Newsletter No. 58
CUHK NEWSLETTER Croucher Foundat ion Sponsors Four More Research Projects The Trustees of the Croucher Foundation recently pledged donations totalling HK$1,809,700 for four research projects launched by members of the University: (1) HK$600,000 for 'Molecular Cloning and Expression of Crustacean Allergens', conducted by Dr. K.H. Chu of the Department of Biology. (2) HK$767,700 for Transgenic Study of Immunoglobulin Gene Hypermutation: Using Selectable, Chimeric E Coil gpt-VJ Gene Constructs to Investigate Role of Rearranged VJ in Hypermutation', conducted by Dr. Y.L. Chui of the Clinical Immunology Unit. (3) HK$162,000 for 'Incoherent Light Scattering Studies of Spontaneously Formed Vesicles', conducted by Dr. Xia Keqing of the Department of Physics. (4) HK$280,000 for 'Parallel Simulation Methods for Continuous Time Markov Chain on Maspar with Applications in computer and Communication Systems', conducted by Dr. John C.S. Lui of the Department of Computer Science. UN Organizat ions Find CU Campus Ideal for Regional Meet ings The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), and the International Cell Research Organization (ICRO) chose CUHK as the venue of their regional meetings last month. WHO and UNDCP hosted a training course on the prevention of drug abuse and HIV infection from 1st to 20th August 1994. The first of its kind in the western Pacific, the course trained frontline workers from China, Hong Kong and Macau how to help people overcome problems of drug abuse and HIV infection. Participants visited local treatment and rehabilitation centres and obtained first-hand experience of dealing with substance abuse and AIDS. The University's Department of Psychiatry was a coorganizer of the training course. On 25th August, ICRO under UNESCO presented a special symposium at the University's Cho Yiu Conference Hall. ICRO executive committee members, most of whom world renowned cell research scientists, gave talks on recent advances in cell biology. Topics ranged from tackling the aging problem through the regulation of cellular antioxidant defense to protein kinases and cell division in cancer control. The University's Department of Biology provided administrative and secretarial support for this important function. The University's 1994-95 academic year began with a formal ceremony on 30th August Vice-Chancellor Charles Kao spent time with students after the function and interest groups of the Student Union tried to recruit new members on the University Mall. NO.58 SEPTEMBER 1994 2
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