Newsletter No. 97

The U n i v e r s i t y ' s 4th VC Installed T he University's 51 st congregation for the installation of Prof. Arthur K. C. Li as the vice-chancellor wa s held at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall on 7th November 1996. The Rt . Hon . Christophe r Patten , Governor of Hong Kong, officiated at the ceremony as Chancellor of the University. The function was attended by some 1,500 guests, among whom were over 60 official representatives from academic institutions in mainland China and overseas. The ne w vice-chancello r wa s presented wit h a copy o f the Ordinanc e of the University by the Chancellor, and the seal of the vice-chancellorship by Sir Quo-wei Lee, chairman of the University Council. The introduction of Prof. Arthur K. C. Li was written and delivered by the public orators , Prof . Seren a Ji n o f th e Department o f Translatio n an d Prof . Andrew Parkin , professor of English. Addressing the congregation, Prof. Li stressed 'soun d management ' a s th e watchword fo r th e University . This , he went on to explain, means knowing where one is , wher e on e want s t o go , an d identifying the critical issues on the way. Advising 'receptiveness ' an d 'responsiveness' t o 'hones t criticism' , Prof. L i said , 'No on e should be denied their say , and be made t o fee l lef t out.' He also pointed out that one of the major issues concerning educationists the world over is declining language standards. 'Our University i s pledged to strengthe n ou r endeavours in language enhancement by coordinating ou r existin g programmes , introducing mor e modem an d effective methods o f language teaching , an d emphasizing throug h ou r Genera l Education course s th e significanc e no t only o f ou r Chines e bu t als o ou r Hon g Kong heritage,' he told the congregation. Prof. Li is the fourth vice-chancellor of the University an d he assumed office on 1s t August 1996 . VC Honoure d fo r Achievement s in Surger y P rof. Arthur K. C. Li, vice-chancello r of th e University , wa s awarde d the President's Gol d Meda l o f th e Roya l College o f Surgeon s o f Edinburg h in recognition o f hi s outstandin g achievements and service in surgery. The presentation was made by Prof. Sir Robert Shields, presiden t o f the Roya l Colleg e of Surgeons, in the opening ceremony o f the college's overseas meeting which was held jointly with the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong las t month. I n Prof . Li' s citation, Sir Robert Shields described him as a highly skille d surgeo n know n worldwide fo r hi s majo r professiona l contributions, especiall y i n th e are a o f hepatobiliary surgery . The award , conferre d onl y on exceptionally brillian t surgeon s of international distinction, is considered the highest accolade in thefield. Leader o f Eastern Or t hodox Chu r ch Visi ts C U H is A l l Holines s th e Ecumenica l Patriarch Bartholome w o f th e Orthodox Church and his entourage were in Hong Kong recently to communicate with the members of their church as well as with the local authorities and residents, especially wit h thos e 'wh o contribut e most effectively [in ] shaping the present and future' of the territory. With a desire to become acquainted with 'at leas t one o f the universitie s o f Hong Kong' , Patriarc h Bartholome w visited the Theology Divisio n of Chung Chi College on 5th November. Speaking on 'An Easter n Orthodo x Respons e t o Contemporary Issues ' i n a packed Ch o Y i u Conferenc e Hall , Patriarc h Bartholomew explaine d that 'Orthodox' is th e nam e o f th e ancien t undivide d Christian Churc h whose 'fait h an d life' the Orthodox Christians have undertaken to uphold. Basic t o th e fait h o f th e Orthodo x Church an d its relationship t o contemporary problems are the concepts of th e resurrection o f Christ , metamorphosis o f t he w o r l d a n d o f humankind, and unity of the human race. The Church believes moreover that God governs th e cours e o f histor y an d tha t humankind canno t be master o f it s own abilities. Patriarc h Bartholomew laude d Hong Kon g peopl e a s 'likeable, hardworking an d active' , an d as possessing both 'th e experienc e and the wisdom to the deeper questions of values and the meanin g o f life. ' H e calle d fo r the rediscovery of 'the dream of life, the beauty of the world, the experience of the victory ove r death , th e visio n o f th e metamorphosis o f humankin d an d th e world'. The Ecumenical Patriarch is the first among equals of the Primates of the local Orthodox Churche s an d coordinato r o f pan-Orthodox affairs . His See is located in Istanbul , onc e know n a s Constantinople. Beside s th e Orthodo x Christians i n Turkey, there are under the direct jurisdictio n o f th e Ecumenica l Patriarchate certai n area s o f Greece , as well as all the Greeks and other Orthodox Christians in Central and Western Europe, America, Australia , Ne w Zealand , an d some Asian countries. A small number of Orthodox Christian s o f Chines e origi n reside in Hong Kong and their church can be found in Stanley. From left 3 to left 8: Prof. Lo Lung-kwong, Prof. Ranee P. L. Lee, Prof. Arthur K. C . Li, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Prof. Ambrose Y. C. King, Prof. Archie C. C. Lee