Newsletter No. 320

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。 T he CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. 2. 截稿日期載於本刊網頁: Deadlines for contributions can be found at: 3. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話 2609 8681 / 2609 8589 ,傳真 2603 6864 ,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail iso@cuhk. ). 4. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 本刊將於暑假期間休刊,下期(第321期)定於8月19日出版。 The CUHK Newsletter will take a break after the 19 June issue and resume publication on 19 August. 兩計劃獲優質教育基金傑出獎 Two QEF Projects Receive Outstanding Awards 優 質教育基金獲政府撥款五十億元在1998年 成立,十年來撥出三十五億元資助逾七千 個項目。基金委員會於5月舉辦「優質教育基金 計劃匯展2008」,從獲資助計劃中,選出二十項 傑出及一百零一項優異計劃,其中兩項傑出獎及 七項優異獎榮歸中文大學。 獲得傑出獎的是教育學院院長李子建教授領導的 「優質教育躍進學校計劃」,以及訊息工程學系 黃寶財教授統領的「視像中國:透過遠程視像活 動提升教學成效」。 躍進學校計劃於1998年獲款六千多萬,躋身歷年 最高撥款額計劃之列,目標是在行政、課程與教 學、家長與社區等三個範疇建立大學與中小學協 作的模式,推行改革,提升教與學的質素和學生 的能力,從而幫助學校自我完善。計劃為期三 年,共服務了五十所中小學,受惠的師生及家長 逾六萬人。 李教授對於計劃獲獎甚感興奮,他指當年特聘 用了多位前線教育經驗豐富的學校發展主任推 行計劃。雖然計劃已告一段落,但其理念卻衍生 了不少優秀的教育新猷,繼續為本港提供多元 化、整全、互動及持續的夥伴式學校改進模式。 曾參與的學校讚許該計劃協助他們檢視學校的強 弱項,定出發展策略的緩急次序,使學校在面對 各種教育改革時,仍能朝着清晰的目標邁進。 獲撥款二百五十萬的視像中國計劃,是以先進視 像會議科技,連繫中港兩地的中小學,舉辦多元 化的遠程教學活動。計劃已連接香港與上海、北 京、湖南、杭州、寧波、西安、拉薩甚至海外等 地的逾三百所學校,讓遠隔千里的學生結成學習 夥伴,透過視像活動如閱讀分享、辯論及專題簡 報等,加深對中國的認識,擴闊視野,提升普通 話能力。 黃教授很高興獲獎,他稱計劃建立了全國性的視 像教學網絡,深受多個省市重視。 T he Quality Education Fund (QEF), set up in 1998 with HK$5 billion, supports initiatives that promote quality education in Hong Kong. Since its establishment, the fund has supported over 7,000 applications with grants amounting to around HK$3.5 billion. To commend outstanding projects funded since 1998, the fund organized the QEF Projects Exposition 2008 on its tenth anniversary. Twenty projects received the Outstanding Project Award and another 101 received a certificate of merit. Among them, two outstanding awards and seven certificates of merit went to CUHK faculty. The two outstanding projects were ‘Accelerated Schools for Quality Education’ led by Prof. John C.K. Lee, dean, Faculty of Education, and ‘V-China—Enhancing the Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Using Video Conferencing Activities’ headed by Prof. Wong Po-choi of the Department of Information Engineering. The accelerated schools project received over HK$60 million in 1998, one of the highest amount awarded since the inception of the fund. The aim of the project was to enhance school education by means of a university– school partnership model in three dimensions: school ongoing quality education projects in diversified, comprehensive, interactive and sustainable partnership models have been derived from its concept. The participating schools said the project helped them to identify their strengths and weaknesses and mapped out tailor-made strategies for them. It enabled them to remain clear about their aims in the face of education reforms. The V-China project received HK$2.5 million to organize remote learning activities in schools in mainland China and Hong Kong through advanced video-conferencing technology. The project covers over 300 schools in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Hunan, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Xi’an, Lhasa and overseas. It enables students to gain knowledge of China through remote cultural exchanges with mainland schools in the forms of book sharing, debate competitions, and presentations, and also improve their Putonghua. Prof. Wong was very happy to receive the award. He said the project has established a nationwide network in video teaching and is highly recognized by many provinces in mainland. 七項中大領導的優異計劃獎: 「健康學校及健康社會—為學童及教師提 供優質教育」(公共衞生學院健康教育及 促進健康中心) 「資訊科技於優質體育教育的應用:互動 電腦軟件製作」(體育運動科學系) 「二十一世紀香港學校創新設計指引發 展」(建築學系) 「香港—學生評估研究計劃:從國際視野 鑑察香港教育質素」(香港教育研究所) 「香港植物和植被的網上資源庫及教育訓 練」(生物系) 「建構學校為學習型組織」(香港教育領 導發展中心) 「以學習村莊進行內地、香港、美國學 校跨地專題研習」(資訊科技教育促進 中心) • • • • • • • The seven CUHK projects receiving certificates of merit are: ‘Healthy Schools’ and ‘Healthy Society’: Quality Education for Children and Teachers’ (Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, School of Public Health) ‘Use of Information Technology in Quality Physical Education: Development of an Interactive Web-based Computer Program’ (Department of Sports Science & Physical Education) ‘Developing Innovative School Design Parameters in Hong Kong for the 21st Century’ (Department of Architecture) ‘The Hong Kong–PISA Project: Monitoring the Quality of Education in Hong Kong from an International Perspective’ (Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research) ‘A Web-Based Database and Training for Hong Kong Flora and Vegetation’ (Department of Biology) ‘Transforming Schools into Learning Organizations’ (Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership) ‘Project-based Learning with Learning Villages among Schools in the Mainland, Hong Kong and the USA’ (Centre for the Advancement of Information Technology in Education) • • • • • • • 左圖:黃寶財教授與參加計劃的內地學生 Left photo: Prof. Wong Po-choi and participating mainland students 右圖:教育學院李子建教授(中)及鍾宇 平教授(左)領獎 Right photo: Prof. John C.K. Lee (centre) and Prof. Chung Yue-ping (left), Faculty of Education, receiving the award administration, curriculum and teaching, parents and community. It is estimated that the three-year project served 50 schools and benefited over 60,000 teachers, students and parents. Prof. Lee was pleased with the results. He said the project had recruited many experienced school development officers to help with the implementation. Although it is now over, various