Newsletter No. 392
2 No. 392, 19.2.2012 李玉萍(阿萍) Lee Yuk-ping (Ah Ping) 統計學系辦公室助理 Office Assistant, Department of Statistics 阿萍的工作是保持辦公室和茶水間整潔, 系主任 陳毅恆 教授讚揚阿萍工作投入,做 妥本份還會主動分擔別人的工作。「優質 的校園服務,我可以用三個心來形容,第一 是將心比心,代入他人的角色,我會做得 比較細心。第二是放心,我有責任感,別人 交託我會很放心。第三是開心,我希望用 積極的態度去服務,大家滿意就最開心。 校園鳥語花香,花草樹木又多,空氣又好, 有免費校車,醫療福利包括牙醫和普通科, 這份工我覺得超好!」阿萍喜孜孜地說。 Ah Ping’s job is to keep offices and their pantries clean and tidy. Prof. Chan Ngai-hang , chairman of Department of Statistics, described Ah Ping as devoted, competent, helpful and proactive. ‘I’ll describe quality campus service with “three hearts”. Firstly, a sensitive heart. When I put my feet in someone else’s shoes, I’m more aware of what I’m doing. Secondly, a settled heart. I am a responsible person, and people trust me when they give me a task. Thirdly, a happy heart. I serve with a positive attitude. When others are happy, I feel great. The CUHK campus is beautiful. There’re birds and flowers, trees and bushes, clean air, and free shuttle buses. Medical benefits are comprehensive. This job is superb!’ said Ah Ping. 郭志宏(Kelvin) Kwok Chi-wan 學生事務處二級助理主任 Executive Officer II, Office of Student Affairs Kelvin在上司 梁汝照 處長眼中「平易近人, 做事很認真、很細心,所計劃的項目非常 周詳」。「我很喜歡這裏的學生,我所接觸 的大部分來自外地,我是用心幫助他們, 令他們有家的感覺。在他們身上我學到不 同的文化,大家都有成長。」學生畢業後, 和他的友情仍在,「有時候回覆訊息,對方 會很開心我還記得他,我真的很開心,有 很大成功感,我見證了一個學生的成長。」 Kelvin說。 Kelvin’s boss considers him his right-hand man. ‘He’s easy-going. I am very happy to work with him. He’s detail-minded, and the projects he handled were extremely well-planned,’ said Mr. Leung Yu-chiu Raymond , Director of Student Affairs. ‘I love the students here. I need to take care of international students. I help with all my heart, and cultivate in them a sense of home here. Since they come from different places, I’ve learned a lot from them, and we all grow in the process.’ Kelvin is still in contact with certain overseas graduates. ‘Sometimes I reply to their messages, and they are surprised that I still remember them. This makes me really happy and gives me a sense of achievement. I feel that I’ve witnessed the growth of a student,’ exclaimed Kelvin. 我為工作賦意義 It is I Who Give Meaning to Work 黎寶翠 Lai Po-chui Stella 資訊處製作統籌 Production Supervisor, Information Services Office Stella加入中大已經二十八年,為刊物的排 版、設計和印務絞腦汁,見證了大學出版由 植字排版、人手拼貼到電腦化的遞變。她 還兼顧部門的財務和採購。 曹永強 處長很 欣賞她︰「繁瑣的事她能勝任,有原創性的 事也一樣出色。」總編輯 盧惠玉 則說Stella 很有正能量,很能擔當。「每完成一項工作 就是我的使命。我很幸運,所遇到的同事 性格都很開朗,而且沒架子,比我高幾級 都能打成一片。」Stella說。 Stella has worked in CUHK for 28 years, and she is responsible for generating design layouts for publications, and taking charge of financial and procurement matters. Mr. Tommy Cho , Director of Information Services, appreciates her efforts. ‘She manages tedious tasks very well, and is also creative.’ Ms. Lo Wai- yuk Sandra , chief editor, said Stella is a vibrant force for co-workers, and she inherently possesses a can-do spirit. ‘My mission is to accomplish each and every task assigned. I am lucky that my colleagues are all bright, easy-going and friendly. Despite their more senior ranks, we get along very well.’ 吳思琪 Ng Sze-kei 晨興書院二級助理主任(現職中醫學院) Executive Officer II, Morningside College (now at the School of Chinese Medicine) 思琪加入晨興書院時剛有身孕,院長 莫里 斯 教授覺得,書院就像是她的另一個孩 子,「她對學生很真摯,又很了解他們的需 要。」思琪但凡提及學生,兩眼即閃發光 芒︰「第一批學生入讀時,那種喜悅真的無 法形容。那時候認識了很多家長,他們每 次來港都會探我,結成了好朋友。」 Sze-kei was pregnant when she joined Morningside College. Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees , College Master, says, ‘Perhaps the College was her other child. All the students certainly thought her as a mother. She has real feelings for students and is very good at sensing what they need.’ ‘When I see the first cohort of students arrive, my joy was inexpressible. I made friends with so many parents, some of them from overseas, and we still keep in touch now.’ 優異服務 引以為傲 在 大學任職要獲賞識,不一定是靠高深學問,而是取決於以 甚麼心去服務。中文大學今年的員工優異服務獎,八位得 主一同為「敬業樂業」四字寫下完美註釋,他們的笑靨均流露出 誠心正意,純一專注的赤子心;他們的共通點是融通處事,永不言 倦,而且深明自己完成每一件差事,都有助達成大學的整體使命。 無怪乎中大副校長兼員工培訓及發展委員會主席 許敬文 教授( 第 二排右二 ),在頒獎禮上笑不攏嘴,感謝大家勞苦功高,為中大作 出寶貴貢獻。 「今年的頒獎禮已經是第十屆,歷年來共有七十八人獲獎。遴選 時我一一與獲提名者會面,聽得他們說得最多的字詞是『心』。工 作細心,對人關心,事情上心,服務盡心。見到員工開心,充滿幹 勁,是大學的福氣。」2010至11年度員工優異服務獎遴選委員會 主席 劉忠明 教授( 後排左一 )說。 頒獎禮於2月3日於李兆基樓舉行, 沈祖堯 校長( 前排中 )頒發獎項 予各得主,到賀的還有多位副校長、部門主管,得獎者的上司、同 事和親友等,熱鬧非凡。典禮上播放由人事處攝製的訪問片段,縷 述了得獎人在尋常工作中的不平凡處。 G aining appreciation for work at a university does not necessarily rely on scholastic achievements, but rather attitude. In early February, eight staff members from the executive and minor ranks were presented the Exemplary Service Award 2010–11. Their devotion and skilfulness in deriving joy from their jobs were evidenced by their smiles—they were happy, sincere, mindful to others, flexible, and persistent. Prof. Michael K.M. Hui ( 2nd right, second row ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor and chairman of the Staff Training and Development Committee, CUHK, was extremely delighted when he delivered his congratulatory speech, and thanked the recipients and their co-workers for their precious contribution to CUHK. ‘It’s the tenth time that this ceremony was held. So far, 78 colleagues have been presented the award. This year, when I chaired the selection panel and met with the candidates, the most frequent word I heard was “heart”—a careful heart, a caring heart, an attentive heart, a dutiful heart. I was impressed that colleagues felt happy within the CUHK community, and morale was so high. This is really a true blessing to all of us’, said Prof. Lau Chung- ming ( 1st left, back row ), chairman of the Selection Panel of Exemplary Service Award 2010–11. The grand ceremony was held in Lee Shau Kee Building on 3 February. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( centre, front row ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, officiated at the ceremony and presented the awards. Guests included CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellors, unit heads, senior staff, as well as colleagues, family and friends of the awardees. In the video interviews prepared by the Personnel Office, each awardee gave his/her not-so-ordinary take on ordinary tasks.
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