Newsletter No. 407
本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . P5 中大學生創意發 明—無人駕駛飛 行器 An innovative design by CUHK students— unmanned aircraft 年輕人的進學天地 位於大學圖書館地庫的進學園,上月初啟用後已成為中大學生 的新聚點。玻璃製的天花板,把朝陽映照羅馬花園水池的粼粼 波光投射在書頁上,為閱讀增添靈動氣息。進學園由11月12日起 廿四小時開放。 Eden for Learners Situated on the lower ground floor of the University Library, the newly opened Learning Garden is a hotspot for CUHK students. Studying under the sun and under water is now possible, as a glass ceiling located under the fountain of the Roman garden lets light into the room. The Learning Garden is open 24 hours a day starting from 12 November. 第四零七期 二零一二年十一月十九日 No. 407 19 November 2012 P12 「我慶幸自己能上學, 它是生活意義的一部 分。」 ‘I’m grateful that I can continue my studies at a university; it gives meaning to my life.’ P2 「波折反成祝福,教我們更 堅定不移,憑信心逐步解決 問題。」 ‘The obstacles were really a blessing. They taught us to stand firm and face problems with confidence.’
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