Bulletin Vol. 11 No. 2 Oct 1974

T H E C H I N E SE U N I V E R S I T Y OF H O NG K O NG THE U N I V E R S I TY BULLETIN VOLUME ELEVEN OCTOBER 1974 NUMBER TWO C O N T E N TS New Faculty of Business Administratio n 2 Gifts to the University 2 Publication News 2 Personalia 2 Directors of University Studies and Administrative Chairmen/Conveners of Boards of Studies, 1974/75 8 Staff Profiles 8 Cultural Events 10 Comings and Goings 10 University Pylon An impressive pylon has been erected at the main entrance to the University, with four 29'3"-high shih ch' ü eh (stone pillars) and a sign bearing the words “The Chinese University of Hong Kong" (in both Chinese and English). It is significant that there is no gateway to cut the University off from the community. The total construction cost of the pylon amounts to HK$310,000, which was generously donated by "Chuwansau", an anonymous donor.