House of Codes:
A Forum on Development of Websites and Digital Contents

Date: Thursday, 6 December 2018
Venue: LT5, Lee Shau Kee Building
Co-presented by Information Services Office (ISO) and Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC)

Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dennis Ng, welcomes the participants with a speech Mr. Danny Hui (ISO) shares his experience on managing websites, and makes suggestions for webmasters to improve the quality of websites Mr. George Yuen (ITSC) advises on how to have better content management via CMS Cloud Service The forum provides information on the trends and suggestions on websites and digital contents development
Mr. Alvis Ko from The Origo talks about the ways to make websites rank higher in search results, and shares some useful resources to the audience Mr. Tommy Cho (ISO) presents a souvenir to Mr. Alvis Ko Mr. Tommy Cho (ISO) gives his insights on developing digital content Webmaster discusses his issues encountered when managing webpages
10 Tips for a Great and Effective Website
Mr. Danny Hui, ISO
Better Content Management with CMS Cloud Service
Mr. George Yuen, ITSC
How to Make Your Website Rank Higher in Internet Searches
Mr. Alvis Ko, theOrigo
Swim or Sink in the Sea of Digital Contents
Mr. Tommy Cho, ISO
Useful Resources
CUHK in Pixels
Search Creative Commons photos in Flickr
Search free photos in
Google Trends to explore what the world is searching
Google Adwords for related keywords and their popularity
Keyword performance of your own website in Search Console
SEO analysis with Moz
Keyword analysis with Dragon Metrics