Newsletter No. 335
No. 335, 4.4.2009 十 方 吐 露 TEN QUESTIONS FOR ( To be continued ) 1 當初為何會到中大唸市場學? Why did you choose to study marketing? 最初報讀中大商學院時,對市場學只是一知半解,但一唸 之下發覺很適合自己。我早在中學時已對社會動態和人的 行為感到興趣,市場學探討的正是市場生態的變遷和消費 者行為對企業策略的影響。 When I was admitted to the Faculty of Business Administration of CUHK, I only had a vague idea about marketing. But it did not take me long to discover that it suited me very well. I had been interested in social development and human behaviour since secondary school. And what marketing sets out to investigate is the influence of market ecology and consumer behaviour on corporate strategy. 2 為甚麼會投身學術界? What made you pursue a career in academia? 我也曾考慮投身商界,但最後決定不從商。第一個原因是 不喜歡朝九晚五的工作;第二是唸書期間親炙了一些教學 認真、很受學生敬重的良師,得到很多指導,啟發了我對 從事學術研究的興趣。李金漢教授、董何淑貞教授是其中 兩位。 I did think about working in the business sector, but decided not to join the commercial sector because of two reasons. First, I do not like nine-to-five jobs. Second, I was taught by great teachers who are conscientious and highly respected by students. Prof. Lee Kam-hon and Prof. Tung Ho Suk-ching were two of them. They sparked my interest in academic research. 3 你對大學恢復四年制有何看法? What is your view on the University’s reversion to a four-year undergraduate curriculum? 1978年中大師生發起第一次反對「四改三」示威,我也有 參與。示威在科學館舉行,整個場地站滿師生。四年制的 好處是:學生在大學生活裏,除學習專業學問外,還有充 裕的時間和機會參與其他活動,接觸不同的人和事。 以我為例,一、二年級時花了不少時間參與院會、學會活 動,三年級起又把重心放回學業,為投身學術界做準備。 這是由於我在上課及參與課外活動的過程中,更了解自己 的強弱和喜惡,從而思考和選定了未來的路向。 I took part in the protest rally in 1978 against shortening our four-year undergraduate curriculum to three years. The rally took place at the Science Centre and the place was swamped by protesting CUHK teachers and students. The advantage of the four-year curriculum is that it gives students more time to explore different areas of their lives. In addition to studies, they can take part in all kinds of activities, meet different people, and acquire different experiences. Take me as example. I spent a lot of time on the activities of different societies during my freshman and sophomore years. But when I was a junior, I focused my energy again on studies to prepare for a career in academia. I was able to decide on a future career because going to class and taking part in extracurricular activities let me understand my strengths, weaknesses and interests early on. 4 你做過不少跨文化消費行為的研究,何以對這課題 感興趣? You have done some important research on cross- cultural consumption behaviour. Why are you interested in it? 我在中大畢業後,先後留學法國和英國,唸完博士後又在 北美工作了六七年,其間既住過普羅旺斯地區艾克斯這樣 的法國南部小鎮,也有倫敦這樣的大城市,體會到世界各 地文化之多樣化,促使我思考:為甚麼不同文化的人,價值 觀和行為會迥然不同?這就是我對跨文化研究興趣的由 來;再者,香港立足於東西文化的交接點,很有利跨文化 研究。 I went to France and Britain for studies after graduating from CUHK. After getting my PhD, I worked in North America for six to seven years. I lived in small towns like Aix en Provence in southern France and metropolises like London. My first-hand experience of diverseworld cultures made me wonder why people from different cultures have so different values and behaviours. Hong Kong is an ideal place for conducting cross-cultural studies. 5 你在協理副校長任內,負責大學的可持續發展項 目。你怎樣看環保? In your capacity as Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, you were in charge of the University’s environmental projects. What are your views on environmental protection? 環保這回事,沒有人會說不支持,但通常是口惠而實不至, 真的做起來,卻不是那麼簡單,因為是要付出代價的,無 論機構或個人都一樣。中大是學術機構,首要任務是做好 教研工作,所以首先須為學生和同事提供足夠且合乎標準 的教研空間。但另方面,要保護校園優美的自然環境,發 展時就必須作出妥協或改變,如何在兩者之間取得平衡, 是困難之所在。 從個人的角度來看,支持環保的是否願意有所犧牲?比如 一談到校巴,大家就一定會說校巴不夠。但作為學生或同 事的我們,是否願意多走幾步,不坐校巴或開車,以保護 環境?這是值得深思的。 Environmental protection is an issue that no one would object to. But going green is easier said than done and not without cost. We can discuss it from an institutional and individual point of view. As an educational institution, the mission of CUHK is to facilitate teaching and research. Our top priority is to ensure that up-to-par teaching and research facilities are adequately in place for students and colleagues. On the other hand, our campus is endowed with beautiful natural surroundings. We must compromise between development and conservation. The crux of the problem is how to strike a balance. From an individual point of view, are you willing to make sacrifices for environmental protection? For example, many University members complain about the inadequacy of shuttle bus services. But are you, as a student or staff 許敬文 Mi chael K.M. Hui 許敬文教授與女友 (現為許太太) 攝於 1980年 Prof. Michael K.M. Hui and his then girlfriend (now Mrs. Hui) in 1980
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