Newsletter No. 316
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。 T he CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. 2. 截稿日期載於本刊網頁: Deadlines for contributions can be found at: 3. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話 2609 8681 / 2609 8589 ,傳真 2603 6864 ,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail iso@cuhk. ). 4. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 世銀首席經濟學家林毅夫論發展與轉變 Chief Economist of The World Bank on Development and Transition 候 任世界銀行(世銀)高級副行長 兼首席經濟學家林毅夫教授,於 3月31日在中大主持公開講座,以「發展 與轉型:思潮、戰略和自生能力」為題, 與逾400名中大師生、校友及政商界人士 分享其對不同經濟體系發展及轉變的看 法。講座直播至本港多所大學、香港中 文大學—東華三院社區書院、香港教育 城網站、香港科技園,以及內地著名學 府。 的政府,何以不受50年代主流社會思潮 的影響,以及中國和越南為何沒有依循 80年代主流發展理論所倡導的經濟轉型 方向。 林教授創立北京大學中國經濟研究中 心,出任主任至今。他在國內擔任多項 公職,包括全國政協經濟委員會副主 任、中華全國工商業聯合會副主席,現 為第十一屆全國人大代表。 P rof. Lin Yifu Justin, the designate Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank, was invited to present a public lecture on ‘Development and Transition: Idea, Strategy and Viability’ on CUHK campus on 31 March. The lecture was broadcast live to local universities, the CUHK–Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community College and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, as well as several major universities on the mainland. It was also available on the Hong Kong Education City web site. Prof. Lin is the first Chief Economist of the World Bank from a developing country, and the first Chinese assuming this position. Being an expert on economic development, Prof. Lin plays a crucial role in advising the World Bank on developing world issues. He will assume duty in late May. In the lecture, Prof. Lin shared his scholarship with over 400 CUHK staff, students, alumni and members of the political and commercial sectors. He analysed why the dominant social thinking about the modernization of developing countries in the 1950s and their transition in the 1990s was incorrect, and how they had shaped government policies and established institutions in these countries. Prof. Lin also discussed why the governments of a few economies in East Asia managed to escape the influence of the dominant social thinking in the 1950s, and why China and Vietnam did not follow the transitional approach advocated by the dominant social thinking in the 1980s. Prof. Lin is professor and founding director of the China Centre for Economic Research at Peking University. Among many of his public roles in China, Prof. Lin is vice chairman, Committee for Economic Affairs of the Chinese People’s Political Consultation Conference and vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. He is a representative of the Eleventh National People’s Congress. 林毅夫教授是第一位來自發展中國家的 世銀首席經濟學家,亦是首位華人出任 此職。他將於五月底履新,就發展中國 家的經濟發展向世銀提供專業意見。 林教授在講座上論述有關1950年代發展 中國家現代化,以及1990年代經濟轉型 的主流社會思潮,指出其錯誤,並分析這 些思潮如何影響該等國家的政府政策和 制度。林教授也探討少數東亞經濟體系 中大連續四年錄取最多尖子 CUHK Admits Largest Number of EAS Students Four Years in a Row 中 文大學今年循「中六生 優先錄取計劃」共錄取了 2 0 6名學生(去年及前年分別為 189名及190名),佔420名合資格 申請人的一半,連續四年成為錄 取最多尖子的院校。這些高材生 當中,170名以中大的課程作為首 選,人數為三所參與計劃院校之 冠。 中 大 今 年 錄 取 了 四 成 半 的 10A/5*尖子,而錄取在中學會考 中考獲10A/5*及9A/5*者較去年 增加了20%,成績在8A/5*或以上 的則共有51人。 今年最多中六尖子選擇的課程計 有醫學、工商管理學、專業會計、計量 金融、保險、財務與精算、心理學、物 理、藥劑和風險管理等。 所有獲「優先錄取計劃」錄取的學生須 在開課前修讀一個由三所大學(中大、 港大及科大)合辦的銜接課程。有關課 程將涵蓋語文、數學及通識培訓等方 面,暫定於7月14至8月6日期間舉行。 C UHK admits the largest number of outstanding Form Six students for the fourth consecutive year. This year, 206 students (189 in 2007 and 190 in 2006) were admitted through the Early Admissions Scheme (EAS), comprising about half of the 420 eligible EAS applicants. Among them, 170 placed CUHK programmes as their first choice, making CUHK the most preferred among the three participating institutions. CUHK admitted 45% of students with 10As/5*, and 51 students who have obtained 8As/5* or above in the HKCEE. There is also a 20% increase over last year in the number of students with 10As/5* and 9As/5*. The programmes admitting the largest number of EAS students include Medical Studies, Integrated BBA, Professional Accountancy, Quantitative Finance, Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis, Psychology, Physics, Pharmacy, and Risk Management Science. All EAS students are required to participate in the Joint University Programmes for EAS Students, which is jointly organized by CUHK, HKU and HKUST. A wide range of courses in English, Mathematics and General Education will be offered. The programme is set tentatively for the period 14 July to 6 August.
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