Newsletter No. 446
8 446 • 4.11.2014 口談實錄 Viva Voce ’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 電子工程二年級生 李逸 Li Yi Year 2 Electronic Engineering Student 可以談一下你的成長經歷嗎? 我祖籍北京,在福建南平出生。父母分別在中國科學院和中國 社會科學院任職。父母在我出生後不久就到美國工作,我留在 福建,由外公外婆照顧,所以我跟他們感情非常深厚。到了兩 歲半,父母把我接回北京讀書。我讀過國家發改委幼兒園、中 古友誼小學。小學四年級的時候,班主任帶來了一張宣傳單, 介紹北京八中的「少兒班」(「超常教育實驗班」),叫成績比 較好的同學報考。我就去嘗試一下,經過三輪考試和一週試 讀,沒想到就順利考上了。 據說「少兒班」用四年把八年的書讀完,怎樣做到的? 學校為我們設計了特別的課程,增強我們的學習能力:大量的 體育活動磨練我們的意志,好像每週三次體育課,每天放學 跑兩公里、十七公里遠足、自行車旅行等;經常走出校園,開 闊我們的視野,例如下礦井、到訪油田、參觀外國名校;還有 重視研究式學習,鼓勵我們在課餘結合學過的知識進行研究 探索,培養獨立思考和刻苦鑽研的精神。 在「少兒班」學習,壓力大嗎? 壓力當然是有的,但主要不是學習的東西難,而是同學之間的 競爭。但是老師經常激勵我們,改善我們的心態,而我喜歡彈 鋼琴,打羽毛球放鬆自己。父母對我的學業沒有甚麼要求,他 們比較關心我的學習習慣,例如我曾經偷玩電腦遊戲、不交 作業,讓他們有些擔心。 你父母覺得你聰明嗎?你自己呢? 其實父母從來都不覺得我很聰明,反而覺得我有時候反應很 慢。當時去考「少兒班」,他們估計我應該也考不上吧。我想 所謂的「聰明」,還是因為我很專注,學習效率比較高。 為甚麼會來中文大學就讀? 高考可以考試前報志願學校,我詳細查閱了一些中大的資料, 並向上一屆在中大學習的少兒班學長查詢,最後自己作出選 擇。我希望到一個視野更開闊的環境中去認識世界,中大具有 中西相容的文化和多元化特徵,能帶給我一個更為開放的環 境和自由的思想。 對電子工程很有興趣? 報考中大時,我報了工程學院,預備專業選報數學與資訊技 術。通過一年級的學習,我又把興趣轉向了電子工程,這個方 向是數學、物理、電腦結合的學科。我希望大學四年能打下扎 實的學術研究基礎,未來對電子資訊學科的理論發展和應用 實踐作出貢獻,成為一個改善人類生活的發明家。 很多人讀書很出色,自理卻一團糟。你是這樣的嗎? 我才十五歲,而且第一次離開家這麼遠,生活經驗跟時間安 排等方面的確比十八、九歲的同學差一些,尤其是在考試期間 或死線接近時,我經常不記得按時洗衣服、收拾房間,甚至洗 澡,但是後來書院安排一些學長跟我同住,教會我不少獨立 生活的技能,通過一年的鍛鍊,我的獨立生活能力大大提高。 結織朋友可有困難? 上大學後我面臨兩個挑戰:一是如何融入當地文化,如何與本 地同學相處,這是內地生來港後多多少少都會遇到的。另一 個是如何與大我四、五歲同學交流。我的方法是:第一,多接 觸,了解和學習他們的思想和表達。書院為我們搭建了一個很 好的平台,我要善加運用;第二,忽略自己的年齡,在專業學習 和共同經歷的生活中尋找相同的興趣。 中大畢業以後會留在香港、回國內,還是出國? 現在還沒有特別的規劃,只是有一點比較明確,就是為了實現 我的科學家夢,未來還要繼續學習和深造,應該會出國或者 留在香港。但我相信無論去哪裏,只要做好自己就會有好的成 果。目前我只想更好地享受一下我的大學生活。 請掃描QR碼閱讀全文版 Scan the QR code for the full version 觀看錄像,請掃描QR碼或瀏覽以下網址: To watch the video, please scan the QR code or visit: Please tell us about your childhood. I am a native of Beijing but I was born in Nanping in Fujian Province. My father and mother worked in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, respectively. Soon after my birth, my parents went to work in the US and left me in Fujian. My grandparents took good care of me. When I was about two years old, I moved back to Beijing with my parents. I went to a kindergarten under the National Development and Reform Commission, and then China-Cuba Friendship Primary School. In primary 4, my class teacher encouraged us to apply for the ‘High Ability Class’ of Beijing No. 8 High School. Fortunately, I was accepted after three rounds of exams and a week of trial classes. In general, students in ‘High Ability Class’ complete an eight-year programme in four years. How did you do that? The school designed a unique curriculum which greatly enhanced our learning. First, intensive physical training to temper our will power. For instance, three physical education lessons per week, a 2-km run everyday after school, and long distance cycling, etc. Second, extra curricular activities to broaden our horizons. In my case I visited a mine shaft, an oil field and famous colleges overseas. Last but not least, inquiry-based learning to cultivate independent and creative thought. Did you get stressed out in the ‘High Ability Class’? Yes, sometimes. Not because of the curriculum but the competition among classmates. Fortunately, our teachers always encouraged us. I liked to play the piano and badminton to reduce stress. My parents were permissive about my grades but they really cared about my studying behaviour. I remember I used to play computer games without their permission and refused to do homework. It worried them. Do your parents think you are intelligent? How would you rate yourself? My parents never think that I am clever. In fact they think that I was very slow to react sometimes. They had no expectation when I applied for the ‘High Ability Class’. I think I am able to concentrate on my studies, but people think that is intelligence. Why did you choose CUHK? We have an early admission scheme in China that allows us to make our choice before the National Higher Education Entrance Examination. I had done some research and talked to some ‘High Ability Class’ graduates who were studying at CUHK and finally came to a decision on my own. The cultural diversity at CUHK and in Hong Kong provides me with an ideal environment. What attracted you to electronic engineering? I studied mathematics and information technology in my first year in CUHK, then I switched to electronic engineering— an interdisciplinary subject which integrates knowledge of mathematics, physics, and computer science. I hope I can acquire knowledge and skills during my undergraduate studies, so that I can make contribution to theory and practice in the field, and eventually become an inventor who can change the way human beings are living. There are a lot of people who are good at studying but weak in self-care skills. What about you? This is my first time to leave my family. Being a 15-year-old, with no doubt I have less experience compared to classmates who are already adults. When exams and deadlines are coming, I admit that I sometimes forget to wash my clothes, tidy up my room, and shower. A year ago the College arranged some upperclassmen to live with me and teach me how to be independent. I think I am a grown man now. Do you have any difficulty making new friends? I have to face two challenges here: first, to adapt to the local environment and make friends with the locals—this is an issue many mainland students encounter; second, to interact with students older than me. I always try to interact with the local students, hoping that I can understand how they think and learn their ways of expression. The College is a great platform for meeting more friends. I also try to identify some common interests with my classmates, disregarding my young age. What are your future plans? I still have to figure it out, but I am sure I will follow my dream. I will continue my study overseas or in Hong Kong. I believe wherever I go, hard work is the only key to success. At present I just want to enjoy my life at CUHK. Photo by ISO staff
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