedings of the DASFAA 2012, pp. 470-481.
- (Hongjian Li), KS Leung, MH
Wong: idock: A multithreaded virtual screening
for flexible ligand docking. CIBCB
2012: 77-84
- (CM Tse), (Hongjian Li), KS
Leung, KH Lee, MH Wong: Interactive Drug Design in
Virtual Reality. IV
2011: 226-231
- (Hongjian Li), (B Ni), MH Wong,
KS Leung: A fast CUDA implementation of agrep
algorithm for approximate nucleotide sequence matching. SASP
2011: 74-77
- (B Ni), (LY Lo), KS Leung,
“A generalized sequence pattern matching algorithm using complementary
dual-seeding”. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics &
Biomedicine (BIBM 2010),
- TM Chan, KH Lee, KS
Leung, Pietro Lio', Generic Spaced DNA Motif Discovery Using Genetic
Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation (CEC 2010), pp. 2647-2654.
- (LY Lo), (TM Chan),
KH Lee, KS Leung, Challenges Rising from Learning Motif Evaluation
Functions Using Genetic Programming. In GECCO 10: Proceedings of
the 2010 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pp.
- (G Li), (TM Chan),
KS Leung and KH Lee, An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Motif
Discovery. In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation (CEC 2008), IEEE Press, 2008, pp. 2416-2423.
- (TM Chan), KS
Leung, KH Lee, TFBS identification by position- and consensus-led
genetic algorithm with local filtering. In GECCO 07: Proceedings of
the 2007 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pp.
- (Wenye Li), K. S. Leung and K. H. Lee, Large-scale RLSC Learning
Without Agony, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on
Machine Learning (ICML 2007),
pp. 529-536, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 20-24 June 2007.
- (Wenye Li), K. S. Leung and K. H. Lee, Generalizing the Bias Term
of Support Vector Machines, Proceedings of the 12th International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI07)
(Volume one), pp. 919 – 924, Hyderabad, India, 6-12 January 2007.
- (Wenye Li), K. H. Lee and K. S. Leung, Generalized Regularized
Least-Squares Learning with Predefined Features in a Hilbert Space,
Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Neural Information
Processing Systems (NIPS2006),
5-7 December, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, pp 881-888.
- KS Leung,YT Ng, KH Lee, LY Chan, KW Tsui, Tony Mok, CH Tse,
Joseph Sung, "Data Mining on DNA Sequences of Hepatitis B Virus by
Nonlinear Integrals" Proceedings Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Fuzzy
Systems & Innovational Computing, 3rd meeting, pp.1-10 Aug 2006,
Japan (Keynote Speech)
- (Y. Liang), K. S. Leung and Tony S. K. Mok, Automating the Drug
Scheduling with Different Toxicity Metabolism in Cancer Chemotherapy
via Evolutionary Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(GECCO2006: ACM International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference), Seattle, WA, USA, July 2006, (nomination for best paper award)
- (W.H. Shum), K.S. Leung, and M.L. Wong, "Learning Functional
Dependency Networks based on Genetic Programming" ICDM'05, the
proceedings The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM),
pp.394-401, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., November 27-30, 2005, the
IEEE Computer Society Press. (full paper, acceptance rate: 10.95%)
- (W.S. Lau), (Gang Li), K.H. Lee, K.S. Leung and Sin Man Cheang,
“Multi-logic-Unit Processor: A Combinational Logic Circuit Evaluation
Engine for Genetic Parallel Programming”, Proceedings of EuroGP 2005:
167-177, 2005
- (LIANG Yong), Leung K.S. and Mok Tony.
"Evolutionary Drug Scheduling Model for Cancer Chemotherapy."
Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Part I)
- GECCO 2004, (also as Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
3102), pp. 1126-1137, Germany, (Nomination
for best paper award at
International Conference GECCO-2004. ) 2004.06.
- (Cheang S. M.), Lee K.H. and Leung K. S. "Designing Optimal
Combinational Digital Circuits Using a Multiple Logic Unit Processor."
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference (EuroGP 2004) (also in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 3003) "Maarten
Keijzer, Una-May O'Reilly, Simon M. Lucas, Ernesto Costa, Terence Soule
(Eds.)" Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 23-34,
Germany, 2004.04
- (H.D. Jin), K.S. Leung and M.L. Wong, “Scalable Model-Based
Clustering by Working on Data Summaries,” The IEEE Int. Conf. on Data
Mining- (ICDM 2003, , Regular paper, acceptance rate 11.6%),
pp.91-98, USA, Nov 2003
- K.S.Leung & (Y.Liang) "Adaptive
Elitist-population Based Genetic Algorithm for Multimodal Function
Proceeding of International Conference GECCO-2003, pp.1160-1171, July
2003 ( Nomination for best paper
award at International Conference
- Leung K.S. and (Liang Y.) “Evolution Strategies with a Fourier
Series Auxiliary Function for Difficult Function Optimization” .”
Proceedings of The 4th Int. Conf. On Intelligent Data Engineering and
Automated Learning- IDEAL 2003, pp.303-312, March 2003, LNCS 2690.
(regular paper, 29% acceptance rate)
- (Shum W.H.), (Jin H.D.), Leung, K.S. and Wong, M.L. (2002). “A
Self-Organizing Map with Expanding Force for Data Clustering and
Visulization.” Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Data
Mining (ICDM), pp434-441,
Japan. (regular paper, 19.6% acceptance rate)
- Wong, M.L., (Lee, S.Y.), and Leung, K.S. (2002). “A Hybrid
Approach to Discover Bayesian Networks from Databases Using
Evolutionary Programming.” Proceedings of the 2002 International
Conference on Data Mining (ICDM),
pp498-505, Japan. (regular paper,
19.6% acceptance rate)
- K.S. Leung, K.H. Lee, and (S.M. Cheang),"Genetic Parallel
Programming -
Evolving Linear Machine Codes on a Multi-ALU Processor," The Int. Conf.
on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology ICAIET-2002,
Malaysia, 17-18 June 2002.
- (Liang Y.), Leung K.S., "Two-way Mutation Evolution
2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'02) (accepted).
- (Z.Y Zhu) & K.S. Leung, "Asynchronous Self-Adjustable Island
Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems," 2002 Congress on
Evolutionary Computation (CEC'02), May 12-17, 2002, USA.
- (Z.Y. Zhu) & K.S. Leung, "An Enhanced Annealing Genetic
Multi-Objective Optimization Problems," Genetic and Evolutionary
Conference 2002 (GECCO-2002), July 9-13,2002, NY, USA.
- Wong, M.L., (Lee, S.Y.), and Leung, K.S. (2002). "A Hybrid Data
Approach to Discover Bayesian Networks Using Evolutionary
Proceedings of the 2002 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
- Wong, M. L., (Lee, S. Y.), and Leung, K. S. (2002). A Hybrid
Learn Bayesian Networks Using Evolutionary Programming. Proceedings of
2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation.
- K.S. Leung, K.H. Lee, and (S.M. Cheang), "Balancing Samples'
on GA Learning," The Int. Conf. on Evolvable Systems: From Biology to
ICES2001, Tokyo, Japan, 3-5 October 2001.
- (Zhu Z.Y.) and Leung K.S. "Non-dominated Sorting Annealing
for Multi-objective Optimization Problems," Proceedings of the
Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics & Autonomous
2001), pp.1-6, 28-30 Nov. 2001, Singapore.
- (Jin Huidong), Leung Kwong Sak, Wong Man Leung, " Genetic-guided
Clustering Algorithms," Proceedings of the International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'2001) Vol. II, pp.653-659 CSREA Press,
July, 2001
- (Liang Y.), Leung K.S. and Xu Z.B., "Fast-GA: A Genetic Algorithm
Exclusion-based Selections" Proceedings of 2001 WSES
Conference on: Evolutionary Computations (EC'01), pp.638(1)-638(6),
Also appears as a book chapter in Advances in Fuzzy Systems &
Computation, (Ed. N. Mastorakis), pp.311-316, Feb 2001.
- (Yue H.Y.), King I. and Leung K.S., "Fuzzy Clustering Method for
Indexing" Proceedings of International Conference on Fuzzy Sets and
Systems (FSFS '01), pp.541(1)-(6), Spain. Also appears as a book
chapter in Advances in Fuzzy Systems & Evolutionary Computation,
N. Mastorakis), pp.138-143, Feb 2001.
- (JIN H.D.), Leung K.S. and Wong M.L., "An Integrated
for the Travelling Salesman Problem" Proceedings of International
Conference on: Neural Networks and Applications (NNA '01),
Also appears as a book chapter in Advances in Neural Networks and
(Ed. N. Mastorakis), pp.235-240, Feb 2001.
- (Zhu Z.Y.) and Leung K. S., "Exclusion-based Cooperative
Algorithm" 2001 WSES International Conference on Evolutionary
(EC'01) pp.637(1)-637(6), 2.2001.
- (JIN H.D.), Leung K.S. and Wong M.L., "An Integrated
for the Traveling Salesman Problem" International Conference on:
Neural Networks and Applications (NNA '01)), pp.428(1)-(6). Also
as a book chapter in Advances in Neural Networks and Applications, (Ed.
N. Mastorakis), pp.235-240, Feb 2001.
- (Jin H.D), Leung K.S., Wong M.L., "A Genetic Algorithm-Guided
Clustering Algorithm" In Proceedings of 2000 Genetic & Evolutionary
Computation Conference (Late breaking papers), pp.133-140, U.S.A.,
- Leung K.S., Wong M.L., and W. Lam and Jack Cheng. "Applying
Computation to Discover Knowledge from Medical Databases" (Invited
International Workshop on Evolutionary Computation, April 2000,
- (Jin H.D), Leung K.S., Wong M.L., "Designing an Expanded SOM for
Salesman Problem by Genetic Algorithms " In Proceedings of 2000 Genetic
& Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp.1097, U.S.A., July, 2000.
- (Y.C. Wong), K.S. Leung, and C.K. Wong, "Computation of
Properties of Materials using Percolation Networks" In
of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Computing, pp.33-37, U.S.A., Aug. 1999.
- (C.W.Ho), K.H.Lee, and K.S.Leung "A Genetic Algorithm Based on
and Crossover with Adaptive Probabilities," Proceedings of 1999
on Evolutionary Computation, pp.768-775. IEEE, U.S.A., July 1999.
- (Lee Y.W.), Leung K.S. and M Satyanarayanan
Propagation in a Mobile File System" Proceedings of 1999 USENIX
Technical Conference, pp.43-56, U.S.A., June 1999.
- (Yuk-Yin Wong), Kin-Hong Lee, Kwong-Sak Leung. "A Stochastic
Balancing Algorithm for Internet Computing Environment".
of The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'99), Vol. V, pp.2587-2593,
Press, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 1999.06.28
- Leung K.S., Wong T. and King I. "Probabilistic
Hierarchical Modeling for Global Optimization" Proceedings of the 5th
Conference on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems,
Oct, 1998.
- Leung K.S., Wong T. and King I. "Probabilistic
Hierarchical Modeling as a Genetic Operator in Global Optimization"
of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetic
Oct, 1998. (IF: 7.384)
- Ngan P. S.,. Wong M. L, Leung K. S. and Cheng J. C. Y. "Using
Genetic Programming for Data Mining of Medical Knowledge." Genetic
1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, pp.254-259, USA, July
- Lam W., Wong M. L., Leung K. S. and Ngan P. S.. "Discovering
Knowledge from Databases Using Evolutionary Computation and Minimum
Length Principle." Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third
Conference, pp.786-794, USA, July 1998.
- Leung K.S. and Zhenyuan Wang, A new nonlinear integral used for
fusion, Proc. WCCI'98 (1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational
802-807., USA.
- Leung, K. S., Wong, M. L., Lam, W., and Wang, Z. Y.. Discovering
Integral Networks from Databases Using Evolutionary Computation and
Description Length Principle. Proceedings of IEEE International
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetic pp.2326-2331, Oct 1998.
- (S. K. Cheung), K. S. Leung, A. Albrecht, and C. K. Wong,
of flexible objects: An adaptive simulated annealing approach,'' in
of the Fifth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From
Nature (PPSN V) , pp.968-977, Sept 1998.
- Wang Z.Y., Leung K.S. and Wang J. "Genetic Algorithms Used for
Belief Measures and Plausibility Measures," Annual Meeting of the North
American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS'97), pp.195-198,
New York, U.S.A., IEEE, September 1997.
- (Cheung S.K.), Leung K.S., Albrecht A. and Wong C.K.
of Flexible Objects: An Evolutionary Programming Approach" -
of the Seventh International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Michigan
State University, (ICGA97), pp. 583—590, 1997.
- Wang Z.Y., Leung K.S. and Wang J. "Genetic algorithms used for
Nonadditive Set Functions in Information Fusion" - Proceedings of
International Fuzzy Systems Association world Congress, pp.518-521,
Prague, June 1997.
- Leung K. S., Lee K.H. and (Lau C.K.) "A Fuzzy-Logic
Multimedia Chinese
Dictionary Shell" In the Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary
on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, U.S.A., pp.239-246,
- (Ji H. B.), Leung K. S. and Leung Y. "Gaussian
Memory" In the Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International
on Neural Networks. pp.1761-1766, December, 1995.
- (Wong, M. L.) and Leung, K. S. (1995). "Combining Genetic
and Inductive Logic Programming using Logic Grammars." In the
of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computing,
Vol.2, pp.733-736, Dec., 1995.
- (Wong, M. L.) and Leung, K. S. (1995). "Applying Logic
to Induce sub- functions in Genetic Programming." In the Proceedings of
the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computing,
Vol.2, pp.737- 740, Dec., 1995.
- (Wong, M. L.) and Leung, K. S., "An Adaptive Inductive
System using Genetic Programming." In Proceedings of the Fourth
Conference on Evolutionary Programming, San Diego, USA, pp.737-752,
MA:MIT Press. March, 1995.
- (Tang Y.C. Anthony) and Leung K. S., "A Modified Edge
Operator for the Travelling Salesman Problem" - Lecture Notes
Science, 866, pp.180-188, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature
- PPSN III, the International Conference on Evolutionary
Jeruselum, Israel, Oct 1994.
- (Wong, M. L.) and Leung, K. S., "Learning First-order
from Noisy Databases using Genetic Algorithms." In Proceedings of the Second
Singapore International Conference on Intelligent Systems,
Nov. 1994.
- Leung K.S., Ji H.B. and Leung Y., "Weighted
Associative Memory with Adaptive Algorithms" - Proceedings of the IASTED
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems and
Neural Networks, pp.100-105, Zurich, Switzerland, July 1994.
- Leung K.S. and Leung Y., "Fuzzy Knowledge-Based Systems:
and Perspectives" - Workshop on the Future Directions of Fuzzy
and Systems, pp.A.1-16, Oct.,1993.
- Leung K.S., Leung Y., (So L.) and (Yam K.F.), "Rule
Expert Systems Using Genetic Algorithm: 1, Concepts" - Proceedings
the 2nd
International Conference on Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks, Japan,
July 17-22, 1992, pp201-204.
- Leung K.S., Leung Y., (So L.) and (Yam K.F.), "Rule
Expert Systems Using Genetic Algorithm: 2, Empirical Studies" -
of the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic & Neural
Japan, July 17-22, 1992, pp205-208.
summary (KS Leung)
We have a small research group
myself, Prof KH Lee, Prof MH Wong and some 8
research students, and collaborators from Department of
(Prof. Stephen Tsui), Department of Medicine & Therapeutic (Profs.
Sung and Prof. Henry LY Chan), and Department of Clinical Oncology
(Prof Tony
Prof. Hsiang-Fu KUNG, Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
Prof. Marie Chia-Mi LIN, Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital
Prof. Pang-Chui SHAW, School of Biomedical Sciences
Research Fields: Evolutionary Computation, Data
mining, and
Representative Projects and Results:
Finding DNA
Markers of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
- Supported
by an ITF grant of over $4.4 million+ 2 million from drug industry and
other small grants
- Cross
departmental project and top international collaborators
- Largest
project of its type
- Impact:
Over 20% and 10% of Mainland and Hong Kong Populations are carriers and
will turn into lever cancer. About 1 million people died of related
diseases worldwide each year.
We found some significant markers which can be used to diagnosis
potential lever
cancers caused by Hepatitis B with around 80% accuracy. Patents have been obtained through RTAO. A new approach
based on
Information Gain, non-linear integral and rule learning algorithms have
adapted to achieve this. New subtypes of HBV were also
(some more in the pipeline):
- KS Leung, KH Lee, (JF
Wang), (Eddie
YT Ng), Henry LY Chan, Stephen KW Tsui, Tony SK Mok, C.H. Tse,
Joseph JY
Sung, “Data
Mining on DNA Sequences
of Hepatitis B Virus”. IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. vol.8
no.2, pp.428-40. 2011.03.
- KS
Leung,YT Ng, KH Lee, LY Chan, KW Tsui, Tony Mok, CH Tse, Joseph Sung,
"Data Mining on DNA Sequences of Hepatitis B Virus by Nonlinear
Integrals" Proceedings Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Fuzzy Systems &
Innovational Computing, 3rd meeting, pp.1-10 Aug 2006, Japan (Keynote
- Joseph JY Sung, KW Tsui, CH Tse, Eddie
YT Ng, KS Leung, KH Lee, Tony SK Mok, A. Bartholomeusz, CC Au, S
Locarnini, Henry LY Chan “Genotype-Specific Genomic Markers Associated
with Primary Hepatoma Based on Complete Genomic Sequencing of Hepatitis
B Virus,” The Journal of Virology,
Vol.82, No.7, pp3604-3611, Apr. 2008. (IF 5.341).
- Chan HLY, Tsui SKW, Tse CH, Ng EYT, Au TCC,
Yuen L,
Bartholomeusz A, Leung KS, Lee KH, Locarnini S, Sung JJY.
Epidemiological and virological characteristics of two subgroups of
genotype C hepatitis C virus. J Infect Dis 2005;191:2022-32. (impact
factor: 4.943)
- Sung JJY, Tsui SKW, Tse CH, Ng
E, Leung KS, Lee KH, Mok TSK,
Bartholomeusz A, Chan HLY. Viral genomic marker associated with the
of hepatocellular carcinoma: A complete genomic sequence of hepatitis B
Gastroenterology 2005;128:A743. (Impact factor: 13.092)(abstract)
Henry L.Y. Chan, C.H. Tse, Eddie Y.T. Ng, K.S. Leung , K.H. Lee, K.W. Tsui , Joseph J. Y. Sung “Phylogenetic,
Virological and Clinical
Characteristics of Genotype C Hepatitis B Virus
With Tcc At Codon 15 Of The Precore Region,” Journal of
Clinical Microbiology, (impact factor 3.439) accepted
- ****DNA Patents****
Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing; LEUNG Kwong Sak;
Kam Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeline; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy and LEE Kin
Hong. "Genomic Markers of Hepatitis B Virus in
Carcinoma". United States Patent no.
US7439020B2. U.S.A, 2008.10.21.
Jao Yiu, Joseph; CHAN Lik Yuen, Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing, Stephen; LEUNG
Sak; MOK Shu Kam, Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeline; LEUNG Wai Yee, Nancy
and LEE
Kin Hong. "Genomic Markers of Hepatitis B Virus Associated with
Hepatocellular Carcinoma." United States
Patent no.
US7871780. U.S.A, 2011.01.18.
Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing; LEUNG Kwong Sak;
Kam Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeli; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy and LEE Kin Hong. "與肝細胞癌相關的乙型肝炎病毒基因組標志物".
Chinese Patent
no. ZL200510098674.0. China,
Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing; LEUNG Kwong Sak;
Kam Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeline; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy and LEE Kin Hong. "Genomic Markers of Hepatitis B Virus in
Hepatocellular Carcinoma 與肝細胞癌相關的乙型肝炎病毒基因組標志物".
Standard Patent no. HK1087440. Hong Kong
SAR, 2008.06.13.
Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing; LEUNG Kwong Sak;
Kam Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeli; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy and LEE Kin Hong. "與肝細胞癌相關的乙型肝炎病毒基因組標志物".
Chinese Patent
no. ZL200810004158.0. China,
Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing; LEUNG Kwong Sak;
Kam Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeline; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy and LEE Kin Hong. "Genomic Markers of Hepatitis B Virus in
Hepatocellular Carcinoma 與肝細胞癌相關的乙型肝炎病毒基因組標志物".
Standard Patent no. HK1120569. Hong Kong
SAR, 13 May 2011.
Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing; LEUNG Kwong Sak;
Kam Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeli; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy and LEE Kin Hong. "與肝細胞癌相關的乙型肝炎病毒基因組標志物".
Chinese Patent
no. ZL200810004159.5. China, 7 September
Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing; LEUNG Kwong Sak;
Kam Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeline; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy and LEE Kin Hong. "Genomic Markers of Hepatitis B Virus in
Hepatocellular Carcinoma 與肝細胞癌相關的乙型肝炎病毒基因組標志物".
Standard Patent no. HK1120570. Hong Kong
SAR, 3 February 2012.
Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing; LEUNG Kwong Sak;
Kam Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeli; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy and LEE Kin Hong. "與肝細胞癌相關的乙型肝炎病毒基因組標志物".
Chinese Patent
no. ZL200810004160.8. China, 8 December 2010.
Joseph Jao Yiu; CHAN Lik Yuen Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing; LEUNG Kwong Sak;
Kam Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeline; LEUNG Wai Yee Nancy and LEE Kin Hong. "Genomic Markers of Hepatitis B Virus in
Hepatocellular Carcinoma 與肝細胞癌相關的乙型肝炎病毒基因組標志物".
Standard Patent no. HK1120571. Hong Kong
SAR, 13 May 2011.
Jao Yiu, Joseph; CHAN Lik Yuen, Henry; TSUI Kwok Wing, Stephen; LEUNG
Sak; MOK Shu Kam, Tony; BARTHOLOMEUSZ Angeline; LEUNG Wai Yee, Nancy
and LEE
Kin Hong. "Genomic Markers of Hepatitis B Virus Associated with
Hepatocellular Carcinoma." World Intellectual Property Organization.
Publication number WO/2006/026931. 2006.03.16
Cancer Drug Scheduling (in time
sequences) for Chemotherapy
- We have created a
multi-mode (solutions), multi-drug optimizer for Cancer Chemotherapy,
so that
the Oncologist (Dr Mok) can have a choice of several (sub-)optimal
solutions to
consider for the patients. The approach is based on a new memetic
Algorithm working on a set of dynamic differential equations modelling
the drug
- Support by a RGC
Earmarked Grant
- (S. M.
Tse), Y. Liang, K. S. Leung, K. H. Lee
and Tony S. K. Mok, A Memetic Algorithm for Multiple Drugs Cancer
Chemotherapy Schedule Optimization, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man
and Cybernetics - Part B, vol. 37, no. 1, pp.84-91, Feb. 2007.
- (Liang Y.), Leung K.S. and Tony Mok S.K.. "A
Novel Evolutionary Drug Scheduling Model in Cancer Chemotherapy," IEEE
Transactions on Information
Technology in
Biomedicine, Vol.10, No.2, pp.237-245, April, 2006.
- (Sui
Man Tse), Yong Liang, K. S. Leung, K. H. Lee and
Tony Mok, “Multiple Drugs Cancer Chemotherapy Scheduling by a New
Optimization Algorithm”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on
Computation .
(3) Motif Discovery
and Gene Network Learning
- We have created a GA with combined representation of position and
concensus led algorithms. The realties on TFBS identification are
encouraging. We are now working on Gene Network Learning based on
this new approach.
- We managed to discover TF-TFBS binding core rules based only on
TRANSFAC data without using 3D infomration. This can help finding
targeted drugs and personal medicine
- T.M. Chan, K.S. Leung, K.H. Lee, M.H.
Wong 1, C.K. Lau , Stephen K.W. Tsui,
of Associated Protein-DNA (Transcription Factor-Transcription Factor
Binding Site) Patterns,
Nucleic Acids Research,
August 2012; doi: 10.1093/nar/gks749
-PY Wong, TM Chan, MH Wong, KS
Leung,"Predicting Approximate Protein-DNA Binding Cores Using
Association Rule Mining" ICDE 2012 (International Conference on Data
Engineering) (accepted)
- (Chan, T.M.), Leung, K.S., and Lee, K.H.,"Memetic Algorithms for
de novo Motif Discovery"
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation, 2011.(accepted)
T.M. Chan, K.C. Wong, K.H. Lee, M.H.
Wong, C.K. Lau, Stephen K.W. Tsui, K.S. Leung, Discovering approximate-associated sequence
patterns for protein-DNA interactions. Bioinformatics, 2011, 27(4), pp. 471-478.
- Leung, KS, (Wong, KC), (Chan, TM),
Wong, MH, Lee, KH, Lau, CK,
Tsui, Stephen, "
Protein-DNA Binding Sequence Patterns Using
Association Rule Mining,"
Acids Research. , pp.1-14, 6.2010, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq500.
- (Chan T.M.), (G. Li), K.S. Leung and
multiple realistic TFBS motifs based on a generalized model, BMC
Bioinformatics, 2009, 10:321
- (Chan, T.M.), Leung, K.S., and Lee,
K.H., “TFBS Identification Based on
Genetic Algorithm with Combined Representations and Adaptive
Bioinformatics, Vol.24, No.3, pp341-349, Oxford Journals, Feb
- (G. Li), (T.M. Chan), K.S. Leung and K.H.Lee,
Cluster Refinement Algorithm for Motif Discovery,
IEEE/ACM Transaction on
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (accepted)
- (Chan, T.M)., Leung, K.-S., and Lee, K.-H., "TFBS identification by
position- and consensus-led genetic algorithm with local filtering,"
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary
computation, London, England, 7-11 July 2007, (GECCO 07), pp.
- (LY Lo), ML Wong, KH Lee, KS Leung "High-order dynamic Bayesian
Network learning with hidden common causes for causal gene regulatory
BMC Boinformatics 16
(1), 1
- (LY Lo), ML Wong, KH Lee, KS Leung. "Time Delayed Causal Gene
Regulatory Network Inference with Hidden Common Causes".
PloS ONE, 2015, 10 (9), e0138596
- (Peter LY Lo), KS Leung and
KH Lee, "Inferring Time-Delayed Causal Gene Network using Time-series
Expression Data ",
Transaction on
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2015.Vol. 12, Issue 1,142-154
(4) Computer-aided
drug discovery and protein-ligand docking
- We have discovered several cancer drugs through drug repurposing.
- We have developed idock (https://Github.com/HongjianLi/idock
), a multithreaded virtual screening tool for flexible ligand docking.
It outperforms AutoDock Vina by at least 8.69 times and at most 37.51
times in terms of docking speed.
- We have also developed istar
), a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform for idock, igrep and other
programs. Users can submit jobs on the fly at our web site without
software installation.
- We are currently working on GPU acceleration and ligand synthesis.
- Collaborating with Professor Hsiang-Fu KUNG's research group, we
laboratory testing a newly discoveried peptide based vaccin for Hand,
Foot and Mouth disease with promising results.
- Applying patent: US
Provisional Application No. 61/863,172 filed on 7 August 2013
Title: Human Enterovirus 71
(EV71) Peptide
***Drug Patents***
- YF Liu, Lin Li, HJ Li, LH Gao, H Lin, X Liu, KS Leung, MH
Wong, Marie CM Lin, and Hsiang-Fu Kung.: “Application of olsalazine
sodium as a medicine for preventing and treating hyperuricemia and
gout.” Patent ID: ZL201610939874.2. Authorization announcement ID:
CN106344591B; 7 Sep 2018.
- XN Shi, Hsiang-fu Kung, KS Leung, HJ
Li, MH Wong, Marie CM Lin, X Liu and D Lu “New application of
vanoxerine dihydrochloride drug. Inventors:. Patent ID:
ZL201510905924.0. Authorization announcement ID: CN105434438B. 17 Sep
- XN Shi, Hsiang-fu Kung, HJ Li, KS Leung, MH Wong,
Marie CM Lin, X Liu, KB Ke, D Lu and Y Zhu. “Novel application of
aminoquinol.” Patent ID: ZL201610059333.0. Authorization announcement
ID: CN105640955B. 24 Dec 2019.
- XN Shi, Hsiang-fu Kung, HJ
Li, KS Leung, Man-Hon Wong, Marie Chia-mi Lin, Xu Liu and Di Lu “New
application of rafoxanide”. Inventors:. Application ID: 201610059096.8.
Application date: 28 Jan 2016. Publication ID: CN105687171A.
Publication date: 22 Jun 2016. (under review)
- HJ Li, KS Leung, MH Wong and PJ
Ballester. "USR-VS: a web server
for large-scale prospective virtual screening using ultrafast shape
recognition techniques".
Nucleic Acids Research, 2016.
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkw320
- HJ Li, KS Leung, MH Wong and PJ Ballester. "Correcting the impact
of docking pose generation error on binding affinity prediction".
Bioinformatics, 2016.
Manuscript accepted
- XN Shi,
HJ Li, H Yao,
X Liu, LLi, KS
Leung, HF Kung, D Lu, MH Wong, and Marie CM Lin. In silico
Identification and in vitro and in vivo Validation of Anti-Psychotic
Drug Fluspirilene as a Potential CDK2 Inhibitor and a Candidate
Anti-Cancer Drug.
PLoS ONE, 10(7):e0132072, 2015.
- HJ Li, KS Leung, MH
Wong and PJ. Ballester. Low-Quality Structural and Interaction Data
Improves Binding Affinity Prediction via Random Forest.
20(6):10947-10962, 2015.
- (HJ Li), KS Leung1, MH
Wong1 and PJ Ballester. “Improving AutoDock Vina Using Random
Forest: The Growing Accuracy of Binding Affinity Prediction by the
Effective Exploitation of Larger Data Sets.” Molecular Informatics,
Article first published online: 12 FEB 2015,
- XN Shi, (HJ L)i, H Yao, X Liu, L Li,
KS Leung, HF Kung, MH Wong, and Marie CM Lin. "Adapalene Inhibited the
Activity of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 in Colorectal Carcinoma".
Molecular Medicine Reports. (accepted)
- (HJ Li), KS Leung, MH Wong
and PJ Ballester,"Substituting Random Forest for Multiple Linear
Regression Improves Binding Affinity Prediction of Scoring Functions:
Cyscore as a Case Study", BMC
2014, 15(1):291
- (HJ Li), KS Leung, T Nakane
and MH Wong. "iview: an interactive WebGL visualizer for protein-ligand
complex". BMC
15(1):56, 2014.
- (HJ Li), KS Leung, P.
Ballester, MH Wong. "istar: A Web Platform for Large-Scale
Protein-Ligand Docking",
PLoS ONE 9(1): e85678, 2014.
- (Hongjian Li), Kwong-Sak Leung, and
Man-Hon Wong. idock: A Multithreaded Virtual Screening Tool for
Flexible Ligand Docking. 2012 IEEE Symposium on Computational
Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB),
pp.77-84, San Diego, United States, 9-12 May 2012. DOI:
- (Ching-Man Tse), (Hongjian Li),
Kwong-Sak Leung, Kin-Hong Lee, and Man-Hon Wong. Interactive Drug
Design in Virtual Reality. 15th International Conference on Information
Visualisation (IV), pp.226-231, London, United Kingdom, 13-15 July
2011. DOI: 10.1109/IV.2011.72
(5) Genetic
- Supported by 2 RGC Earmarked Grants
We have found that parallel programs can be
(learnt) faster than sequential ones and have developed a completely
new framework
to evolving parallel programs. It forms a brand new approach in the
field of
Genetic Programming. It has been used
successfully in many applications including hardware design. We have
exciting new results which can beat most of the existing
algorithms in small circuits’ synthesis. Hopefully we can scale it up!
(S. M. Cheang), K. H. Lee and K.S. Leung “Applying Genetic Parallel
Programming to Synthesize Combinational Logic Circuits,” IEEE
Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol.11, No.4,
August 2007.
- (Cheang S.M.), Leung K.S. and Lee K.H. “Genetic Parallel
Design and Implementation,” Evolutionary
Computation (MIT-Press) Vol.
14 Issue 2, pp. 129-156, 2006
(impact factor: 3.2)
Bayesian Network by a new Hybrid
- One of the fastest and most
accurate hybridised EA
algorithms for learning Bayesian networks
- Successfully applied in many
data mining problems
-M.L. Wong and K.S. Leung, "An Efficient Data Mining
Method for
Learning Bayesian Network
Using an Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Hybrid
Approach", IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation, Vol.8,
No.4, pp.378-404, August 2004.
(impact factor 3.688).
Wong, ( S. Y. Lee) and K.S. Leung "Data
Mining of Bayesian Networks Using Cooperative Co-evolution" Decision Support Systems. 38,
pp. 451-472. (1.46)
Integral for Data Mining
the issue of dependency of input
attributes successfully in data mining. It has the unique advantage of
the explicit dependencies among attributes as well as giving high
rates in classification.
K.B.), Wang Z.Y., Heng P.A.. and Leung K.S. “Classification by
Integral Projections” Special Issue on
Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining, IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, (Special issue on Fuzzy
Systems in
Discovery & Data
Mining), Vol.11, No.2, pp187-201,
April 2003.
- (Rong Yang), Z.Y. Wang, P.A. Heng, and
K.S. Leung, “Fuzzified
Choquet integral with fuzzy-valued integrand and its
application on
temperature prediction,” IEEE Trans.
SMCB, Vol.38, no.2, pp367-380,
April 2008.
- K.S. Leung, M.L. Wong, W. Lam, Z.Y. Wang
and (K.B. Xu ) "Learning Nonlinear Multiregression Networks Based on
Evolutionary Computation", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man
and Cybernetics Part B, Vol.32, No.5, pp.630-644,
October 2002.
New type of Bayesian Networks
We have invented a new Bayesian network that
addresses the functional relationship problem of the attributes.
Shum), K.S. Leung, and M.L. Wong, "Learning
Functional Dependency Networks based on Genetic Programming" ICDM'05,
proceedings The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, New
Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., November 27-30, 2005, the IEEE Computer
Press. (full paper, acceptance rate: 10.95%)
**Intelligent Sensor Patent**
(9) Project Management Experience
i. Senior Engineer, ERA Technology, England: Project leader for several international R&D projects (80-84)
ii. System Analyst, Central Electricity Generating Board, England: Responsible for planning, design and coding
of the software of electrical system and generators for nuclear power station real time simulator projects.(84-85)
iii. Managed and developed 8 major computer hardware and software systems) e.g.:
- PI: e-Health Platform with various health sensors such as wireless wearable ECG sensor with AI monitoring developed by our group
- Co-PI:
An integrated web-based air pollution decision support system with 10
different plug-and-play pollutant sensors, including PM2.5, CO2,
radiations, etc.
Our group will
move our attention to creating new algorithms for high impact real-life
problems such as gene networks acquisition, large scale data mining on
Transcription Factors and Transcription Factor Binding Sites, multiple gene sequence
marker extraction, and functional region identification problems. We
have been
working on new data structures, indexing and EAs with dynamic time
warping (DTW) to
solve these
problems. Prof MH Wong who is an expert in database and DTW has been
contributing in this new drive. We are working on real life
Genomic problems on Hepatitis-B, HIV and Diabetes. Drug/Ligand
discovery is also vigorously being pursued.
Research Roadmap: