Newsletter No. 363

這是香港的特色建築 在本港經典唐樓建築的巨幅拼圖前,來自墨西哥(左一)和韓國 (右一及二)的新生初次體會異地文化的震撼,大感新鮮。幾位新 生在來自津巴布韋的師兄Danie Katsande(左二,保險、財務與精算 學三年級)陪同下,參加了學生事務處於8月底舉辦的本地遊。開學 後,相信他們與本地和海內外學生(見後頁詳述)將有更多交流,中 大的多元文化會帶給他們更多驚喜。 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三六三期 二零一零年九月十九日 No. 363 19 September 2010 P12 新聞業做得好,社會也會發展 得更好。 If journalism can become better, so will society. P7 中國與東盟相互理解與支持,建立合 作夥伴關係,締造了互利雙贏的局面。 China and ASEAN has formalized a collaboration partnership based on mutual understanding and support, thus yielding a win-win result. P4 儒家思想歷久常新,與現代 行政隔代相通。 Confucian teachings are forever young and applicable to modern administration. Hong Kong’s Building Façades Looking at these posters of Hong Kong’s classic tenement façades, freshmen from Mexico (left 1) and Korea (right 1 and 2) are moved by the difference in culture. Accompanied by an upper classman, Danie Katsande from Zimbabwe (left 2, Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis Year 3), they joined the city tour for international students organized by the Office of Student Affairs in late August. As school begins, they will interact with more local and overseas students (see pages 2–3) and immerse themselves in the cultural diversity on campus.