Newsletter No. 247
Funding Support for CUHK Research T he following 18 research projects undertaken by faculty members o f the University have attracted funding support f r om different quarters: From the Health and Health Services Research Fund • An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Different Models of Health Care Delivery in the Primary Care Setting of General Outpatient Clinics in Hong Kong (HK$714,644) Principal investigator: Prof. Sheila Twinn (Nethersole School of Nursing) • Effects of Psycho-educational Interventions in Managing Chemotherapy-associated Nausea and Vomiting ( CANV) in Paediatric Oncology Patients: A Pilot Project (HKS 100,000) Principal investigator: Prof. Carmen W.H. Chan (Nethersole School of Nursing) • Imp r o v i ng Perioperative Outcome in Elderly Surgical Patients — A n Evaluation of Nitrous Oxide in the Gas M i x t u re for Anaesthesia (HK$586,956) Principal investigator: Prof. Matthew T.W. Chan (Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care) • A Case Management Model of Interdisciplinary Care to Improve Quality of Life of Older People w i th Early Dementia and to Reduce Their Caregiver Burden (HK$554,800) Principal investigator: Prof. Timothy Kwok (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics) • A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of the Therapeutic Effect and Safety of a Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM) for Atopic Dermatitis in Children (HK$454,152) Principal investigator: Prof. Ellis K.L. Hon (Department of Paediatrics) • The Provision and Evaluation of a Suicide Prevention and Management Programme by Frontline Nurses in Hong Kong (HK$519,345) Principal investigator: Prof. Sally W.C. Chan (Nethersole School of Nursing) • Evaluation of Energy Expenditure and Cardiovascular Health Effects f r om Tai Chi and Walking Exercise (HKS811,790) Principal investigator: Prof. Stanley S.C. Hui (Department of Sports Science and Physical Education) • Genitourinary Problems and Mo od Disorders in Elderly Chinese Men 一 A First Epidemiological Cohort Study in Hong Ko ng (HK$695,136) Principal investigator: Prof. Samuel Y.S. Wong (Department of Community and Family Medicine) • Translation and Validation of Two Chinese Health-related Quality of Life Instruments in Patients w i th Coronary Heart Disease (HK$393,846) Principal investigator: Prof. David Thompson (Nethersole School of Nursing) From the Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases • A n Investigation of the Resources and Activities Directed Towards Infection Surveillance and Control in Acute and Rehabilitation Hospitals in Hong Kong (HK$488,928) Principal investigator: Prof. Violeta Lopez (Nethersole School of Nursing) • Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Loss in SARS-CoV Infection (HK$727,640) Principal investigator: Prof. Paul K.S. Chan (Department of Microbiology) • Expression and Functional Characterization of the Putative SARS Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Non- structural Proteins X1-X5 (HK$396,778) Principal investigator: Prof. Ho Yuan Yuan (Department of Biochemistry) • Identification of Human Cell Line Model of Persistent Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Infection and Studies in the Cytokines and Chemokines Response (HK$594,246) Principal investigator: Prof. To Ka Fai (Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology) • Rapid Detection of Food-borne Pathogens in Clinical Specimens, Food and Environmental Samples (HK$652,976) Principal investigator: Prof. Julia M X . Ling (Department of Microbiology) • Formulation of a Multiplex-RT-PCR-based Screening Protocol to Facilitate Rapid Clinical Diagnosis of Respiratory Tract Infections (HK$612,500) Principal investigator: Prof. Paul K.S. Chan (Department of Microbiology) From the Quality Education Fund • Campus e-Newsletter (HK$2,599,700) Principal investigator: Prof. William K.F. Wong (Centre for Innovation and Technology) • Student Leadership De v e l opmen t—4Cs (Creativity, Critical Thinking, Caring, and Commitment) (HK$3,500,000) Principal investigator: Prof. John C.K. Lee (Centre for University and School Partnership) Co-investigators: Prof. David W.O. Chan, Prof. Amy S.C. Ha, and Dr. Roger H.M. Cheng • A n Internet Resources Project for Chinese Education (HK$757,000) Principal investigator: Prof. Kwan Tze Wan (Research Centre for Humanities Computing) News f rom United College New Hostel The Ch an Ch un Ha Ho s t el o f United College — the latest student hostel on C U HK campus and the fourth student hostel o f the college 一 we l c omed its first batch o f residents on 4th September 2004. This 10-storey structure built w i t h m o d e r n a e s t h e t ic a nd functional concepts has, on top o f standard services and facilities c o mm o n to s t u d e nt h o s t e l s, incorporated ample multi-purpose and mu l t i f u n c t i o n al space f or holding activities. It has its own roof garden and flower beds. A walk- bridge links the hostel w i th the main college campus. Standing on Residence Road, the new hostel provides residents with a magnificent view of Tolo Harbour on one side and lush green landscape on the other. 'Residents are very happy w i th the new design and facilities, and they are in full support o f our hostel motto 'United in Diversity' — a goal shared by all those involved in the opening of this beautiful place,' said Dr. Jose Lai, founding warden o f the hostel. The construction project was supported by a donation o f over HK$ 20 million from the Chan Chun Ha Charitable Fund. S o l a r Energy U n i t ed Co l l ege gets a b i g energy boost f r om the sun as the commission o f the first set o f solar powered hot water system was completed in October. The project is the brainchild o f the college's Environment Committee after years o f investigation on the use o f recyclable energy on campus. Solar heater panels have been installed on the roof of the Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building. The system provides hot water supply to the male and female bathrooms o f the college Physical Education Unit. This renewable energy initiative w i l l significantly reduce the consumption o f electricity, thus reinforcing the college's mission of building an environmentally friendly campus. The college's other environment conservation initiatives include an Organic Farming Group, collection o f paper and used materials for recycling, and an inter-hostel energy conservation competition. Service to the Community and International Organizations • Prof. Han L i Ming, professor in the Department of Finance, has been appointed by the Financial Secretary as a member of the Insurance Advisory Committee from 15th September 2004 to 30th September 2006. • Prof. Lee Chi K i n John, dean o f the Faculty o f Education, has been appointed by the Secretary for Education and Manpower as a member of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation for one year from 1st October 2004. • Prof. Bernard L i m Wan Fung, professor in the Department of Architecture, has been appointed by the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour as a member of the Energy Advisory Committee from 27th September 2004 to 14th July 2006. • Prof. Shaw Pang Chui, professor in the Department of Biochemistry (Science), has been re-appointed by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works as a member of the Endangered Species Advisory Committee for two years from 1st October 2004. • Prof. Albert Lee, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, has been appointed by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food as a member of the Promotion Sub-committee of the Health Care and Promotion Fund Committee. He has been elected as a member of the Trustee Board of International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) 2004-2010 and appointed as project leader and co- ordinator of the Northern Part of the Pacific Region for the IUHPE Global Programme on Health Promotion Effectiveness. He has also been appointed as a member of the editorial board of Health Promotion International • Prof. Helen Meng, professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, has been appointed by the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology as a member of the Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee for two years from 1st October 2004. • Prof. Lo Lung Kwong, director of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, has been appointed as a member of the Panel of Adjudicators of the Obscene Articles Tribunal for three years from 17th September 2004. • Prof. Jean Woo, professor of medicine, has been appointed by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food as a medical member of the Appeal Board Panel under the Rabies Ordinance (Chapter 421) for two years from 15th September 2004. • Prof. Clive Cockram, professor of medicine, has been re-nominated to serve as a member of the Education and Accreditation Committee of the Medical Council of Hong Kong for three years from 6th February 2005. • Prof. Po Sing Leung, professor in the Department of Physiology, has been appointed as a member of the Editorial Board o f The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell B i o l o g y . He has also been appointed visiting professor of Capital University of Medical Sciences from 7th September 2004. Award Prof. Catherine A. McBride-Chang, professor in the Department of Psychology, was recognized as a 2004 fellow of the American Psychological Society (APS) for her sustained outstanding contribution to the advancement of psychological science in the area of research. (Information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) 2 No. 247 19th October 2004
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