Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 1 Sep 1969

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L UME SIX SEPTEMBER 1969 NUMBER ONE Content s Page University Administration Organization 1 Seven New Professors 2 University Healt h Centre 5 New Asia College 1949-69 . . . . 5 Introduction o f Italian Studies . . . . 7 Orientation Programme for Californian Students 7 Gifts t o the University 7 Personalia 7 Student Participation i n International Projects 1 0 Membership o f Committees . . . . 1 0 Scholarships and Bursaries awarded a t this University i n 1968-69 . . 1 1 Student Enrolment 1 4 Comings and Goings 1 4 College News 1 4 Universit y Administratio n Orga izatio n The three constituent Colleges were established long before The Chinese University came into being in October, 1963. The University, therefore, was not organized as a unitary institution. Nor could it be run in the regular pattern of a federal university, when its policy is t o eliminate unnecessary duplication in administration and t o introduce maximum complementarity among the teaching departments of the constituent Colleges. A t t he hub of the whole University i s th e Administrative and Academic-Planning Committee , the composition and duty o f which are set forth i n the amended Statutes adopted b y th e University Council i n October, 1965. Specifically, the AAPC is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor with the Presidents of the three constituent College s as members and the University Registrar as secretary. In its weekly meetings, every aspect o f both university-wide and college operations i s considered in detail. Its duty, as defined by the Statutes, i s as follows:— ⑷ t o assist the Vice-Chancellor i n the performa of his duties; (b) t o initiate plans o f University development; (c) to assist the Vice-Chancello r in reviewing and co-ordinating the annual and supplementary estimates of recurrent and capita l expenditures o f the Colleges and those for the central activities of the University, before transmitting them t o the Finance Committee of the Council; (d) t o review al l proposed academic and administrative appointments by the Colleges and the University that ar e a t and above th e level o f Tutors and Demon or their equivalent (except College Presidents and Vice-Presidents) before these appointments are mad e b y the appropriate authorities; (e) to be informed of all clerical an d technical appointments b y the Colleges and th e University; ( f ) t o deal with other matters referred t o i by the Council. In practice, th e AAPC i s th e body t o w suggestions flow and from which decisions an d recommendations ar e made. I t report s t o th Council through the Vice-Chancellor.