Newsletter No. 332
12 No. 332, 19.2.2009 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁 ( 。 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部 (電話 2609 8681/2609 8589,傳真 2603 6864,電郵 。 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 香港中文大學資訊處出版 1. The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and the summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail . 3. The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. Published by the Information Services Office, CUHK 一紙在手,感覺踏實。然而,為減少大量印刷對環境造成的損害,請與朋友分享本通訊,或上網( ) 閱覽。謝謝您愛護環境。 We all like the feel of paper. But this newsletter will increase your carbon footprint. So share a copy with friends or read it online at your own leisure ( ). Thank you for supporting the environment. 劍橋大學卡萊爾堂訪問學人資助計劃 Clare Hall Visiting Fellowship Programme 2010 – 11年度卡萊爾堂訪問學人資助計劃現接受申請。申請人可 獲資助前往劍橋大學卡萊爾堂從事研究,為期半年或一年,可由 2010年暑假或9月,或2011年1或3月開始。助理教授級別以上及在 中大服務不少於一年的全職教員,不論研究範疇,均可申請。 請把申請表格(PO/SR3)及有關文件,於2009年3月20日或以前經 有關學系系主任及學院院長送交人事處培訓事務經理周偉榮先生, 俾轉呈教師審議委員會考慮。計劃詳情及申請表格可於人事處網 頁( asp )下載,或致電人事處(2609 8607/7876)查詢。 Applications/nominations are now invited for the Clare Hall Visiting Fellowship Programme tenable in 2010–11. The programme offers a visiting fellow the opportunity to carry out research at Clare Hall of the University of Cambridge. The visiting period could be six or twelve months from summer, October 2010, January 2011 or March 2011. All full-time teaching appointees of assistant professor rank or above, in any discipline, who have served at the University for not less than one year, are eligible to apply. Detailed programme information and application forms can be obtained from the Personnel Office website ( https://perntc.per . ). Nominees should submit a Summary of Submission (PO/SR3), which can be downloaded from the above website, together with the completed application forms and requisite supporting documents, with the endorsement of the department chairman/unit head and the faculty dean as appropriate, to Mr. Daniel Chow, training manager, on or before 20 March 2009 for consideration by the Academic Staff Review Committee. For enquires, please contact the Personnel Office (2609 8607/7876). 香港世界貿易中心會會籍 World Trade Centre Club Membership 中大持有香港世界貿易中心會會籍,甲類服務條款聘用或同等級別 的教職員可透過大學提名成為該會會員,使用該會設施(詳情請瀏覽 ) 。 有興趣者可以競投方式成為該會大學提名會員,會籍由2009年4月 1日起生效,詳情及下載投標表格請瀏覽 WTCCbidding.pdf 。 競投者請填妥投標表格,於3月10日下午2時30分前寄回或送達:富爾 敦樓地下商務組,轉交大學投標管理委員會。信封面請註明「申請香 港世界貿易中心會會籍」。查詢請致電曹小姐(2609 7887)。 The University holds a membership of the World Trade Centre Club (WTCC). A staff nominated by the University to take up membership is eligible to use the facilities of the club (please visit www.wtcchk. com for details). Full-time Terms (A) or equivalent staff members are invited to bid for the privilege of being the University’s nominee with effect from 1 April 2009. For details and the bidding form, please visit www. . Interested staff members should submit their bids to the Tender Board, c/o Business Office, G/F, John Fulton Centre, in envelopes marked ‘Application for World Trade Centre Club Membership’ before 2:30 pm on 10 March 2009. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Jacqueling Cho at 2609 7887. 文物館展覽 Art Museum Exhibitions 首陽吉金:胡盈瑩、范季融藏中國古代青銅器 Ancient Chinese Bronzes from the Shouyang Studio: The Katherine and George Fan Collection 日期:2009年2月28日至8月2日 地點:文物館 中國古代青銅工藝遐邇聞名。展品精選自美國紐約首陽齋珍藏之中國古代青銅器 共七十項,概括展現夏代至西漢時期之青銅工藝發展。其中有不少帶銘文的器物, 具珍貴的學術研究和鑑賞價值。此展覽由文物館與紐約首陽齋及上海博物館合辦,繼 2月在上海展覽後,移師香港展出,以饗藝術愛好者。文物館亦於展覽期間舉辦下列學術講 座及國際研討會,費用全免,歡迎有興趣人士出席: 首陽齋藏金與青銅器研究中的幾個問題 (普通話) 主講:周亞先生(上海博物館) 日期:2009年2月28日 時間:下午3時至4時30分 地點:中國文化研究所L1講室 中國古代青銅器國際研討會 (普通話) 日期:2009年4月17及18日 地點:文物館東翼會議室 Date: 28 February – 2 August 2009 Venue: Art Museum The 70 ancient Chinese bronzes on exhibition have been selected from the Shouyang Studio collection in New York. Together they illustrate the development of bronze art and technology from the Xia to the Western Han dynasties in China. Including quite a number of inscribed pieces, the bronzes provide a wealth of information for both scholars and laymen. Jointly organized by the Art Museum, CUHK, the Shouyang Studio and the Shanghai Museum, the exhibition was on at the Shanghai Museum before it moved to Hong Kong. The following lecture and conference will also be held and are open to public for free. Lecture on Ancient Chinese Bronzes from the Shouyang Studio and Related Issues (Putonghua) Speaker: Mr. Zhou Ya, Shanghai Museum Date: 28 February 2009 Time: 3:00 – 4:30 pm Venue: Lecture Theatre L1, Institute of Chinese Studies International Conference on Ancient Chinese Bronzes (Putonghua) Date: 17 to 18 April 2009 Venue: Conference Room, Art Museum East Wing 金牛獻瑞─牛年文物展 The Ox in Chinese Art 日期:2009年1月22日至 3月29日 地點:文物館展廳III 中國以農立國,自古以來,牛備受重視,蘊 涵不少中國人重視的傳統美德:刻苦、 勤勞、忠誠、不屈不撓和腳踏實地。 今年歲次己丑,適逢牛年,文物館特 選多項以牛為主題的館藏品展出,展 品包括各種媒介,跨越多個年代。 Date: 22 January – 29 March 2009 Venue: Gallery III, Art Museum Being a major resource in agriculture, the ox (together with the buffalo and the cow) has been recognized as an important animal through the ages in China. The ox also symbolizes virtues highly valued by the Chinese—diligence, loyalty, persistence and forbearance. The ox has been depicted in art works since the Shang and Zhou periods. It can be found in paintings and on ceramics and carvings. These works of art often portray familiar stories such as Laozi riding an ox, or scenes of everyday life such as a herd- boy and his animal. The Art Museum has specially selected for display from its permanent collection a variety of art works of ox in different media ranging from pottery, porcelain and carvings to paintings and woodblock prints.
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