Newsletter No. 358
No. 358, 19.5.2010 第三五八期 二零一零年五月十九日 No. 358 19 May 2010 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at 計 劃的負責人崇基學院神學院龔立人教授解釋說: 「我們舉辦的是天主教墳場考察,乃因天主教的 發展與香港歷史關係密切。訴說墓園內傳教士的事蹟和 墓碑特色,也就是在勾劃香港的故事。 「墳場考察只是『和而不同』計劃其中一項活動,這個始 於2003年的計劃旨在支援全港中學的宗教、倫理、通識和 生命教育,破天荒獲本港六大宗教的支持及參與,即天主 教、基督教、佛教、道教、孔教及回教,所傳遞的知識不是 教義,而是宗教與生活的關係。」 回應中學訴求 計劃的緣起是有中學教師反映,在與學生探討宗教問題時 感到吃力,只因他們未曾接受相關訓練,認識不深,坊間亦 缺乏有關教材。文化及宗教研究系遂構思設立支援計劃, 配合中學課程改革,為教師提供專科的知識和意見,也讓 修讀宗教、倫理和生命教育的學生,能有更廣闊的胸襟和 視野,面對和適應現代社會的多元文化、種族和宗教。 同時得到不同宗教領袖的支持,固然是計劃的特色。龔教 授指出,更難能可貴的在於他們呈現出的彼此尊重─沒 有一方是必然錯的,也不是只有誰能代表真理,誰不能。六 大宗教向有交流,但只是停留在主教、方丈、主持等領袖 間高層次禮節性會面,沒有深化至生活世界裏。所以,當 中大提出這個深入生活的計劃時,各領袖都很樂意支持, 除擔任計劃的顧問外,也動員屬下的中學參加計劃。「我 們相信基督教學校也可認識道教和佛教,反之亦然。透過 這認識的過程,從而學習尊重不同宗教,以至文化。這也 是計劃名稱的由來,縱然不同,但可融和。」 融「 和 」宗教之「 不同 」 Religious Harmony in Diversity 提起墳場,就算不覺得不寒而慄,也總會有孤清之感。然而,近年 墳場卻多了一批訪客,就是透過由中大文化及宗教研究系的「和而 不同」計劃及天主教研究中心前來考察的中學師生。究竟墳場有 甚麼可供考察?大學教學單位又為何會策劃這種活動? Even if cemeteries don ’ t give you the shivers, they make you feel lonely. But recently, burial grounds are getting new visitors—secondary school teachers and students on field trips organized by the Project of Harmony in Diversity (HID) and the Centre for Catholic Studies, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies (CRS), CUHK. What can one observe at cemeteries? Why does an academic unit organize field trips to cemeteries? P rof. Kung Lap-yan, HID project in-charge and associate professor at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, explains, ‘We only organize field trips to Catholic cemeteries. This is because the development of Catholicism is closely related to the history of Hong Kong. The lives of the late missionaries tell stories about Hong Kong. ‘The field trip is just one of the activities of the project. Established in 2003, the HID aims at supporting religious, moral, liberal arts and life education in secondary schools by conveying the relationship between religion and living instead of teaching doctrines. The project, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, is supported by six religions, i.e., Catholicism, Christianity, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, and Islam.’ Requests from Secondary Schools CRS had received requests for support for the teaching of religious topics from secondary teachers who had had no formal training in religious education; teaching kits are also not available in the market. In response to their appeals, the CRS launched the project, which is in line with the secondary curriculum reform, to broaden the horizons of students studying religious, moral and life education subjects. Students will then be better equipped to face a multi-cultural, multi-racial and multi-religious society. Through the project, secondary teachers are provided with professional training. Professor Kung pointed out that the project is unique in having the support of the six religious leaders, in particular, their demonstration of respect for each other. None is the sole representative of truth. 六大宗教領袖主持首屆「和而不同」計劃開幕禮 Leaders from six religions officiating the opening ceremony of the first HID (To be continued) (續下頁) 龔立人教授(右)及鄭盈中小姐 Prof. Kung Lap-yan (right) and Miss Esther Cheng
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