Newsletter No. 283
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 2 內地重點大學錄取分數據 Mainland key university cut-off admission score 中文大學錄取平均分 CUHK average admission score 中文大學錄取之最高分數 CUHK’s highest admission score Programmes with the Best Admission Results For the JUPAS intake, the five CUHK programmes with the best admission results were Global Business Studies; Medical Studies; Quantitative Finance; Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis; and Risk Management Science. In terms of results of the best applicants admitted, the top five programmes were Professional Accountancy, Translation, Journalism and Communication, Music, and Global Business Studies, with students admitted having scored close to full points in the HKALE. Commitment to Excellence The 2006 recruitment figures bode very well for the future of the University. Through the concerted effort of all its members, CUHKwill continue to attract Hong Kong’s elite students by virtue not only of its academic supremacy, but its bilingual and multicultural tradition, and its global vision. 香 港中文大學一如既往是香港優秀學 生的首選大學。二零零六至零七年 度的收生成績再次證明中大有能力吸引不 同學科的精英學生。 本地新生 聯招 中大今年經大學聯合招生辦法(聯招)一 共錄取二千三百六十七位新生。這個數 字包括了半數成績最好的一千名聯招新生 (圖一) ,亦包括全港最多屬第一志願和 第一組別的聯招申請人。百分之九十八的 新生,即二千三百一十九人,來自第一組 別的聯招申請人;而屬第一志願的則有 百分之三十一,共一千五百零五人 (圖 二) 。 中大亦錄取了一共二十四位香港高級程度 會考獲四優或以上的學生,是三年以來人 數最多的一年,其中一人更是六優生。他 們均獲得首年全費獎學金。這位高考六優 生是獲專業會計學錄取的任淑均。蔡潤培 連續於二零零五及零六年奪得國際數學奧 林匹克金獎,去年已獲另一所大學優先錄 取,但決心入讀中大數學系,現如願以 償。中大課程對有能力及潛質的優秀學生 吸引力之大,就此可作明證。 優先錄取及其他計劃 中大今年經優先錄取計劃招收了最多的傑 出中六學生,一共一百八十一人,是參加 這個計劃的三所院校之冠,而當中有八位 在中學會考取得十優或九優佳績。此外, 中大從四百九十三個參加「校長推薦計 劃」的申請人裡錄取了八十六人,其中有 尤德爵士紀念基金獎學金得獎人、國際三 項鐵人賽青年組冠軍、全港學界籃球馬拉 松冠軍,以及在其他區際或校際體育比賽 得獎人和熱心社會公益服務的學生。而三 千三百三十七位「自薦計劃」申請人裡, 中大亦錄取了四十八人。 內地新生 全國普通高校統一招生計劃 中大經「全國普通高校統一招生計劃」 錄取了二百四十位內地本科生,包括了 廣東、廣西、江西和山東省全省成績第 一名的學生。在已知排名的十四個省市裡 (各省考生人數由十萬至七十萬不等), 有十五位獲中大錄取的學生列全省首十名 之內,列全省首五百名之內的則有四十七 人。獲錄取內地生的高考英語成績亦相當 出色,達滿分百分之九十五的有十人,平 均亦超過百分之八十八。 非本地生 中大,立足香港,放眼世界,一直力求豐 富學生組合,以締造多元文化的校園。我 們今年錄取了三百位非本地本科生,除了 來自內地二十個省市的學生外,還有來自 世界各地的年輕人,包括印尼、意大利、 日本、澳門、馬來西亞、墨西哥、毛里裘 斯、新加坡、斯洛伐克、南韓、西班牙、 台灣、英國和美國。獲錄取的內地生的平 均成績比二十個省市重點大學的錄取分數 高出五十至一百分 (圖三) 。 今年申請入讀中大的海外學生人數較去年 大幅增加近一倍,而查詢數目更上升了百 分之一百二十五。至於內地生的查詢,也 有百分之二十五的增幅。 中大二零零六年收生擷英拔萃 CUHK Proves Top Choice of Top Students in 2006 Admissions Exercise 收生成績最高課程 按聯招收生中位數,中大五個成績最高的 課程分別為:環球商業學、醫學、計量金 融學、保險、財務與精算學,以及風險管 理科學。而以最高收生分數計算,首五個 成績最高的課程為專業會計學、翻譯、新 聞與傳播學、音樂,以及環球商業學,獲 錄取學生的高考分數均接近滿分。 力求卓越 中大在其同人的齊心協力下,對香港的優 秀學生一直極具吸引力,不僅是因為學術 上的優勢,其雙語和多元文化傳統,以及 全球性視野都是原因。 T he Chinese University of Hong Kong continues to be the university of choice for Hong Kong’s best students. The 2006-2007 admissions exercise has once again demonstrated the University’s ability to attract students of the highest calibre and talent across different categories of applicants. Local Intake JUPAS This year CUHK made a total of 2,367 admission offers through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS). Among the 1,000 JUPAS entrants with the highest average grades in HKCEE and HKALE, 500 were enrolled at CUHK, which is half of the total sum of all local tertiary institutions (Figure 1) . CUHK also admitted the largest share of both first- choice and Band A JUPAS applicants among all tertiary institutions in the territory. 98% of the students admitted, or 2,319 students, were Band A applicants; while 31% or 1,505 students, were first-choice applicants (Figure 2) . CUHK also admitted the highest number of students receiving 4As or more in theHongKongAdvancedLevel Examination (HKALE) in three years— a total of 24. This includes one student with 6As majoring in Professional Accountancy. They were all awarded a full-fee matriculation scholarship. The candidates with 6As in the HKALE was Yam Shu Jun, who was admitted to the Professional Accountancy Programme. The winner of the gold award at the International Mathematical Olympiad in both 2005 and 2006, Tsoi Yun Pui, was admitted to the Mathematics Programme. He had given up an offer from another university through the EarlyAdmissions Scheme last year so he could study at the CUHK Department of Mathematics. This testifies to the quality of the University’s programmes and its appeal for prospective students of great competence and promise. Early Admissions and Other Schemes In the 2006-07 exercise, CUHK also admitted, through the Early Admissions Scheme, the highest number of outstanding Secondary Six students among the three institutions participating in the scheme—a total of 181. Eight of these students hadobtained 10As or 9As in HKCEE. And of the 86 students selected for admission from the 493 applicants under the School Principal’s Nomination Scheme, were recipients of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prize, the champion of the International Triathlon Tournament (Youth Section), the champion of the Hong Kong Interschool Basketball Marathon Tournament, winners of interschool or regional sports contests, as well as social service enthusiasts. CUHK admitted 48 students out of 3,337 applicants under the Self- recommendation Scheme. Mainland Intake Unified National Colleges Admissions System 240 outstanding Mainland under- graduates were admitted through the Unified National Colleges Admissions System, including the top scorers in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi and Shandong. In the 14 provinces and municipalities which have provided ranking information (the number of candidates in these provinces/ municipalities ranges from 0.1 to 0.7 million), 15 students admitted by CUHK rank among the top 10, and 47 students rank within the top 500. English proficiency of these students is particularly impressive, with 10 students scoring above the 95th percentile and the average score above the 88th percentile in the English paper. Non-local Admission In our commitment to broadening our student mix and maintaining a multicultural campus, CUHK sets its sights beyond Hong Kong. This year, we admitted 300 non-local undergraduates from 20 mainland provinces and municipalities, as well as countries and regions all over the world, including Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Mauritius, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, the UK and the US. The average scores of mainland students admitted were higher, by about 50 to over 150 points, than the cut-off scores of those key universities in all 20 mainland provinces and municipalities (Figure 3) . In terms of international recruitment, the number of applications almost doubled this year while the number of enquiries soared by 125% from last year. The mainland recruitment exercise also underwent a promising 25% increase in the number of enquiries received, from last year. (圖二)二零零六年度聯招第一志願新生 Figure 2 Number of first-choice JUPAS applicants admitted in 2006 (圖三)二零零六年度內地本科生錄取分數 Figure 3 Admission scores of mainland under- graduates 2006 (圖四)二零零六年度中大收生成績最高的十個課程 Figure 4 Top 10 CUHK programmes in the 2006 admissions exercise 500 384 111 5 100 200 300 400 500 0 (50%) (圖一)會考和高級程度會考成績最好的聯招新生 Figure 1 JUPAS entrants with the highest average grades in HKCEE and HKALE 1505 1251 768 679 307 301 70 46 0 500 1000 1500 2000 (31%) 排名 Ranking 課程 Programme 1 環球商業學 Global Business Studies 2 醫學 Medical Studies 3 計量金融學 Quantitative Finance 4 保險、財務與精算學 Insurance, Finance & Actuarial Analysis 5 風險管理科學 Risk Management Science 6 專業會計學 Professional Accountancy 7 藥劑學 Pharmacy 8 新聞與傳播學 Journalism & Communication 9 翻譯 Translation 10 心理學 Psychology 900 800 700 600 500 400 中文大學 CUHK 其他大學 Other universities * 內地高考滿分為750分,其中三個省市除外,分別為900 分及630分。 *Full score of the mainland university examination is 750, with the exception of three provinces / municipalities, whose scores are 900 and 630. 省/市 Provinces/Municipalities 分數 Score 中文大學 CUHK 其他大學 Other universities
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