Newsletter No. 366
本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三六六期 二零一零年十一月四日 No. 366 4 November 2010 食味人生 看到端上的崇基學院教職員聯誼會新菜─「五味人生」,院長 梁元生教授輕轉那雙充滿睿智的眼睛,說着:「這道菜嘛,名字、用 料和味道在在都寓意人生的必經歷練。」 (詳見下頁) Relishing the Flavours of Life On the table before you is ‘Flavours of Life’, a new dish offered by the Chung Chi College Staff Club, Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, head of Chung Chi College, comments with a blink of wisdom, ‘This dish symbolizes the various experiences of life by its name, ingredients and flavours.’ (see page 2) P3 人文學者應開創新氣象,思考如何從亞 洲人文觀點挑戰西方哲學思想。 Scholars in the humanities should contemplate how to make a new beginning to challenge Western philosophical thought from an Asian humanistic point of view. P8 我要把對這個人的認識濃縮,找到 最能代表的動作神情,透過雕塑表 現他的精神。 I need to distill my knowledge of the person, identify the most representative expression or posture, and use my work to convey his essence. P3 崑劇經典《琵琶記》首次於香港院校 舞台上演。 Pipa Ji , a classic Kunqu , premiered on the campuses of Hong Kong higher education institutions.
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