Newsletter No. 372
本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三七二期 二零一一年二月十九日 No. 372 19 February 2011 舞影翩翩 熟練俐落的舞步,配合節奏強勁的音樂,獲2009香港東亞運動會體育舞蹈銅牌 的中國語言及文學系吳森雋同學(右)與他的舞伴,於學生事務處的活動中表演 牛仔舞,台下嘉賓及觀眾無不擊節讚賞,也為這個推廣關愛校園的同樂日添上色 彩。(全文詳見頁4) Jiving in the Square Flaunting consummate Jive dance moves, Mr. Sam Ng, bronze medalist of DanceSport in the East Asian Games 2009 and student in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and his partner performed at an event organized by the Office of Student Affairs, winning the applause of the guests and audience. (For full story, please read p.4) P12 很多器官都可有代替品,惟肝 臟功能眾多,很難完全代替。 Many human organs can be substituted. But the liver has many functions and cannot be replaced completely. P6 因為全情投入,獲得的 比失去的要多。 When striving to realize their dreams, the gains were much more significant when compared to the losses. P2 新課程會 讓學生掌握 專門知識,同時具 廣闊的學識基礎。 The new curriculum will sharpen students’ intellectual faculty with both breadth and depth of knowledge across disciplines as well as within specialties.
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