Newsletter No. 361

No. 361, 19.8.2010 盛夏中大 Temperature Soars at CUHK Campus 學生都在放暑假,中大校園少了上課日的喧鬧,多了靜謐。但在這步伐放慢、煩囂沉澱的盛夏時光裏, 看似閒適的校園,其實還是充滿汩汩流動的活力。 The CUHK campus in midsummer had a serene atmosphere as most students were away for the summer break. But the quiet campus was in fact the stage of many activities. 不一樣的百萬大道 不一樣的世界盃決賽 World Cup Fever at University Mall (左起) 蔡子強先生、呂大樂教授和馬嶽教授在現場評述賽事 Live commentary by (from left) Mr. Ivan Choy Chi-keung, Prof. Lui Tai-lok and Prof. Ma Ngok 暑 期的百萬大道,人流本就格外稀少,尤其是深宵 時分,更應是人影難覓才對。但2010年7月12日凌 晨,百萬大道竟然人聲鼎沸,事緣大學在科學館前架起了 大型電視屏幕,直播本屆世界盃足球賽決賽西班牙對荷蘭 的實況。 平常不是穿西裝就是醫生袍的沈祖堯校長,是晚穿着寫有 CUHK字樣的101號橙色球衣,成為座上觀眾。原來這次 破天荒的校園活動,是沈校長的主意。他說:「希望藉着這 次活動,讓全體中大人同樂,享受賽事。」結果共吸引了八 百名中大師生、校友齊集百萬大道觀看賽事。現場還供應 飲品及小吃,務令回校觀賞球賽的一眾中大人盡興而歸。 這夜,政治與行政學系副教授馬嶽、高級導師蔡子強和港 大社會學系教授呂大樂不談政治和社會,化身足球評述 員,高談闊論,分析賽事。深宵 不寐,與眾同樂的還有副校長許 敬文、秘書長梁少光、教務長吳 樹培、文學院院長熊秉真、醫學 院院長霍泰輝、社會科學院院長 李少南和逸夫書院院長陳志輝 等。 雖然賽事剛開始時下起小雨,但 熄滅不了觀眾的熱情。不少人有 備而來,除了座椅外,還帶了打 氣棒、vuvuzela喇叭到場,有的 還在臉上繪上球隊的國旗,以示 全情支持。每當約翰內斯堡場上 攻勢凌厲,這邊即響起一片喝采聲和喇叭聲,遙相呼應; 深宵的百萬大道瀰漫着嘉年華會般的熾熱氣氛。中場休息 時,大會還有抽獎活動,大獎是校長親筆簽名的足球。 當晚還有段小插曲,活動結束後一位觀眾意外跌傷,肩膀 脫臼,沈校長聞訊後馬上發揮醫生本色,施以急救,並陪伴 傷者等候救護車送院。 A nyone paying a visit to the CUHK campus in the wee hours of 12 July would never have believed it was a university campus on summer break. A crowd had assembled at the University Mall for a cause of a different kind—to watch live broadcast of the World Cup final on a huge projector screen. Even harder to believe was seeing among the audience the new Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung sporting a number 101 orange football shirt—obviously a supporter The atmosphere was sizzling, despite a drizzle at the start which clearly left no one’s moods dampened. Some members of the audience brought their own seats, some came with props including vuvuzelas, some painted their faces with flag colours. Every time the action heated up in Johannesburg, so would the cheering and trumpeting at CUHK. A lucky draw was held during half-time, with the prize being a football signed by none other than the Vice-Chancellor himself. As an aside to the events of the night, a member of the audience fell and dislocated a shoulder after the game. Professor Sung, in his orange shirt, gave him first-aid and accompanied him as he waited for the ambulance. An apt reminder, perhaps, that the new Vice-Chancellor is a man of many hats. of the Dutch team until you see the letters ‘CUHK’ on the shirt. In fact this unprecedented activity was Professor Sung’s idea. He said, ‘I hope that everyone at the University can have fun together and enjoy the game.’ And they did indeed. Over 800 teachers, students and alumni of the University gathered at the University Mall to watch the match between Spain and the Netherlands, sharing snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. There was even live commentary, thanks to Prof. Ma Ngok and Mr. Ivan Choy Chi-keung of the Department of Government and Public Administration, and Prof. Lui Tai- lok from the Department of Sociology of the University of Hong Kong, who put politics and society aside for sports. Also among the audience were Prof. Michael Hui, Pro- Vice-Chancellor; Mr. Jacob Leung, University Secretary; Mr. Eric Ng, University Registrar; Prof. Hsiung Ping- chen, Dean of Arts; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean of Medicine; Prof. Paul Lee, Dean of Social Science and Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, Head of Shaw College.