Newsletter No. 437
P4 「地圖也是法律文件, 具有法律效力。」 ‘Maps are legal documents as well and have legal effects.’ 綠茵場上颯英姿 中大男女子欖球隊於本年度大專欖球賽奪得佳績。於4月6日舉行 的決賽中,男子隊表現超卓,輕易以二十九比零大勝香港城市大學 獲得季軍;女子隊最初被香港理工大學領前,但憑凌厲後勁,於加 時階段以十二比七擊敗對手捧走冠軍。 P10 「我在博客提出 『反日不如知日』, 這是一個態度。」 P2 Rugby Victory CUHK teams shone at the finals of the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong Rugby Competition on 6 April. With outstanding performance, CUHK men’s team walloped the City University of Hong Kong by 29–0 to capture the second runner-up. In the women’s final, the Polytechnic University team led at the beginning. But the CUHK players demonstrated their perseverance and defeated the opponents by 12–7 during overtime to win the championship. ‘I advocate an attitude in my blog: it’s better to have an informed Japan watcher than a Japan hater.’ 「『中大五十 ‧ 人』系列 全方位展現中大人的獨特 面貌與精神。」 ‘The “CU50 • The People” series would bring to the viewers from both within and outside the University a comprehensive view of the CUHK legacy and its spirit.’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第四三七期 二零一四年五月四日 No. 437 4 May 2014
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