Newsletter No. 378
第三七八期 二零一一年五月十九日 No. 378 19 May 2011 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 英聯邦大學首腦雲集 1913年成立的英聯邦大學協會,是世界上歷史最悠久的大學聯校網絡。該 協會於4月6至8日在香港舉行校長會議。4月7日,來自二十二個國家的高等 院校代表蒞臨中大開會。儘管文化不同,一眾大學首腦對於中國人天人合一 的理念,理解未必相同,但齊聚於天水一色的合一亭拍照留念,仍然是賞心 樂事。(全文詳見頁4) Heads of Commonwealth Universities Gather at CUHK Established in 1913, the Association of Commonwealth Universities is the oldest inter-university network in the world. It held its Conference of Executive Heads 2011 in Hong Kong from 6 to 8 April. On 7 April, participants from 22 countries came to CUHK for a day’s conference. With different cultural backgrounds, they may all hold different ideas of ‘union of man and nature’ as conveyed by the Pavilion of Harmony, but it is still great to gather at the scenic spot for a picture. (For the full story, please read p.4) P2 「通識教育是一把百合 鑰匙,可以打開各種知 識的寶庫。」 ‘General education is a master key that can open many treasure chests of knowledge.’ P3 「隨心而動,隨性而行, 不懼風險。」 ‘Follow your heart, follow your passion, don‘t be afraid to take risks.’ P8 「現今人力資源管理重視員工 的身心健康,注重家庭生活與 工作之間的平衡。」 ‘The latest trend of human resources management is the stress on the health and well-being of staff, and the work-life balance.’
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