Newsletter No. 368
12 No. 368, 4.12.2010 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問張偉雄教授 Prof. Gordon W. Cheung will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. Prof. Ngai Ngan-pun 預告 Coming 魏雁濱 防止性騷擾委員會主席 Chairperson of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment 笑話、討論別人的身材、在辦公室、宿舍的電腦開啟標榜性感 的照片,都可能構成性騷擾。最重要是提高警覺,善察別人的 底線,不要逾越。施的一方要理解別人的感受,受的一方也應 該明確表達自己的不快。一般人怯於表達拒絕,我們要清晰 讓大學成員知道,我們有「說不」的權利,覺得受冒犯,不要啞 忍。大學絕不容忍這類行為,定會公正公平地處理。 Quite a lot, among colleagues, between teachers and students. A pat on the shoulder to express concern, dirty jokes, casual comments on body figures and viewing ‘sexy’ photos on computers in the office or hostel—can all constitute cases of sexual harassment. We must stay on high alert all the time, be watchful of the bottom lines of people around you and never trespass them. We have to consider how people will react to our behaviour. On the other hand, we have to speak out firmly when we feel offended. People generally are too timid to express refusal. The committee is going to tell every university member that we have the right to say ‘no’. When you find something offensive, don’t just cope with it in silence. The University will not condone any act of sexual harassment and any case reported will be handled with fairness and equality. 8 性騷擾調停/投訴小組接獲指控後,如何決定應採取調停 或定性為投訴? How will PASH decide whether to proceed to mediation or complaint when it receives an allegation? 決定權在於當事人。小組解釋所有相關程序後,如果當事人選 擇訴諸調停,小組將安排會談,了解情況,嘗試化解問題。如果 當事人希望投訴,必須以書面提出。否則,我們只能提供足夠 的資訊,讓他知道可採取哪些行動,並且尊重他的最終決定。 The decision rests upon the alleger. The panel will explain in detail all related procedures and arrange a meeting if the alleger resorts to mediation for resolving the matter. If the alleger chooses to complain, he/she should submit a written complaint. If not, the panel can only keep the alleger well informed of what actions he/she is entitled to, and respect his/ her final decision. 9 如果對方拒絕會談調停,你們可以做些甚麼? What if the alleged refuses mediation or even to talk? 調停是在雙方當事人自願參與和同意下才會進行。如果任何一 方拒絕通過調停解决爭端,調停便無法進行。我們會據實告 訴當事人,並建議其他可行途徑,例如將個案升級至投訴。接 到書面投訴,性騷擾調停/投訴小組召集人會委任調查小組處 理,調查小組便會就各方相關人士提供的資料撰寫實情調查 報告,最後呈交校長。 Mediation can proceed only under the mutual consent of both parties. Should any one party refuse to do so, nothing can be done. We will report to the alleger and suggest other possible procedures, e.g., elevating the case to a complaint. Upon receiving the written complaint, the panel convenor will appoint an investigation team to handle the case, which will compile a fact-finding report based on the information supplied by all parties concerned, and submit the report to the Vice-Chancellor. 10 性騷擾的定義是否會隨時代而改變?會更嚴或是更鬆? Will the definition of sexual harassment change with the times, and become stricter or more lenient? 會的,而且將更加明晰嚴謹。例如以往一般人都以為只有男性 騷擾女性,現在大家知道女士騷擾男士、同性之間的騷擾都存 在。以前《性別歧視條例》裏「在性方面有敵意的環境」的概 念只適用於工作環境,但經2008年修訂後,教育環境也涵蓋 在內。 It will become stricter and more specific. For example, we used to think that sexual harassment happens only between opposite genders with the female being the victim. Now we come to know that there are cases of females harassing males and same-gender sexual harassment. In the past, the provision on ‘hostile or intimidating environment’ only applies to the workplaces. Since the amendment to the Sex Discrimination Ordinance in 2008, the provision has been extended to cover the field of education. 1 中文大學是否最早成立防止性騷擾委員會的大學? Is CUHK the first local university to establish a committee against sexual harassment? 委員會在1995年成立,比香港政府1996年成立平等機會委員 會還要早,我們應該是最先旗幟鮮明地成立一個以防止性騷 擾為名的委員會的大學。 The Committee Against Sexual Harassment was established in 1995, one year before the setting up of the Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission. We believe CUHK is the first university to set up a committee whose name spells out its distinctive motive of working against sexual harassment. 2 為甚麼覺得有成立的必要,可是有很多個案需要處理? Why was there such a need? Were there a lot of cases requiring attention? 主要是因為社會對女性地位、男女平等等課題漸趨關注,一些 性騷擾事件的發生,也引起了注意。大學必須與時並進,加強 大家對性騷擾的認知,建立和諧和互重的校園文化。其實這類 個案在中大可說是鳳毛麟角。我們收到的指控只是每年一兩 宗,當事人多數選擇以調停處理,正式投訴不到一半。 The University was aware that the gender issue had received more social concern and that some cases of sexual harassment were arousing public attention. We felt the need to enhance university members’ understanding of sexual harassment, hoping that it would help build a campus culture of harmony and mutual respect. On average we receive about one to two cases of allegation each year. The majority of the allegers resort to mediation, so less than half of the cases are established as complaints. 3 可概述一下委員會的工作嗎? Can you briefly describe how the committee works? 委員會下設教育及培訓工作小組和性騷擾調停/投訴小組,前 者負責教育和宣傳,幫助大家認識防止性騷擾的概念、法例、 大學政策和程序。學生入學、教職員入職時,有關資料已透過 輔導營和人事處送到他們手中。宣傳活動是終年不斷的,大學 成員隨時都可接觸有關資訊。後者則負責跟進諮詢、調停和處 理投訴。 The committee has two subordinate units. The Task Force on Education and Training is responsible for promoting awareness of the need to prevent sexual harassment and ensuring that the policy is properly received and correctly interpreted. Each student or staff member will receive related information upon joining the University, during orientation or via the Personnel Office. Our promotion activities run all year round. University members can have easy access to information related to the issue of sexual harassment at any time. The Panel Against Sexual Harassment (PASH) will be responsible for mediation and complaint investigation of cases involving staff members or students. 4 性騷擾、平等機會、兩性平等等課題很多時候都會相提並 論,為甚麼? Why are the issues of sexual harassment, equal opportunities and gender equality often associated with each other? 性騷擾的形成,主要是基於傳統社會普遍對女性有不平等的 對待或歧視,視之為弱者或附庸,置諸不利的位置。當另一性 別濫用自己的優越地位、權勢來滿足自己的欲望,在性方面便 造成性騷擾甚至性侵犯。這意味着如果能達至兩性平等、互相 尊重的話,性騷擾的問題自然便會減少。 The female gender is treated unequally or discriminated against in traditional society, labeled as weaker or inferior to males and thus disadvantaged in many aspects. When a male makes use of his superiority and authority to abuse a female sexually, this is sexual harassment or even sexual assault. So if equality and mutual respect between the two genders can be maintained, sexual harassment will be eliminated. 5 近年屢有牽涉本地大學生的風化案,原因在哪裏? In recent years, we find more sex-related cases involving university students. What are the reasons for that? 性觀念比前開放,某些道德標準模糊了。灰色地帶多了,加上個 人主義抬頭,對自由、權利,往往有不同的見解。接受大學教 育的人口比例增加也有一定的關係,但最主要的是因對德育不 夠重視。在這個功利社會,商界與傳媒都在鼓吹放縱欲望和享 樂的歪曲價值。青少年早在中小學階段已開始受影響,進入大 學,得享較多自由,未懂自律的話,便會出現問題。 Well, people are more open to sex. Moral standards have become ambiguous and fallen into the grey area. People have become more self-centred in their interpretation of freedom and rights. Of course, the fact that a higher percentage of the population is now entering universities also counts. I think the main reason is that moral education is not receiving enough attention. Young people have been bombarded with twisted values since their primary school years, by receiving messages which encourage the pursuit of and indulgence in personal desires, as promoted by the commercial sector and the media. It will lead to problems when they are in university and enjoy more freedom, if they do not know how to discipline themselves. 6 剛才你提到「個人主義」,可引申一下嗎? What does ‘self-centredness’ have to do with it? 性騷擾的問題不能抽離獨立來看。除了關乎一己的性觀念,也 關乎對別人的尊重程度,把滿足私欲凌駕別人的權利和感受, 強迫別人認同或接受自己的標準,某程度上是一種霸權。以前 人與人之間的關係沒有那麼親密,現在好像普遍較為隨意,但 必須留意仍有一部分人未能接受這種隨意性。校園的學生來自 世界各地,各有不同的價值觀,我們要細心觀察,尤其不要忽 略沉默的少數的權利。 Sexual harassment should not be viewed out of context. It’s about how one looks at sex, and also about respect for others. When one puts one’s desires before all other things, without considering the rights and feelings of others, and even forces others to identify with his/her values, it is a kind of hegemony. It seems that people are more casual about physical intimacy nowadays. Yet we must be aware that some people do not accept such casualness. At CUHK, we have people coming from all over the world, upholding different values. We must be very conscientious in observing how different people think differently, and in particular in respecting the rights of the silent minority. 7 校園有哪些灰色地帶是要小心的? What are the grey areas we have to be aware of on campus? 灰色地帶多的是。同事、師生之間,如拍肩表示關心、講黃色
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