Newsletter No. 385

12 No. 385, 19.10.2011 …… 如是說 Thus Spake… 對於崇基學院來說,六十年 表徵了甚麼意義? 在中國文化來說,六十為一 甲子,代表着循環不息、周而 復始的意思,意義重大。在這 個重要的時刻,我們也該總 結過往經驗,在起點重新出 發,向前邁進。 由學生、教師,以至院長,你 見證了崇基不同的時代,可 否概述當中轉變?有哪些難 忘的經歷? 崇基創校初期校址位於中 環,其後才遷至現址。學生 兼具了城市的廣闊視野和鄉 村儉樸之風。遷址後校園位 處偏遠,交通不便,同學們 因而十分熟稔,也充分展現 了小型博雅書院的特色。唸書時的生活點滴,仍然深刻難 忘,相信六十年代的崇基人亦像我一樣。在美國唸完博士 後,我先後在新加坡和美國任教近二十年,才回到母校, 那時書院規模已壯大許多了,但一些優良傳統仍然承傳下 來,例如崇基的校風仍然嚴謹而開明。我們的宿規堪稱全 校最嚴,但這些宿規卻是由學生和書院共同制定的。學生 是享有很大的自主和參與權的。 猶記得你剛上任院長時,曾表示不欲為學院發展劃定一張 發展藍圖,避免扼殺創意,反過來限制了發展。實行起來, 情況如何? 我常說,自己的宗教信仰是基督教,倫理方面採用儒家思 想,而管治則以道家自然無為為依歸。所以,我最鼓勵和 支持同事、教師和學生提出意見,為崇基共謀更美好的發 展。為了推動學生發揮創意,特別設立了宋常康創意獎和 崇基圓夢計劃,讓學生天馬行空,大膽構想,由書院給予 支持,助他們實現計劃。然而,在眾多的學生建議中,至今 仍未見極具創意和充滿巧思的構想,仍待繼續努力。 對於學院的發展,又有甚麼期望? 希望透過這次六十周年院慶,重新凝聚師生、校友和同 事,釋放出更多能量,推動書院發展。崇基的創立是因應 社會需要而來,並一直延續着這種與時並進的精神,故不 斷有新的計劃來應對新的挑戰。舉例說,上世紀七十年 代,中國開始改革開放,崇基即開與內地院校交流之先 河。香港回歸了中國後,院方又構思如何協助學生認識過 去無法涉獵的兩個範圍─外交和國防,最終與北京中國 外交學院簽定交換計劃,使崇基學生有機會藉着交流學 習外交政策、關係和禮儀,也許還有接待外交使節的實習 機會。 對新增了五所書院,有甚麼看法? 書院制得以多元發展,並得到廣泛的支持,是一個驚喜。 對於2012年同時有兩批新生入學,增建書院是一個解決 方案。新書院的規模不一,且各有不同的教育理想,各顯 神通,滿足各類學生的興趣,提供了多種選擇。對原有的四 所書院來說,這個發展是挑戰,也是機遇。讓我們也趁機 反省和檢討,務求把書院辦得更好。 下期預告 Coming 黃國彬教授 Prof. Wong Kwok-pun Laurence have the strictest regulations in the University, they are formulated by the College and students. CC students enjoy great autonomy and participating rights. Upon assuming duties as College Head, you refused to draw the development blueprint for CC as you felt it would discourage innovative ideas from being proposed. Can you talk a little about your beliefs? I am by religion a Christian. When it comes to ethics, I am a Confucian. In administration, I stick to Daoism, that is, acting naturally. I appreciate it when staff and students contribute their opinion for the progress of CC. To support and realize the creative ideas of students, the S.H. Sung Creativity Award and Dreaming Through Chung Chi have been established. Yet we have not found very creative and fascinate proposals so far. So let’s keep looking. What are your aspirations for the College’s development? In celebration of the 60th anniversary, we intend to further unite teachers, students, alumni, and staff to create more synergy for our development. CC was founded to tie in with the changing social environment. This spirit continues as various new programmes have been launched to keep up with rapid development over the years. When China opened its door in the 1970s, CC was one of the first colleges in Hong Kong to have established academic exchange progammes with institutions on the mainland. After China resumed sovereignty over the territory, CC drew up plans to launch studies in diplomacy and national defence, which were beyond the areas of studies for students in the past. We are glad to sign the exchange agreement with the China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, where our students go on exchange to learn about foreign policy, relations and protocol, and to have a chance to host diplomatic corps, if possible. With the addition of five new Colleges, how do you view the development of CUHK’s collegiate system? It is a pleasant surprise to see the collegiate system developing with such diversity and enjoying wide recognition. As we will have two batches of freshmen coming in, establishing new colleges is a way to accommodate the increased undergraduate enrolment. With new Colleges in various sizes and having different visions, students have more choices. For the four original Colleges, such development is a challenge and also an opportunity. We should reflect and review in order to perfect ourselves. 梁元生教授(右二)於1968年與同學在崇基校園留影 Prof. Leung Yuen-sang (2nd right) with his classmates on Chung Chi campus in 1968 崇基學院院長 梁元生教授 Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, Head of Chung Chi College What do six decades mean for Chung Chi College (CC)? Six decades are defined as a Jiazi in Chinese culture, which means moving in endless cycles, going round and beginning again. In the year of our 60th anniversary, it’s time for us to review the past and advance afresh from the starting point. From student, to teacher to College Head, you have witnessed the development of CC. Could you give a brief account of the changes and the memorable moments? CC founded its campus in Central before moving to the existing one. This equipped our students with an urban vision and rustic simplicity. Despite the remote location and inconvenience in transportation in those days, students were close to each other, which demonstrated a special feature of a small-sized liberal arts college. Life in the College remains very vivid to me even to this day. I thought many CC alumni who graduated in the 1960s share the same feeling. Upon receiving my PhD degree, I taught in Singapore and the US for almost 20 years. By the time I returned to CC, it has grown in size in terms of both teacher and student numbers. The excellent traditions of the College have been passed on from generation to generation. For example, while our hostels