Newsletter No. 429/430
2 Nos. 429 /430, 23.12.2013 楊福家 教授是世界知名核物理學家,寧波諾丁漢大學校 長。1965年他從丹麥深造後返國,繼續從事核能物理研 究,並帶領建立中國第一所利用加速器研究原子、原子核 物理的實驗室。楊教授曾獲任命為英國諾丁漢大學監督, 是首位獲此殊榮的中國人。2004年他帶領諾丁漢大學與 浙江寧波成立第一所中外合辦的大學—寧波諾丁漢大 學,為中國教育走向世界創造了全新的模式。大學頒予榮 譽理學博士學位,以表彰其物理科研成就和對中國及國際 教育的貢獻。 Prof. Yang Fujia is a distinguished nuclear physicist. He is the President of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. In 1965, Professor Yang returned to China from Denmark where he pursued postgraduate studies on nuclear physics. Under his persistent effort and leadership, China’s first accelerator-based atomic and nuclear physics laboratory was built. He was the first Chinese being appointed as the Chancellor of the University of Nottingham in the UK. In 2004, he spearheaded the establishment of China’s first Sino-foreign collaborative university, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, which is a partner university between the city of Ningbo and the University of Nottingham. Professor Yang helped created a new model within China’s education system with the intent of bringing Chinese higher education to the world stage. The University conferred upon Professor Yang the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa , for his distinguished achievements in physics research and contributions to education in China and the world. 陳啟宗 博士是傑出企業家和慈善家,恒隆集團及恒隆地 產有限公司董事長。他極其關心教育事業和培養人才,除 了慷慨捐輸,也時常抽出寶貴時間,每年在全球各地講學 逾百次。2006年,陳氏與胞弟陳樂宗博士透過晨興基金 會及晨興教育基金捐出逾億巨款,資助中大成立晨興書 院,並且參與籌劃。他不時參與本港及國際論壇,也在中 外刊物上評論政經,針砭時勢,勇於發聲。大學頒予榮譽 社會科學博士學位,以表彰他對社會及教育方面的貢獻。 Dr. Ronnie Chan Chichung is a prominent entrepreneur and philanthropist, chairman of Hang Lung Group Limited and Hang Lung Properties Limited. He is devoted to the promotion of education and the nurture of talent. In addition to making generous donations, Dr. Chan also keeps a vibrant speaking schedule, delivering more than a hundred lectures every year around the globe. In 2006, Dr. Chan, together with his brother Dr. Gerald Chan Lok-chung, donated over 100 million dollars through the Morningside Foundation and the Morningside Education Foundation to help CUHK set up a new college. He also participated in the college planning process. Dr. Chan frequently appears in local and international forums and publishes widely in the West and the East, commenting on economic and political affairs with clarity and exceptional insight. The University conferred upon Dr. Ronnie Chan the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , in recognition of his remarkable contributions to the education and the community at large. 大學頒授學位典禮 Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 楊梁燕芳 博士別名芳艷芬,為家傳戶曉的粵劇藝術家和 慈善家,年僅十歲即於國聲劇院學藝,自五十年代起,其 唱腔已成為粵曲女聲子喉唱腔的主流,追隨者眾。1984年 楊博士與李曾超群博士成立「群芳慈善基金」,從事公益 活動,資助成立耆康會群芳念慈護理安老院、香港弱智兒 童院、東華三院幼兒中心和啓智學校。2012年,楊博士慷 慨捐貲中大逸夫書院,設立「芳艷芬藝術傳承計劃」,推 動粵劇表演藝術。大學頒予榮譽社會科學博士學位,以表 彰她對文化和社會發展的貢獻。 Dr. Katie Yang Leung Yin-fong ( alias Fong Yim-fun) is a famous Cantonese opera artist and philanthropist. She was taken to the Kwok Sing Theatre to learn Cantonese opera at a very young age. Since achieving fame in the 1950s, the Fong style has become a standard for Cantonese opera actresses, attracting numerous followers. In 1984, Dr. Yang and her friend Dr. Lee Tseng Chiu-kwan founded the Kwan Fong Charitable Foundation to promote charitable causes and sponsored the establishment of the Sage Kwan Fong Nim Chee Home for the Elderly under the Hong Kong Society for the Aged, a school for retarded children in Hong Kong, the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Child Care Centre, and Kai Chi School. In 2012, Dr. Yang sponsored Shaw College of CUHK in promoting Cantonese opera through the Art of Fong Yim-fun Sustainability Project. In recognition of her lifelong contributions to culture and education, the University conferred upon Dr. Katie Yang the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa . 中 文大學於12月6日舉行第七十五屆大會(頒授 學位典禮),由大學校董會主席鄭海泉博士 主持,頒授榮譽博士學位予四位傑出人士:Andrew D. Hamilton教授、楊福家教授、陳啟宗博士及楊梁燕芳 博士(別名芳艷芬),以表彰他們對文化、教育、科研 與社會發展等的傑出貢獻。大會同時頒授375個各科 博士學位,包括4名醫學博士、349名哲學博士、13名 教育博士、1名音樂博士,以及8名護理博士。 C UHK held its 75th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 6 December. Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, Chairman of the University Council, presided at the congregation. Four distinguished people were conferred honorary degrees in recognition of their outstanding contributions in their respective areas of achievement to culture, education, scientific research, and social advancement. They were: Prof. Andrew D. Hamilton, Prof. Yang Fujia, Dr. Ronnie Chan Chichung and Dr. Katie Yang Leung Yin-fong ( alias Fong Yim-fun). A total of 375 doctoral degrees were also conferred. These included 4 Doctors of Medicine, 349 Doctors of Philosophy, 13 Doctors of Education, 1 Doctor of Music, and 8 Doctors of Nursing. Andrew D. Hamilton 教授是著名有機合成化學家, 現為英國牛津大學校長兼有機化學教授。他曾獲美國化 學學會Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award,又獲英國皇家 學會和美國科學促進會選為院士。2009年他出任牛津大 學校長,制訂了全面的新策略,籌募得可觀捐助,同時使 學生背景更趨多元化,亦着手把大學的運作和資訊系統 數碼化。大學頒予榮譽法學博士學位,以表彰他對教育及 科研的重要貢獻。 Prof. Andrew D. Hamilton is a renowned synthetic organic chemist and currently Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Organic Chemistry of the University of Oxford. He received the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society and was elected a fellow of the Royal Society and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford in 2009. Under his leadership, the University has developed a comprehensive strategic plan, received some remarkable philanthropic donations, made progress in diversifying the student population, and set in train a massive programme of digitizing the university’s operation and information systems. In recognition of his tremendous contributions to education and scientific research, the University conferred upon Professor Hamilton the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa . 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 長達一年的金禧校慶活動,在寒流訪港之前,到達熾熱 高峰。 以中文大學這麼一個龐大的群體,對五十周年的表述不可 能只得一種。學術殿堂的交流、華麗大廳的晚宴、席地坐觀 的匯演、誌念留芳的捐建,都在本期留下了影像,成為中大 歷史的一部分。 2013年將盡,如果隨五十周年而來那種撫今追昔的情懷仍 然縈繞不去,到新近揭幕的大學展覽廳逛逛吧。多項富歷 史意義的物件靜靜待你觀賞,大學過去半世紀的發展濃縮 在文字與光影裏,準能滿足你緬懷之思。 學府的本務不會因節慶而淡忘,在第七十五屆大會上,大學 續表彰對社會福祉有建樹的人士,包括外國和內地的學者、 本土商人和表演藝術家。與我們在這期「……如是說」暢談 的是 Jane Jackson 教授,這位2009年度校長模範教學獎 得主,最近又獲頒博文教學獎。正是靠這樣的良師,日復一 日、年復一年地竭盡心思,在教學上力求至善,大學得以為 學生提供全面的教育,履行其根本使命。 Year-long Golden Jubilee celebrations reached their climax just before the cold front roared into town. For a university the size of CUHK, festivities take on different forms. Academic exchanges, a magnificent banquet, a show watched by audience seated on the floor, donations and construction commemorating benefactors … all left their imprint on the history of the Chinese University. As 2013 draws to a close, if your taste for nostalgia triggered by the 50th anniversary celebrations is still lingering, why not saunter over to the newly unveiled University Gallery? Historic and historical artefacts representing the University’s development in the last half- century are quietly awaiting your appreciation. Outside the festivities, the University honoured at its 75th Congregation those who have contributed to the well- being of society. They included overseas and mainland scholars, a local businessman and an artist. In this issue of ‘Thus Spake …’, Prof. Jane Jackson , recipient of the Exemplary Teaching Award in 2009, and, more recently, the University Education Award, speaks. It’s owing partly to educators like her who day after day, year after year, explore ways to improve their teaching, that the University can fulfil its mission of education. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 大學頒授學位典禮 2 Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 歡呼躍動賀金禧 3 Golden Jubilee Celebrations 半世紀盛會:五十周年校慶晚宴 4 A Jubilant Gathering: The 50th Anniversary Banquet 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f&b 6 金禧大學校長論壇 7 Golden Jubilee University Presidents’ Forum 校園消息 Campus News 8 博文貫珍 The Galleria 9 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 10 宣布事項 Announcements 10 人事動態 Ins and Outs 11 Jane Jackson 如是說 Thus Spake Jane Jackson 12
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