Newsletter No. 401
本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . P2 「我們參與整個計劃的過 程,就像是在設計工作室工 作,既認真又好玩。」 ‘We treated the entire project like it was taking place inside a design studio, in a serious but fun way.’ P14 「創新是利用科技實踐創意,令科技的 價值走出實驗室,令普羅大眾受惠。」 ‘Innovation is the use of technology to turn creativity into reality, to bring the value of technology outside the lab for the benefit of society.’ 征空先鋒來校訪問 天宮一號與神舟九號載人交會對接任務代表團在8月12日蒞臨中 大,與本港八所高等院校約五百名學生會面。代表團成員景海鵬 是第二次以航天員身分來校,他形容這次來訪如同與老朋友見 面,感覺格外親切。 左起:中大校長沈祖堯,航天員劉洋、景海鵬和劉旺,代表團團長 牛紅光,中國載人航天工程總設計師周建平。 Meeting with Astronauts The Tiangong-1/Shenzhou-9 space mission delegation visited CUHK on 12 August, meeting with about 500 students from eight local universities. This was the second time astronaut Jing Haipeng visited CUHK. He described this visit as a meeting with old friends. From left: CUHK Vice-Chancellor Joseph J.Y. Sung; astronauts Liu Yang, Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang, delegation leader Niu Hongguang, and designer-in-chief of China’s manned space programme Zhou Jianping. 第四零一期 二零一二年八月十九日 No. 401 19 August 2012 以智能手機、平板電腦 或其他流動裝置掃描此 QR碼,可閱讀本期網 上版。 Please scan this QR code with your smart phone, tablet or portable device to read our online version.
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