Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 12 Sep 1967

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E T H R E E • S E P T E M B E R I 9 6 7 • N U M B E R T W E L V E CONTENTS Page 474 to receive Bachelor's Degrees 13 to be awarded M.A. Degrees 1 21 to be awarded D i p l oma of Education ... 1 Announcement by the Vice-Chancellor ... 2 Orientation Programme for Scholars f r om the University of Cahfornia 2 Conference on the Examination Systems of C U H K 2 New College Boards of Governors/Trustees 3 Exchange Programme w i th Indiana University 4 Compu t i ng Programme 4 Degree Examination for Pre-University Diplomates of the Foundation Colleges ... 4 Part-time D i p l oma Course in Education ... 4 Matriculation Results Announced 4 32 to be admitted by the Graduate School 4 Chemistry Symposium and Lectures 5 College News 5 Appointments 6 Obituary 6 Staff Profiles 7 Comings and Goings 7 Editor's Note 10 474 TO RECEIVE BACHELOR'S DEGREES Amo ng the 499 students of the University who sat for the Undergraduate De g r e e / D i p l oma Examination this year, 474 w i ll receive their degrees. These include 164 in Arts, 102 in Science, 79 in Commerce and 129 in Social Science. I n addition, 22 w i l l receive their diplomas, including 20 in Science, 1 in Commerce and 1 in Social Science. 13 TO BE AWARDED M.A. DEGREES T h e Graduate School announced that 13 students had passed th e School's Degree Examination this year, and w i ll be awarded the Master of A r ts Degrees in October. Amo ng these students, four w i ll receive their degrees in Chinese Language & Literature, seven in Chinese History and two in Philosophy. 21 TO BE AWARDED DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION T h e School of Education announced on July 7 that a total of 2 1 postgraduate students who entered the School last summer had passed the Examination for the award of D i p l oma in Education. T h e Examination, wh i ch included both theoretical and practical aspects, was conducted by the internal examiners of the University and two external examiners f r om the University of Columbia and the University of Ho ng Ko n g. T h e students awarded the diploma were: Miss A u K i t - s h e u ng (Chinese) Miss Cheung Ma i - on (Chinese) M r . Cheung T a i - b ut (Chinese) Miss Ho K am - l i ng (Biology) Miss K h oo Tau - k i an (Fine Arts) M i ss L e u ng Ta k - c h i ng (Chemistry) Miss L e u ng Wai-chuen (Chinese) Miss L i m K i e - l eng (Sociology) Miss M o k Ka r - l o ck (Chinese) Miss N g Shook-ging (Biology) Miss N g Yu k - f ai (Fine A r t s) M r . Poon Ch i n - c h un (Physics) M r . T a i K h y u n - v ui (Chinese) Miss T a ng Sau-wai (Biology) M r . T o W i n g - s um (English) M r . Tsang Ma n - k in (Geography) Miss Tso Kou - y e r k, Susan (Chinese) Miss Wo ng Ma n - c h o ng (Chinese) M r . Wo ng Yu k - t o ng (History) Miss Y u Sin-kwan (Chinese) Miss Y u Yuen - wai (English)