Newsletter No. 52

CUHK NEWSLETTER 2. BS A rate s payabl e t o childre n o f eligibl e staf f members studyin g i n th e followin g countrie s hav e been revise d wit h retroactiv e effec t fro m 199 2 o r 1993: Country Effective date UK, USA Autum n term 1993 Republic of Ireland Autum n term 1992 Australia 1s t January 1993 The University' s BS A syste m wil l b e revise d accordingly an d adjustment s wil l b e mad e fo r claim s already paid . An y shortfal l in paymen t wil l be refunded and an y overpaymen t wil l be recovered fro m the Marc h payroll. Enquirie s o n th e revised rate s an d the new BS A system ma y b e directe d t o th e Personne l Offic e at Ext . 7292, an d o n payrol l adjustment , t o th e Payrol l Sectio n of th e Bursar y a t Ext. 7240 . Resident Tutor (Male) Wanted The vacanc y i s availabl e a t Studen t Hoste l I o f Sha w College. Applicant s shoul d b e employee s o f CUHK an d have a universit y degree . Applicatio n letter s shoul d reach th e Secretar y o f th e Studen t Hoste l Managemen t Committee, Sha w College , n o late r tha n 31s t Marc h 1994. Pleas e direc t al l enquirie s t o Mr . K . F . Chor (Ext . 7358). Bids for Used Inflatable Boat Invited An inflatabl e 'AVON ' fou r metres lon g i s now fo r sale . The boa t i s eigh t year s ol d an d ca n accommodat e u p t o eight people. Grey in colour, soft bottom with no engine , it need s repai r an d re-licensin g wit h th e Marin e Department. I t i s no w store d a t th e Universit y Wate r Sports Centre , an d arrangement s t o view the boat ca n b e made with Mr. Paul Cuthbert a t 6096776 . University member s wh o ar e intereste d ca n submi t a bi d i n a sealed envelop e marke d 'Persona l Bi d fo r 4m Inflatable Boa t "AVON" ' o n th e cover, an d deposi t it i n the Tende r Bo x o f th e Busines s Sectio n o n th e groun d floor o f Joh n Fulto n Centr e befor e 2.3 0 p.m . o n 11t h April 1994 . Successfu l bidder s wil l b e informe d i n writing. Thos e wh o d o no t hea r fro m th e Busines s Section two weeks after the closing date may assume that their bid s hav e no t bee n successful . Obituary Mr. Leun g Chi-keung , work s superviso r I I a t th e Buildings Office, passed away on 3rd February 1994 . Mr. Leung firs t joined th e University i n March 1974 . Service to the Community an d International Organization s • Dr . Leun g Kwok , senio r lecture r i n psychology, has been invited to serve as a n associat e edito r o f th e Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (USA) for three years from 1994. • Dr . Josep h Lau , directo r o f th e Centre fo r Clinica l Trial s an d Epidemiological Research , ha s been invited to serve as a member of Scientific Committee on AIDS. • Prof . Arthur Li, dean of medicine, has been invite d t o serv e a s a regiona l editor (Asia-Pacific) of the Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. • Dr . Archie C. C. Lee, senior lecturer in religion, has been invited to serv e as a membe r o f th e Art s an d Socia l Sciences Pee r Revie w Pane l a t th e Hong Kong Baptist College. • Dr . Edward Loong, senior lecturer in obstetrics and gynaecology, has been appointed Membe r o f th e Facult y o f Family Plannin g an d Reproductiv e Health Car e of th e Roya l College of Obstetricians an d Gynaecologist s from 30th September 1993 . • Prof . Cha n Ho k La m o f th e Department o f Histor y ha s bee n appointed b y th e Universit y o f Hong Kon g a s a n externa l examiner fo r it s B A cours e i n Chinese for three academic years from 1993-94. (All information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) CUHK NEWSLETTER We welcome your contributions 1. Items for the next issue (mid-April 1994) should reach the Editor by 25th March 1994. 2. All contributions and suggestions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, do the Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 6097297; fax. 6035503). 3. Contributions should bear the writer's name and contact telephone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. Articles without Chinese translations will appear in the English version of the Newsletter only. No anonymous letters will be published. 4. The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions and to edit all articles for reasons of clarity, length or grammar. Those who do not wish to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 5. No part of this Newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 6. This publication has a circulation of 1,600 and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Amy K. Y.Leung Assistant Editors : Lawrence Choi; Florence Chan Graphic Artist: Stella P. C. Lai NO.52MARCH 1994 12