Newsletter Special Issue (2002)
2 Special Issue 30th July 2002 CUHK Newsletter 李國章校長任內大學的重要發展 Major Developments of the University Under the Vice-chancellorship of Professor Arthur K.C. Li 李國章教授自一九八二年起加入中大服務,先後出任醫學院外科學 系創系講座教授、系主任、醫學院院長,以及大學校長。 李教授掌領外科學系期間(一九八二至一九九二年),該系無論在 教學、研究、學術出版,或競逐科研經費方面,都取得異常卓越的成 績,於短短十年間,成為國際知名的外科中心。 一九九二年及一九九五年,李教授兩度當選醫學院院長,全力籌劃 該院發展,使之成為一所課程完善、師資優秀、設備一流的醫學院,為 社會輸送出色的醫療人才。該院於九十年代陸續增設新學系,成立新研 究及培訓中心,為市民提供最現代化的醫療服務,又不斷開拓新的醫學 研究領域,在多方面取得突破,創造了多項香港紀錄。目前中大醫學院 設有廿一個學系/學院,全院二百二十多名教師,皆是來自世界各地最優 秀的專科人才。 一九九六年八月一日,李教授獲大學校董會委任為香港中文大學校 長。李校長領導大學在原有的基礎上作全方位的發展,屢創佳績。今天 的中大,是一所卓越的高等學府,在全國以至國際上均已確立了良好的 聲譽。現附列李校長任內大學之重要發展如下: Prof. Arthur K.C. Li first joined The Chinese University in 1982 as Foundation Chair of Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine. He was twice elected by his fellow medical professors in 1992 and 1995 to take on the deanship of the Medical Faculty. In 1995, he was appointed by the University Council to be vice-chancellor designate, and has served as vice-chancellor of the University since 1st August 1996. Starting from scratch, with the University's teaching hospital not even completed when he began service as head of the Department of Surgery, Prof. Li led the department to become one of the most reputable surgical centres in the world within just a decade. Under his deanship, new medical departments were established under the Faculty of Medicine, new research and training centres were set up to upgrade medical services for the public at the Prince of Wales Hospital, and major breakthroughs were achieved in a wide range of medical research. The faculty has now established itself as one of the leading academic units in Hong Kong and the neighbouring region. At the age of 51, Prof. Li was entrusted with the important task of leading The Chinese University to new heights in the 21st century. Under his leadership, the University has achieved tremendous progress on all fronts and become an academic institution of the highest standing in the region. What follows is a list of some of the major developments and achievements of the University under Prof. Li's vice-chancellorship. 1 .學術 Academic Development 成立酒店及旅遊管理學院全港首間教學酒店動工 The School of Hotel and Tourism Management was established under the Faculty of Business Administration in July 1998 to cater to the growing need for senior executives in the hotel and tourism industry in Hong Kong and the neighbouring region; support from the New World Development Company was enlisted for the construction of an international four-star teaching hotel on campus to enable students to turn theory into practice. 成立中醫學院 The School of Chinese Medicine was set up under the Faculty of Science in December 1998. 成立公共衛生學院 The School of Public Health was set up under the Faculty of Medicine in July 1999 to train medical practitioners to provide quality medical and preventive care at the community level. 應社會需要開設多項新課程 New academic programmes in language education, materials science, molecular biotechnology, quantitative finance, linguistics and intercultural studies, risk management, Internet engineering, and e-commerce etc. have been introduced to keep pace with changing social needs. 落實措施提升教學素質 To seek continuous improvement in teaching and learning quality, the University refined the course evaluation system to enhance its validity, restructured the teaching development unit into the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, and set up the Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award to give recognition to exemplary and innovative teaching. 積極改進學生的語文能力 To salvage the deteriorating Chinese and English language standards among local youths, the University introduced a four-tier language enhancement programme for its students in 1997 and reinvigorated its language enhancement courses. 推行更完善的通識教育課程 An overall review of the system of offering general education courses was conducted, resulting in a more structured curriculum with different elective areas for students in different years of study and a standardized total credit unit requirement of general education. 開設副學士學位課程 To respond to the government's call to raise the participation rate in post-secondary education to 60 per cent of the relevant age group, the School of Continuing Studies launched associate degree programmes in the summer of 2002, and is actively exploring joint-venture opportunities with local and overseas educational institutions to increase and diversify opportunities of higher education for senior secondary school leavers in Hong Kong. 2 .硏究 Research 成立中醫中藥研究所 The Institute of Chinese Medicine was established in January 2000 to pool the expertise of over 60 active researchers from the Faculties of Medicine, Science, and Engineering to undertake research in Chinese medicine. 設立架構支持科技轉移 To encourage and regularize technology transfer activities among faculty members, the University approved a set of guidelines on patents and licensing in July 1997, expanded the Research Administration Office into a new Research and Technology Administration Office to co-ordinate the administration of research and technology transfer activities, and set up a Centre for Innovation and Technology under the Faculty of Engineering in 1999 to promote applied R&D and transfer new technologies developed by teachers of the faculty to industries and businesses. 三項研究計劃當選全港卓越學科領域 Three projects at CUHK have been designated by the UGC as Areas of Excellence for funding support, namely, Plant and Fungal Biotechnology (the University's own project), Information Technology, and Chinese Medicine Research and Further Development (jointly with other UGC-funded universities). A ll three projects were chosen for their great potential in achieving an international standard of excellence and contributing to the social and economic well-being of Hong Kong. They are indicative of the high quality of research at the University. 獲評「卓越」之研究計劃數量為八所大學之冠 The University has so far produced the most projects with an 'excellent' rating by the Research Grants Council among all UGC-funded institutions. 研究資助局撥款額及研究生學額名列前茅 Over the last six years, the University has time and again received the largest amount of competitive earmarked research grants from the RGC, or achieved the highest score among the eight UGC-funded institutions in terms of the number of research projects supported, or been allotted the most graduate places from the UGC's competitive central pool. 3.國際關係 International Relations 中大生率先往內地實習 The first of its kind in local tertiary institutions, the China Career Development Award Programme was launched in 1996-1997 with Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Administrative College, Fudan University and Shanghai Administrative College to familiarize students with contemporary China and to prepare them for China-related careers. 促成中國大學校長聯誼會 成立中大駐北京聯絡處 The University helped found the Association of University Presidents of China in 1997, which is a league of well-established research universities represented by their presidents or vice-chancellors. The University also set up the CUHK Beijing Liaison Office in Peking University in 1998 to foster links and cooperation with universities on the mainland. 內地生率先入讀中大 The University was the first to recruit outstanding non-local undergraduate students from the mainland in 1998. The scheme has been highly successful in broadening the horizons of both mainland and local students, and facilitating their communication and mutual understanding. 大學全面國際化 The element of internationalism in the academic curriculum has been reinforced to better equip students for a globalized world. New collaboration and exchange agreements have been signed with prestigious universities, research centres, and international bodies across the world. Student exchange programmes have been expanded to provide more opportunities for overseas study and international exposure, and a larger number of overseas students have been admitted, enabling increased interaction among young people from different cultures on the University campus. 4 .行政 Administration 推行全校管理效率檢討 A university-wide review on management efficiency was launched in early 1997 to increase the efficiency and productivity of University units through the reengineering of procedures and processes and resource deployment. Internal audits, reviews, and efforts at restructuring and streamlining procedures have continued since. 管理效率獲高度評價 A UGC Review Panel visited the University in 1999 to examine its management practices in areas including strategic direction, resource allocation, the effective implementation and monitoring of plans, the planning and development of human
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