Newsletter No. 335
No. 335, 4.4.2009 第三三五期 二零零九年四月四日 No. 335 4 April 2009 中大與深圳簽訂合作備忘錄 深圳研究院大樓動土 Memorandum with Shenzhen and Ground-breaking of Shenzhen Research Institute Building 中 大於3月19日與深圳市政府簽訂全面合作備忘錄, 在2006年的合作備忘錄的基礎上,發揮雙方的優 勢,加強在教育和科研合作,並共同推進科研成果的產業 化;同日香港中文大學深圳研究院大樓亦舉行動土典禮。 研究院大樓動土禮主禮嘉賓包括( 下圖左起 )深圳市政府 副秘書長高國輝先生、中大前校長及社會學榮休講座教授 金耀基教授、副校長楊綱凱教授、深圳市常務副市長許勤 先生、外交部駐港特派專員公署副特派員詹永新先生、校 長劉遵義教授、教育局局長孫明揚先生、全國政協常委徐 冠華教授、廣東省委副書記兼深圳市委書記劉玉浦先生、 深圳市委副書記兼市長許宗衡先生、中央駐港聯絡辦公室 教育科技部部長潘永華先生、中大前校長及外科榮休講座 教授李國章教授、深圳市政府黨組副書記兼市長科技顧問 劉應力先生,以及深圳市政府秘書長李平先生;另有逾百 深港政府官員及學界人士出席典禮。 研究院大樓座落深圳市南山區虛擬大學園國家大學科 技園內,樓面面積達二萬五千平方米,樓高十層,預計於 2010年底啟用。 劉遵義校長感謝深圳市政府對大學的大力支持,並表示: 「香港中文大學深圳研究院將在深圳及珠三角地區,積極 開展教育、科研及產業化工作。大學將通過深圳研究院, 在科研、培訓、產業化等領域與深圳加快合作步伐。中大 與深圳市政府又簽訂了新的合作備忘錄,就辦學和科研等 合作課題達成進一步共識。這將是中大在深圳發展的新起 點,也是深港合作的一個重要里程碑。」 T he Chinese University signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Shenzhen Municipal Government on 19 March on the basis of the memorandum signed in 2006. It was agreed to further enhance collaboration in education and research, and in advancing technology transfer. On the same day, the ground- breaking ceremony of CUHK’s Shenzhen Research Institute Building was held. Officiating at the ceremony were (from left, below) Mr. Gao Guohui (Deputy Secretary General, Shenzhen Municipal Government), Prof. Ambrose Y.C. King (former Vice- Chancellor and Emeritus Professor of Sociology, CUHK), Prof. Kenneth Young (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK), Mr. Xu Qin (Executive ViceMayor, ShenzhenMunicipal Government), Mr. Zhan Yongxin (Deputy Commissioner, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR), Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (Vice-Chancellor, CUHK), Mr. Suen Ming-yeung Michael (Secretary for Education), Prof. Xu Guanhua (Member, Standing Committee of the National Committee), Mr. Liu Yupu (Deputy Party Secretary, Guangdong Provincial Committee, and Party Secretary, Shenzhen Municipal Committee), Mr. Xu Zongheng (Deputy Party Secretary, Shenzhen Municipal Committee, and Mayor, Shenzhen Municipal Government), Mr. Pan Yonghua (Director General of Education, Science and Technology Department of the Liaison Office in the HKSAR), Prof. Arthur K.C. Li (former Vice-Chancellor and Emeritus Professor of Surgery, CUHK), Mr. Liu Yingli, (Deputy Party Secretary, Party Organization Office, Shenzhen Municipal Government, and Science and Technology Adviser to the Mayor of Shenzhen), and Mr. Li Ping (Secretary General, Shenzhen Municipal Government). In attendance were over 100 government officials and academic personalities from Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Situated in the Shenzhen Virtual University’s National University Science and Technology Park in Nanshan, the 10-storey Shenzhen Research Institute Building occupying a total floor area of 25,000m 2 will be completed by the end of 2010. Prof. Lau thanked the Shenzhen Municipal Government for its enthusiastic support for the Chinese University. Prof. Lau said, ‘CUHK’s Shenzhen Research Institute will actively develop work in education, research, and industrialization in Shenzhen and the Greater Pearl River Delta. The University will advance its collaboration with Shenzhen in these areas through the institute. CUHK and the Shenzhen Municipal Government have renewed their memorandum of cooperation and consent to further consolidate areas such as education and research collaboration. This is the starting point of CUHK’s development in Shenzhen and a milestone in Shenzhen– Hong Kong cooperation.’ 許勤先生(前排左)及劉遵義校長(前排右)簽訂全面合作備忘錄 Mr. Xu Qin (left, front row) and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right, front row) signed the memorandum of cooperation
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