Newsletter No. 346
No. 346, 4.11.2009 第三四六期 二零零九年十一月四日 No. 346 4 November 2009 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at (續下頁 To be continued ) 千秋壯觀人類史的揭密 Underground Detectives — 訪考古學家鄧聰教授 An Interview with Professor Tang Chung 可 說是考古情痴的中大歷史系副教授及中國文化研 究所中國考古藝術研究中心(下稱中心)主任鄧 聰教授,投身東亞考古工作近二十五年,發掘的地點由港 澳以至中國內地,甚或遠達越南、日本、法國等地。這些年 來,中心已獲逾一千萬元的研究經費,開展不同項目。 自然科學結合人文學科 考古學是一門結合科學與歷史的學科,除了研究文獻歷 史,還涉及DNA化驗、碳十四年代測定、地貌學測量、動植 物的分析等,要有不同科學家參與,方能完整地復原往昔 的生活面貌,完成報告。難怪鄧教授說:「一個國家的考古 工作做得好與否,視乎有多少科學家積極參與。」 師承中大前副校長兼劍橋大學考古學家鄭德坤教授,鄧 教授在中大修讀歷史本科時,已深受薰陶。碩士畢業後, 他遠赴日本東北大學和東京大學深造,獲得考古學博士學 位。 重塑香港七千年歷史原貌 1985年,鄧教授返港主持中心,在本港開展多項遺址發掘 工作。以經濟及商業掛帥的香港,到處高廈林立、車水馬 龍,但繁華鬧市的地下,原來蘊藏了數千年的歷史文化。 多賴考古學家鋤鏟互揮,翻開沉甸甸的鋼筋水泥,層層扒 撥,抽絲剝繭,我們方可窺探得這現代都市的根源。由八 十年代到九十年代,中心開展和參與了兩次全港考古資 源普查工作。就在與中大遙遙相對的吐露港小島—丫洲 上,發現了薄薄的彩陶時期文化層。出土陶片經物理系的 熱釋光測定,是距今六千多年以前的古物。香江歷史,又豈 僅是殖民地時代前的小漁村般短淺。 中心獲衞奕信勳爵文物信託基金資助一百三十多萬元,以 香港考古工作為主題,製作一輯三集的光碟《香江懷古》, 述及香港七千年以來的風貌、出土文物、歷史印證,又觸及 四千多年前香港的玉器文化及衣飾演變,是首套有系統縷 述香港歷史的光碟。攝製隊曾赴北京、廣東、海南島等地 拍攝。 鄧教授指出,研究香港的歷史,不能只着眼於本地,而要 從東亞洲這歷史大脈絡中整合,才可拼成一幅較完整的版 圖。他曾到黑龍江、遼寧、內蒙古、日本及俄羅斯等地野外 工作,察覺到在中國東北、俄羅斯濱海地區和日本北陸一 帶出土的七八千年前玉器飾物,其工藝技術非常相近。這 發現串連了不同地域在古代的關係,亦為以往認為日本在 新石器時代是東亞孤兒的學說,帶來嶄新觀點。 懷土會發揚考古文化 為使考古學薪火相傳,鄧教授除了執教,亦自發組織了 「懷土會」,招募對考古有興趣的歷史系碩士畢業生, 親自帶領他們到遺址發掘,從實踐中學習,又要求他們 在中大考古展覽廳任義務導賞員,向中學生推廣考古 知識。 憑着孜孜不倦的努力,把考古學在這繁盛小島發揚光 大。鄧教授於2009年2月獲德國考古研究院選為通訊 院士,為中國大陸六十年以來第十二位獲此殊榮的專 家,也是港澳地區首位得此榮譽的學者。德國考古研究 院成立於1829年,是當今世上歷史最悠久的考古研究 機構之一,其通訊院士銜是國際考古學界公認的學術 榮譽。 P rofessor Tang Chung, associate professor in the Department of History and director of Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art (CCAA), Institute of Chinese Studies, is an archaeology buff who has dedicated himself to East Asian archaeology for 25 years. The sites he has helped to excavate span many places from Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China, to Vietnam, Japan and France. Over the years, the CCAA has acquired over HK$10 million in research funding. Integration of Science and Humanities Archaeology is a cross-disciplinary study integrating science and history. In addition to documentary research, other experts are employed for DNA testing, carbon 14 dating, geomorphologic survey, as well as zoological and botanical analysis. By pooling scientific expertise in different fields, a complete picture of the lives of early inhabitants could be reconstructed. Hence, Professor Tang described, ‘The quality of the archaeological development of a country depends on the number of scientists involved.’ Professor Tang was greatly influenced by Prof. Cheng Te-kun, former CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor and archaeologist at the University of Cambridge. He grew fond of archaeology when he was studying history at CUHK as an undergraduate. After obtaining his master’s degree, he pursued doctoral studies in archaeology at Tohoku University and Tokyo University. Reconstructing Hong Kong’s History After returning to Hong Kong in 1985, he directed the CCAA and started various local archaelogical excavation projects. Hong Kong, a prosperous concrete jungle with business and finance as its lifeblood, in fact, has a historical culture of several thousand years. When archaeologists dig in the city, they reveal facts about its history buried under layers of reinforced concrete. From the ‘80s to ‘90s, CCAA has conducted two surveys of archaeological sites. On A Chau in Tolo Harbour squarely opposite the University, the survey team found a thin archaeological layer of painted pottery. Thermoluminescence tests conducted by the Department of Physics of the University dated the painted pottery to more than 6,000 years ago. Hence, the roots of this modern city can go back far from a small fishing village before colonization. Funded by the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust with over HK$1.3 million, CCAA will produce a series of three DVDs about local archaeological work. The DVDs contain information on Hong Kong culture, archaeological finds and historical corroboration since 7,000 years ago and carry the story of the evolution of jade culture and clothing in Hong Kong 4,000 years ago. These are the first DVDs to systemically give a detailed account of Hong Kong history. The shooting crew has set foot in places such as Beijing, Guangdong and Hainan. 考古學是尋找歷史文化根源的學科, 出土文物層出不窮,常會帶來驚喜, 而考古研究超越民族主義,最終目標 是復原數百萬年人類歷史,意義重大! Archaeology is a subject which strives to trace the origin of history and culture. The variety of artifacts found often surprises archaeologists. This subject goes beyond nationalism and aims at reconstructing history of millions of years. What a meaningful discipline! ─鄧聰教授 Professor Tang Chung ‘ ’
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