Newsletter No. 164
2 No. 164 4th May 2000 CUHK Newsletter TDU Teaching Enhancement Act ivi t ies Two seminars and a workshop were recently organized b y the Teaching Development Unit (TDU) for teaching staff of the University. On 21st March, the seminar 'Shaking the Tower: Technology, Education and Policy at the Dawn of the 21 st Century' was held jointly with the School of Journalism and Communication. Fourteen teaching staff from various departments attended the seminar which was facilitated by Dr. Brian Lewis, professor and director of the School o f Commu n i c a t i on a t Simon Fraser University. Discussion focussed on how technology can be used as a catalyst for profound organizational change within higher education, and how policies can be drafted to help manage and guide this change. Prof. David Cook, director of the Division of Studies in Medical Education at the University of Alberta, conducted a Tea c h i ng Enhan c ement Wo r k s h op organized by the TDU on 23rd, 24th, 27th, and 28th March to introduce techniques that make teaching effective and enjoyable. It was attended by 13 teaching staff from various departments. Then on 7th and 8th April, 19 participants including deans and department chairs attended a think tank seminar entitled Teaching and Learning in the New Millennium'. It was given by Prof. Daniel Rowley from the University of Northern Colorado and Prof. Cees van der Vleuten from the University of Maastricht at the invitation of the TDU. The focus was on 'TransformingTeaching and Testing in the Research University: Fad, Need, or Necessity?' Sessions included presentations, discussions, and group interaction. Dr. Brian Lewis CULTURAL EVENTS AT CHUNG CHI Workshop on Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Ov er 50 ma t h ema t i c i a ns f r om Peking University, Taiwan University, Kyoto Sanyo University, and universities in the US, India, and other southeast Asian countries attended the Workshop on Algebra and Discrete Mathematics organized jointly by Chung Chi College and Peking University from 27th to 31 st March. The event was co-sponsored by the University's Department of Mathematics, the K . C . Wo ng E d u c a t i on Foundation, and the Southeast Asian Mathematical Society (SEAMS). The o p e n i ng c e r emony o f the wo r k shop was held a t the Cho Y i u Conference Hall. Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, head of Chung Chi College, delivered the welcoming address. The proceedings of the workshop will be carried in a special issue o f S E A M S Bull Mathematics, t o b e published by Springer Verlag. Visiting Artist Mr. Chu Hon-sun, a renowned sculptor educated in Hong Kong, visited Chung Chi College from 26th March to 11th April as the college's visiting artist. During his visit, Mr. Chu gave several public demonstrations and a lecture. These events were organized by the college jointly with the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre respectively. Mr. Chu graduated from the CUHK Department of Fine Arts in 1975 and went to study sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, Italy, on a scholarship from the Italian government. He returned to Hong Kong in 1980 and taught sculpture as a part-time lecturer at the University from 1982 to 1990. He has been living in Calgary, Canada since 1991. Mr. Chu has won many awards over the years, including the Young Artist Award o f the Ro y al Overseas League A r t Exhibition, London; the Collection Award of the First International Symposium of Outdoor Sculpture, Carrara; and the Sculptor of the Year 1990 of the Hong Kong Artist Guild. Study Tour to Beijing Sixteen students from the Chung Chi Business Administration Society toured Beijing under the sponsorship of Chung Chi College. They visited major companies ill the capital such as Bank of China, Daiko Pacific International Advertising Co. Ltd., Legend Holdings Ltd. as well as cultural and historic spots. They stayed in the student hostels of Beijing Business School, where they had ample opportunities to interact with the locals. Orientatio n fo r B A Summer I n t e r nsh ip P r og r amme The Faculty of Business Administration conducted an orientation programme on 24 th Ma r ch t o i n t r o d u ce i t s E l i te Development Programme, a summer internship programme, to students of the faculty. Representatives from five major companies, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Pegasus Fund Managers Ltd., Smartone Mobile Communications Ltd., Caltex Oil Hong Kong Ltd., and Yau Lee Holdings L t d. were there t o i n t r odu ce t he ir companies to the students. Two former participants of the programme were also present at the orientation to share their experience with the audience. Through this programme, the faculty has since 1996 been offering its students a chance to gain valuable working experience before graduation. Every summer, the faculty selects outstanding second-year students and places them in leading local and international companies or government departments to work as interns. The programme emphasizes cooperation and commitment among the students, faculty members, and the companies. During the internship each student is assigned a teacher from the faculty and a supervisor from the company to turn to for advice and assistance. Through the programme, students learn to put their knowledge into practice and acquire new knowledge and interpersonal skills. Some participants were offered permanent appointments by their companies after graduation. School of Accountancy Annual Dinner 2000 The annual dinner of the School of Accountancy took place on 23rd March at the Police Officers' Club in Causeway Bay. The dinner was organized by CU Accounting Link, a network of 700 members bridging the school, alumni, and friends of the school. On that special occasion, certificates and prizes were presented to graduates of the Certificate Programme in China Accounting, Finance, Taxation, and Law jointly organized by the school and the School of Continuing Studies. Participants of the the dinner also included partners of CPA firms, representatives from professional accountancy bodies, legislative councillors, celebrities, and members of the University. Servic e t oth eCommunit y an d International Organization s * Prof. Chan Kai-ming, professor of orthopaedics and traumatology, was re-appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Hong Kong Sports Development Board and the chairman of the Hong Kong Sports Institute Management Committee for two years from 1st April 2000. * Prof. Leung Yee, professor of geography, was re-appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as amember of the Town Planning Board and its Rural and New Town Planning Committee for two years from 1st April 2000. * Prof. Dennis Lam, professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, was appointed by the Secretary for Health andWelfare as a member of the Medical Council of Hong Kong for six months from 1st April 2000. * Prof. Liu Pak-wai, professor of economics, was appointed as a member of the Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation for two years from 1 st April 2000. * Prof. Lee Kam-hon, professor of marketing, was appointed as a member of the Agricultural Products Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee for one year from 1 st April 2000. * Prof. Wong Tze-wai, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, was elected as the chief censor of the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine for two years from December 1999. * Prof. Victor Chan, associate professor in the Department of Music, was re-appointed for a fourth term as the composer-in-residence to the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra for the concert season 1999-2000. * Prof. Janita Chau, assistant professor in the Department of Nursing, was appointed by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong as a co-opted member of the Registered Nurses (General) Examination Subcommittee for two years from 6th January 2000. * Prof. Edith Lau, associate professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, was elected by the Hospital Governing Committee as New Territories Regional Advisory Committee Member for two years from 1 st April 2000. * Prof. Chan Wing-wah, professor in the Department of Music, attended the Asian Composers' League Executive Committee meeting in Tokyo as vice-chairman from 6th to 9th March 2000. His composition 'Et in Terra Pax' was performed by members of the Shinsei Nihon Symphony Orchestra in the National University of Fine Arts. Prof. Chan also conducted the HK Japanese Club Choir, HK Oratorio Society, and the City Chamber Orchestra in the Thirteenth HK-Japan Joint Charity Concert held at the HK Cultural Centre on 19th March 2000. * Prof. Serena Jin, professor of translation, was appointed by Fujian Normal University as a visiting professor. (Information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.)
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