Newsletter No. 390
本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三九零期 二零一二年一月四日 No. 390 4 January 2012 P2 「原來,科技再先 進,也有取代不了 的服務。」 ‘There are services that cannot be replaced by state-of-the-art technology.’ P10 「因為想探索箇中的奧 秘,所以便去唸音樂了。」 ‘I was drawn to studying music because I wanted to gain a better understanding of how this mysterious language works.’ 《中大通訊》電子版 Online version of CUHK Newsletter 先捨後得的藝術 舉世知名的雕塑家、中大地標《仲門》創作人朱銘博士(左),於12月14日應邀蒞 校,以「藝術即修行」為題主持講座,逾五百位師生校友和文化界人士蜂擁而至。 一身工作服的朱博士,侃談丟掉「太極系列」的創作已經差不多二十年,丟掉賺錢 作品,丟掉成名系列,不囿於固有概念,渾然忘我,才是創作之道。年屆七十三的 朱博士說︰「一路走,一路丟,這就是我創作生涯中的一點體會。」 Emptying Oneself in Art Creation World renowned sculptor and creator of the University’s landmark the Gate of Wisdom , Dr. Ju Ming (left) visited CUHK on 14 December to hold a public lecture titled ‘Art as Practice’ for over 500 art lovers, many of them were staff, students and alumni. Dressed in his daily work clothes, Dr. Ju explained that he had ceased to create works of the ‘Tai Chi Series’, which catapulted him to international fame and fortune some 20 years ago, so as to throw off the shackles of pre-existing concepts, and reach the state of selflessness. This is the secret of his artistic creation. ‘The discarding continues throughout the way. That is something I have realized in a very personal way in my artistic career,’ said the 73-year-old master.
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