Newsletter No. 410

第四一零期 二零一三年一月四日  No. 410 4 January 2013 P2 生物統計學家精通數字 與應用。 Biostatisticians are men of two trades, one in numbers and the other in the field of application. P4 大學全新 網頁 New look of the University Website P8 「社會在前進,教學 也要同步呼應。」 ’Society is on the move, and teaching should resonate with society.‘ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 舌劍唇槍 中大法律學院學生李俊熙(左一)、徐嘉怡(左二)、李俊江(右一) 和梁雅珊(右二)在教練Prof. Michael Ramsden(前排中)和麥銘 賢(後排中)帶領下,在第七屆亞洲國際模擬法庭比賽中,擊敗十 三隊來自著名院校的隊伍,勇奪冠軍及最佳書面陳述獎,是中大首 次在國際模擬法庭賽中贏得全場冠軍。 A Battle of Wits Led by coaches Prof. Michael Ramsden (seated) and Mr. Newton Mak (centre, standing), a team of four CUHK law students—Ivan Lee (1st left), Angela Tsui (2nd left), John Li (1st right) and Alice Leung (2nd right) defeated 13 teams from renowned universities to win the championship and the LAWASIA Trophy for Best Memorial at the 7th LAWASIA International Moot Competition. It was the first time that a CUHK team had won an international moot competition.