Newsletter No. 329
No. 329, 19.12.2008 1 你是中大畢業生,你唸書那個歲月中大是甚麼模樣 的?你那時已經熱愛唱歌的嗎? What was CUHK like when you were here as a student? Were you fond of singing back then? 本科(時為四年學制)加上碩士,我前後在中大唸了六年。 第一年入學時書院校園尚在龍圃道,次年才遷入馬料水。 山頭禿禿的,校園生活樸素,跟現在綠樹成蔭,設備先進 樣子相去甚遠。至於音樂,我其實早於高中時代已在樂隊 The Menace擔任低音結他手,剛辭世的港台主播陳任是 主音歌手,順便誌念。入了中大,我轉而熱衷唱聖樂團、合 唱團,也唱民歌。唱歌的好處很多,當時用來追求夢裏情 人,結果夢想成真娶得現時的太太。接著下來,生活迫人, 也就不彈此調久矣。 Undergraduate and postgraduate studies included, I spent six years at CUHK. In the first year, the College campus was on Farm Road, but moved to Ma Liu Shui in the following year. It was a bare hilltop and campus life was simple, a far cry from the lush, green campus with its advanced facilities we now see. I played bass guitar for a pop band called The Menace back in those senior secondary school days. The late DJ of RTHK Joe Chen was the lead singer. At CUHK, I became very active in the Hong Kong Oratorio Society, CU Choir, and Chung Chi Choir. I also enjoyed singing folk songs. Singing in those days meant a lot to me. It even helped me propose successfully to my girlfriend. Since then, for over 26 years, she has been my better half. But since then too, I have not been able to continue singing due to a very busy career. 2 在你的思想啓蒙中,有甚麼人對你影響至深? Who has had the greatest influence on your enlightenment? 在中大唸書時,我的啟蒙老師有余英時、嚴耕望及全漢昇 三位先生。後來在澳洲深造,師從王賡武教授,他對我也 影響深遠。此外,還有回中大歷史系後曾經共事經年的許 倬雲教授。從這些前輩學者身上,我不斷學習如何看待及 理解中國文化及歷史,以及如何在世變中以一介歷史工作 者而得以安身立命。 As a student at CUHK, I was much enlightened by my teachers, in particular Prof. Yu Ying-shih, Prof. Yen Keng- wang and Prof. Ch’üan Han-sheng. When doing my doctorate in Australia, my mentor Prof. Wang Gungwu had a profound impact on me as a young historian. Returning to the CUHK Department of History after teaching in Singapore, I had the good fortune to work with Prof. Hsu Cho-yun in the same corridor for quite a few years. From these eminent senior historians, I learned much about Chinese culture and history, and how to position myself as a historian in a fast-changing world. 3 你為何選擇走學術這條路? Why did you choose an academic career? 在香港長大,在中大唸書,我和很多同時代的人一樣,都有 機會接觸基督教、儒家和佛教文化,環境一直中西揉雜,受 不同思潮衝擊。我渴望從中理出一些頭緒,對自己所處的 世界,可以了解多一點,同時能夠作點自己勝任而有益於 人的事。以後研究歷史,特別對經濟、法治、空間、身分等 議題的關注,都由此出發。大概因為這類課題答案太五花 八門,必須通過研究創新,始能知所取捨,或成一家之言。 不留在學術界從事教研工作,恐怕不易達成自己的心願。 我時常以業師王賡武先生的兩句說話,來訓勉自己為什麼 要走一條知識分子的路:「致知當達天下繩準,睿智可修 無窮境界;為學可以經世濟民,立命竟非徒然虛妄。」 Growing up in Hong Kong and studying at CUHK, I was exposed to Christianity, Confucianism and Buddhism, like many of my generation. There has always been a hybrid of cultures and values in our upbringing. I was concerned how I might be able to make sense of all these influences. In particular I was sensitive to such issues like development, justice, space and identity, which latter became the major themes of my historical research. In order to make sense of these issues, I realized the best way forward was to seek knowledge or the truth myself through research. Otherwise, I might have a hard time making judgment, given the enormous complexity of the issues. In any event, to encourage myself to remain an academic I always keep in mind the words of my mentor Prof. Wang Gungwu on what modern intellectuals should aspire to, ‘To attain world standards of knowledge and build up their own intellectual capacity. To lead the world in terms of scholarship should be a realizable goal.’ 4 你後來返中大執教及擔任行政工作,換過一個角度 看中大是甚麼樣子的? You returned to CUHK as a teacher and administrator. What’s it like seeing CUHK from another perspective? 中大雖是一個大家庭,但各人有各自的角色扮演。教書、行 政、學生,看到的東西、看的角度,自有所不同。我有幸在 三種崗位上,都曾經付出過心力,看過很多,對各種轉變的 體會尤深,可能因為歷史學者對世變本來就特別敏感吧。 CUHK is like a big family but its members have different roles to play. Teachers, administrators, students view things from different perspectives. I am fortunate to have paid my dues in all three identities. It gives me an opportunity to see things from different angles and to experience deeply the process of change. Maybe historians are always very sensitive to change. 5 你出任協理副校長/教務長期間,見到中大有甚麼 轉變? What changes at CUHK did you see as Associate Pro- Vice-Chancellor/Registrar? 我兼任協理副校長/教務長前後不足四年,其間中大以至 本地大學經歷的轉變,無疑甚大。但有關的各種轉變,早 於九十年代已經開始。原因不一,部分是本地政治、經濟、 社會環境方面催生的;可是更大的原因是資訊全球化,令 到世界各地的大學在教學、運作,甚至管治上,都面對史無 前例的變局。 I was Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Registrar for less than four years. During this time, universities in Hong Kong, much as elsewhere, underwent tremendous change and I believe the process is still going on. These changes actually began in the 1990s. One can think of many reasons. Some have much to do with local politics, the economy and the social environment. But more important, it is largely driven by information globalization. Universities the world over are faced with unprecedented changes and challenges in teaching, administration, and the way they function. 6 你為甚麼辭任協理副校長/教務長? Why did you resign as Associate Pro-Vice- Chancellor/Registrar? 我覺得在那個時候退下來是最合適的時機。一方面手頭一 些重要教務工作都告一段落,應該做的都差不多完成了。 一方面我一直在兼任行政,沒有放棄以史學教研為終身志 業的人生旨趣。現在重返全職教研崗位,而讓幹練的人接 手開展下一階段的教務重任,正是其時。 I felt it was the most appropriate time to step down. I had pretty much finished what I was supposed to do as Registrar. It was a good time to return to full-time teaching and research and hand over the reins to someone experienced. 7 出任協理副校長/教務長期間,有甚麼事令你印象 最深刻? What was most memorable about being Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Registrar? 令我印象最深刻的是各級行政崗位同事之間的專業精 神。我在三年來各式各樣的共事的經歷裏,目睹了他們的 敬業樂業,努力不懈,銳意上進,堅守崗位,臨危不退的表 現,同時也深深感受到他們在前所未有的世變中所遭遇 到的種種困難與挑戰。在無限欽佩之餘,只能說我這一輩 子能夠和這樣專業的一個團隊合作過,是一種榮幸,也足 引以為傲。 The professionalism of administrative colleagues at all levels is what I miss the most. For more than three years,
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