Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 2 Aug 1965
In early June, the Senate C omm ittee on Research P o licy and Post-graduate T ra in in g approved the fo rm a tio n o f a P rovisional A d v is o ry Board o f Studies. M em bers o f the Board are: M r . H .T . W u (Chairm an), M r . T .C . Cheng, P rof. Chou Fa-kao, D r. T .C . Ou, D r. C.S. Tsang and D r. S .T . Tsou. Mr s , C h ristine W ong o f the C entral O ffice is the Secretary. T h e term s o f reference o f the Board are to advise the D ire c to r o f the School o f E ducation on the course or courses o f studies in the S chool; to recommend short lists o f candidates fo r ap po in tm en t in all grades to the A P C ; and to recommend external assessors fo r the a p p o in t m en t o f fu ll-tim e and p a rt-tim e Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers. T h e Senate C omm ittee also approved the calendar o f the new School: September - Registration, organization and o rie n tation ; O ct. 16-30 — School-practice in teams o f three unde r supervision. Each team to lake over the w o rk o f appro xim ately one teacher. T hree preceptorials each week ; December — T h eo re tica l and academic studies fo r appro xim ately 12 weeks ; A p r il 一 S chool-practice in the lig h t o f previous experience and the theoretical and academic studies pursued in the previous fo u r months. Team and preceptorial organization to be the same as before. F o r the year 1965/66, the courses in the School o f E ducation w ill be open to graduates o f the U n iv e rs ity . Those who graduated in 1964 may also apply. Can didates w ill be in te rview ed in the m id d le o f J u ly anp the fina l lis t o f candidates to be adm itted w o u ld be announced in late August. D r . Ou (centre) receives the College Seal f r om M r . John Tung (left) Provisional Chairman of the College Boa rd o f Governors as M r . B . P. Schoy er, Act ing Vice-President (r ight ), looks on. NEW PRESIDENT OF NEW ASIA COLLEGE DR. OU TSUIN-CHEN D r. Ou T su in -c h e n was appointed P resident o f New A sia College on J u ly 1, 1965 in succession to D r. C h 'ien M u . D r. Ou is by no means new to the College; he has been closely connected w ith it rig h t from its be g in n in g in 1949. He taught at the College in its early years. A fte r an absence from the Colony fo r some tim e, he returned in January 1960 to serve as V ice- President. W hen the fo rm e r P resident D r. Ch'ien M u began his leave in A ug u st 1964, D r. Ou became A c tin g P resident o f the College. T h e ceremony o f D r. O u's in ve stitu re as College P resident was held on J u ly 7 , 1965, when he received the College seal from M r . John T u n g , P rovisional C hairm an o f the College Board o f Governors. T he ceremony was attended by all members o f the College C oun cil. D r. Ou, a native o f Kiangsu Province, China, received his B .A . degree in 1924 from the N a tion a l S ou th eastern U n iv e rs ity in N anking, and his D o cte u r de 2
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