Newsletter No. 13
CUHK Newsletter University News S i x Inst i tut ions Collaborate on Study on 'Technology Road Maps for Hong Kong' w i t h CUHK as Coordinator This University and five other tertiary institutions recently received a grant of HK$200,000 from The Industry Development Board for phase two studies on 'Technology Road Maps for Hong Kong'. The first phase of the project was initiated by Prof. Charles K. Kao and was launched earlier this year under the supervision of a steering group comprising several heads and senior academics from all six institutions of higher learning: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the City Polytechnic, Baptist College, the Hong Kong Polytechnic, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the University of Hong Kong. The group examined the strength and weaknesses of Hong Kong in the technology field in general and investigated four technology areas with potential for development locally: information technology, biotechnology, materials technology and environmental technology. Phase two studies will look into these areas in depth, pinpointing business opportunities and identifying any missing links in the commercial and industrial infrastructure. The group involved in this research expects to be in a position in due course to consult for the private sector about investment in technologically-based industries in Hong Kong. The present project is the first of its kind involving the participation of all six tertiary institutions. It is also the first time the government has relied on local expertise in addressing such issues. The project is co-ordinated by the Office of Industrial and Business Development of the University Development Section, CUHK. Ac a d em i c Staff Wi n Awards Dr. Leo P.K. Yam, lecturer in the School of Education, was recently awarded the ‘1990 Robert DeKieffer International Fellowship Award' by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology in recognition of his contributions in the field of educational communications and technology. The award carries with it a set of visual aids donated to the institution for which the awardee works. Mr. Jacob Leung, the University Secretary, represented the University to receive the donation in October from 3M Hong Kong Ltd., the sponsor of the award. Prof. Shu-ting Chang, professor of biology and an expert in fungal genetics, was recently awarded an International Cooperation Award by China's Ministry of Light Industry. Prof. Chang has provided China with assistance in mushroom breeding and in improving the cultivation techniques. The award presentation ceremony was held in Beijing last month. V i s i t i n g Scholars Several distinguished scholars visited New Asia and United College between October and November 1990. New Asia David Lam Economist Prof. Fred. C. Hung of the Institute of International Economics, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, visited New Asia College from 17th to 23rd October under the David Lam Economist Exchange Programme and delivered a public lecture entitled 'Taiwan at the Crossroad - an Economic 2
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