Newsletter No. 366

2 No. 366, 4.11.2010 Prof. Leung Yuen-sang (right), who says that he mostly dines out for official reasons, claims that he has no special dietary tips, nor epicurean advice. He banters, ‘I am not young. My most important tip is to avoid being a “High Blocker”.’ High Block is one of the blocks of the Pentecostal Mission Hall Complex, a student hostel at Chung Chi College (CC). Why does Professor Leung say that? P rofessor Leung explains, ‘By “high” I was referring to blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, Body Mass Index (BMI), and waist circumference. So my only food-related tip is to keep a low-salt and low- fat diet.’ ‘Flavours of Life’, which recently appeared on the menu of the CC Staff Club, has all that Professor Leung seeks in a dish. It comprises healthy ingredients including tomato, pumpkin, bitter melon, fresh lily bulb, and walnut. Professor Leung says, ‘The name “Flavours of Life” is perfect for this dish. First, tomato, pumpkin and bitter melon taste sour, sweet and bitter respectively representing various experiences in life. People who have weathered hardships tend to cherish life and they like bitter melon. Lily bulb with its light flavour, reflects modesty and disinterest in fame. Walnuts are crunchy and the character for “crunchiness” has the same pronunciation as that for “fun”, and fun is of course one of the essences of being alive. The variation in texture of the ingredients also correspond to the ups and downs of life. Lastly, the colours— red, yellow, green, white and brown—stand for a colourful life.’ Professor Leung’s explanation not only demonstrates the metaphorical meaning of the dish, but also shows his talent for relating food to life. In fact, while teaching in Singapore in the past , Professor Leung once wrote a commentary for a local restaurant, relating the stories behind the Manchu Han Imperial Feast. ‘Flavours of Life’ has its own story too. Back in 2008, Chan Master Ven. Shi Dejian of Sanhuang Zhai from Song Shan, Henan Province, was invited to visit CC to introduce Shaolin ‘Chanwuyi’ culture. In the past summer, members of CC paid a return visit to Sanhuang Zhai upon Ven. Shi Dejian’s invitation. Ven. Shi Dejian promotes going vegetarian for health besides religious reason. CC members abstained from meat for four days and felt their body being refreshed, so they came up with the idea of promoting vegetarian eating in the College by adding more vegetarian dishes in the Staff Club. Mrs. Kwok Tam Kit-ying Angeline (left), college secretary, and Mr. Lo Kwong-fung (centre), senior college tutor, both members of the tour visiting Sanhuang Zhai, joined hands to design ‘Flavours of Life’, a dish derived from the care of the College for its students and staff. Besides CC Staff Club, other canteens on campus also offer vegetarian dishes. Try them and you may notice the benefits they bring to your health. 資料來源:《香港中草樂》及《本草綱目》 Source: Chinese Medicinal Herbs of Hong Kong and Ben Cao Gang Mu 的滿漢全席撰文,所談不是食物味道,而是相關的文化 背景和故事。 談起食物背後的故事,「五味人生」也有着特別的由來,事 緣崇基於2008年曾邀請河南省嵩山三皇寨禪院的釋德建 禪師蒞臨書院訪問兩周,向師生講解少林「禪武醫」之文 化。在剛過去的夏天,學院應釋德建禪師之邀請,組團回 訪三皇寨禪院。 釋德建禪師主張素食,並不只是信仰關係,而是認為素食 對身體健康有所助益。崇基團友們在山上持素四天,發覺 身體的確是「清爽」了。回港後,他們認為就算不是提倡 全素食,亦不妨在校內推廣多吃素菜,因此決定在崇基 教職員聯誼會試行增加新的素菜式,提高吃素的樂趣。身 為團員的院務主任郭譚潔瑩女士( 左 )及資深導師盧廣鋒 先生( 中 )遂着手商討要做些甚麼素菜,汲取了在三皇寨禪 院茹素的經驗,就構思了「五味人生」來。書院對大家健康 的關心造就了一道巧喻人生的素菜。 「五味人生」固然吸引,不過校內其他膳堂也有素菜供應, 大家不妨試試,吃出健康來。 苦瓜:清熱解毒,可治 中暑、發熱、咽喉炎 和汗斑 Bitter melon: Anti- inflammatory, cures heat stroke, fever, pharyngitis and ringworm infection 合桃:補氣養血,溫肺潤腸,食之 令人肥健、潤肌及黑髮鬚 Walnut: Restores bodily functions, nourishes the blood, lungs and skin, lubricates the intestine, promotes absorption, blackens hair 番茄:生津止渴,健胃消食。 Tomato: Increases secretion, quenches thirst, strengthens the stomach, aids digestion 南瓜:補中益氣,消炎止痛,解毒殺蟲; 為糖尿病患者的食療佳品 Pumpkin: Nourishes, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anthelmintic, a food-tonic for diabetics 他 娓娓解釋道:「我所指的『五高』者,乃為高血壓、 高膽固醇、高血糖、高體重指標和高腰圍讀數。所 以,我的飲食哲學只是盡量吃得清淡。」 崇基教職員聯誼會新推出的「五味人生」正投梁教授 所好。這款素菜選用了番茄、南瓜、苦瓜、百合和合桃, 既健康有益,又不肥膩。梁教授說:「這菜取名『五味人 生』是再適合不過了。五種食材就味道來說,番茄、南 瓜和苦瓜分別味帶酸、甜及苦,這也是人生總會歷經的 時刻。當中又以捱過苦的人,會更為欣賞和珍視生活, 是以愛啖苦瓜者,多是有一番歷練的人。至於百合則味 淡,代表清新淡泊,是『無味之味』。脆脆的合桃,諧音 『趣』也,『趣味』乃人生重要的一種滋味。而五種食材 又有軟有硬,豈非象徵人生有順有逆?再就顏色來看, 紅黃綠白褐五色組合,鮮妍悅目,可喻人生之多彩與 和諧。」 梁教授一席話,不但解說了「五味人生」的隱喻,也盡 顯他順手拈來即把飲食連繫於做人處世的天分。原來 早年梁教授在新加坡教學時,已為當地一著名食府首辦 公務纏身的梁元生教授(右)謙稱自己沒有特別的飲食心得,平素外出用膳大多是為了公事,談不上要 挑選甚麼美饌佳餚。他笑說:「上了年紀的我,首要大忌是避免成為『五高』的一員。」五高不就是崇基 學院學生宿舍五旬節會樓高座的簡稱嗎?梁教授當然不是住在五高,但何以如此忌諱? 鮮百合:潤肺止咳,寧心安神。 Lily bulb: Nourishes the lungs, anti-tussive, calms the nerves and spirit