Newsletter No. 392

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三九二期 二零一二年二月十九日 No. 392 19 February 2012 P10 「沒有粵劇,我便 甚麼也不是。」 ‘Without Cantonese opera, my life is nothing.’ P2 「每完成一項工作 就是我的使命。」 ‘My mission is to complete each and every task assigned.’ 逸夫二十六周年華麗啟航 為慶祝成立二十六周年,逸夫學生在1月12日於百萬大道舉行盛大的時裝表演, 主題為「航海逸誌」,借鑑中古時代航海家的勇毅精神,寓意年輕人要毋懼 風浪,航向未來,矢志把理想付諸實行。在時裝展的天穚上,學生精心打扮成 高傲的貴族、強悍的海盜、傳說中的美人魚和與世無爭的純樸村民,贏得師友和 同學們的喝采。 Grand Voyage of Shaw to Celebrate 26th Anniversary To celebrate the Founder’s Day of Shaw College, Shaw students organized a fashion show in the University Mall on 12 January with the theme of ‘Voyage of Shaw’, which aims at encouraging students to bravely venture into the unknown and realize their dreams, just like seafarers in medieval times. On the runway, students modeled on the styles and appearances of nobles, pirates, mermaids and villagers. Their fabulous performance won great applause. P6 「請大家支持 3月2日之樂步行暨 無車日。」 ‘I urge you to join the Walking Campaign and Car-free Day on 2 March.’