Newsletter No. 348
No. 348, 4.12.2009 第三四八期 二零零九年十二月四日 No. 348 4 December 2009 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at 校的熱情和主動令她難以忘懷,「他們不會吝嗇與學弟妹 分享經驗的時間。」此外,92年經濟學系畢業的楊少峰, 主動建議約同十多位屬同一書院的同屆畢業生,成立冠名 獎學金,惠澤同系後輩,令她十分驚訝:「他們畢業後十多 年竟仍然保持聯絡,仍然關心大學發展,中大校友確是不 一樣。」 W ith a history of nearly half a century, CUHK has an alumni base of over 120,000. The University treasures its relationship with each of them and keeps close links with individual alumni and different alumni associations through the Colleges and its Alumni Affairs Office. In addition, the University sends them alumni publications and e-mails regularly to keep them abreast of the latest developments of their alma mater. However, these are only one-way communication. If busy alumni do not have the time to read the publications or the e- mails, all efforts are in vain. This can be improved by making communication two-way. With this in mind and in view of the positive outcomes obtained by foreign universities by having current students communicate with alumni by phone, the University launched the Phone Campaign in June 2008. A brainchild of the Office of Institutional Advancement and now in its second year, the campaign began by sending letters to some 5,000 alumni randomly selected from a pool of 1990s graduates, introducing them to the campaign. The office also recruited 43 current students as ambassadors and provided them with a two-day workshop. The campaign formally commenced in July. (續下頁 To be continued ) 一通電話,跨越時空,把可能相隔數代的校友與現屆學生拉上關係。話筒兩端,當年今日的中大生活,交流互訴。 現屆學生從中得探師兄姊當年求學的點滴、珍視的價值、捍衞的傳統、對社會的貢獻;離開校園多年、努力打拼的 校友,則回望當年培育自己的土壤,緬懷舊事,重拾青蔥歲月的純真情懷。 A simple phone call has the ability to transcend time and space, linking up current CUHK students and generations of alumni. Anecdotes about past and current campus life are exchanged between the two ends of the line. Current students get a glimpse of what university life was like in the good old days, the values cherished, the traditions upheld, and alumni’s contributions to society, while at the same time, helping to rekindle past students’ memories of campus life. 英國語文研究及英國語文教育課程二年級的學生大使陳 逸嵐表示:「與校友交流使我對昔日的大學生活多了認 識,我也會告訴他們中大的發展,如新書院的成立等。」她 謂有些校友很高興收到學弟妹的電話,雙方雖素未謀面, 但因曾生活在同一校園中,話匣子一打開,便投契非常,個 別校友甚至跟他們聊了四十五分鐘。 集腋可成裘 曾有校友承諾捐助母校五十年,陳逸嵐說:「經濟環境興 衰不定,沒人能估計將來生活會有什麼變化,但這份五十 年的承諾,代表着情誼不變,對母校真摯的支持,不會受 環境所影響。」 另一位學生大使、中醫課程二年級的陳姵璇稱,校友對母 中 大經歷近半世紀的發展,校友已逾十二萬之數。大 學一向珍視這個社群,除了透過各書院和中大校友 事務處與校友會及個別校友保持密切聯繫,亦定期寄發刊 物及電子通訊,報道母校近況。然而,這些都屬於單向的溝 通方式,若校友忙得透頂,刊物未必會拆閱,電郵更可能 遭刪除,效果當然不及雙向的親身接觸。 基於這樣的意念,加上得悉學生致電校友這途徑在外國 行之有效,大學覺得值得一試,遂於2008年6月開展了 「Phone中關懷」計劃。 計劃今年第二年推行,牽頭的拓展及籌募處以隨機抽樣方 式,在6月致函五千位大部分於九十年代畢業的校友,簡介 計劃。另一方面招募了四十三位學生大使,提供兩天培訓, 講解計劃目的,教授溝通技巧。大使在7月的四個星期內聯 絡了二千多位校友,與他們分享大學的最新發展,同時邀 請他們以不同方式協助學弟妹,例如捐款、服務、擔任學 長等。話筒那邊的熱烈反應令人感動,近半聯絡上的校友 承諾捐貲,總款達三百三十多萬元。這些捐贈全用於學生 身上,如獎助學金、交換生計劃、學生設施及學生活動等。 埋下關愛種子 拓展及籌募處處長鄭文珊 對成果非常滿意,他相信除 獲得捐款之外,計劃還達到 很多未能量化的成效,如使 校友與母校的關係更形密切, 並鞏固校友回饋母校的 心志。他相信在校友心 中已埋下種子,縱然未 知何時及如何萌芽, 但若年復年地撒種, 就會逐漸奠下中大 關懷文化的基礎, 例如校友會應允擔 任學長,成為學生成長的一盞明燈,又或者公司有實習空 缺,他們會優先想起學弟妹。 「期望這關懷的風氣會代代相傳,當學生將來畢業並有能 力時,想起自己曾是受惠者,會承接師兄姊那份心懷母校 的精神,繼續協助後學,令中大成為一所洋溢關愛氛圍和 人情味的院校。」鄭文珊說。 敬父愛校,玉成杏林承傳 Alumnus Helps Chinese Medicine Students 鄭文珊 Ricky Cheng During the four-week campaign, many touching stories went around the lines. Since graduating in 1990, Mr. Lam Keung has worked in Beijing and lived a life far removed from his alma mater. But the feeling of closeness was rekindled when an ambassador phoned him to give him the University’s latest news. Though a major in biology with a job in the IT field, Mr. Lam Keung had long hoped to help the students of the CUHK Chinese medicine programme. Since his father was a Chinese medicine practitioner, Mr. Lam understood that the development of Chinese medicine has been fraught with difficulties. Hence he plans to set up a scholarship in the name of his father for three years. Each year two students with excellent academic performance will receive HK$10,000 each. Coincidentally Anna, the ambassador who contacted him, is a Chinese medicine student. She shared with him her life at CUHK, and this strengthened his determination to support the students of the programme. ‘Maybe it is destiny that I was approached by a Chinese medicine student,’ he said in retrospect. Anna was moved to tears by Mr. Lam’s decision. ‘The entire Chinese medicine programme lasts five years, so tuition can be quite a burden for some students. We also need to pay our own living expenses for internship on the mainland. When I learnt of Mr. Lam’s offer, I was deeply touched.’ Even the recollection of the over-the-phone encounter brought tears to Anna’s eyes. 校友林強,中醫師之子 Lam Keung, son of a Chinese medicine practitioner 陳姵璇(中醫課程學生) Anna Chan, student of Chinese Medicine A B ridge between Alumni and Students — Phone Campaign 在為期四周的「Phone中關懷」行動中, 不乏感動人心的故事。1990年畢業 的林強,畢業後長駐北京工作,甚 少得聞中大發展,故此,當他收到 學生大使姵璇來電講述母校近況, 特別感到親切。 生物系畢業、從事資訊科技的林 強,一直有心捐助學弟妹,尤其是 希望支持唸中醫的學生,這個課 程看似與他關連不大,原來林強的 父親是中醫師,他自小就得知中醫發 展荊棘滿途,雖有價值卻不受社會重 視。因此,他有意為當中醫師的父親 成立冠名獎學金,每年頒贈兩項一萬 元的獎學金予該課程成績優秀的學生, 為期三年。致電給他的陳姵璇碰巧是 中醫課程的學生,與他分享了修讀這課 程的點滴,更加強他支持這學科的學生 的想法。「這可算是緣分吧!」他後來 這樣說。 話筒另一端的姵璇聽畢林強的建議,不 禁感動得潸然淚下,嚇得旁人誤以為她 被校友責備。「中醫要唸五年,學費負擔 很重,而在內地實習時的住宿費用,更要 自掏腰包,那一刻,真的很感動。」姵璇 回想接到佳訊的光景,仍然熱淚盈眶。 Phone中關懷: 隔代中大人一線牽
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