~~NOTOC~~ [[http://www.aut.ac.nz/iconip08/|{{ :confs:iconip2008header.png?720 |}}]] ====== ICONIP2008 Panel ====== Neural network methods and techniques: The present and the future **ICONIP2008 Panel**\\ **10:50 am - 12:30 pm (100 mins)**\\ **Wednesday, November 26, 2008**\\ **Room NZ1-2, SkyCity Convention Centre** This panel aims to discuss the current and future trends in neural network methods and techniques. Each panelist is a renowned expert so the discussion will be focused on what is the current hot topics and what will the future hold in their respective disciplines. The disciplines include but not limited to neurobiology, neurosciences, connectionism & cognitive science, statistical learning theory, hybrid methods, fuzzy systems, quantum computing, etc. The discussion topics include: What are some of the current hot topics and why are they interesting? What are some of the current controversial issues and why are they important? What are some of the upcoming and emerging topics that we should be aware of and why are they significant? Each panelist will give a 10-minutes introduction on the panel topic in his discipline. After the presentations from all panelists, there will be an open mic session with the audience. ===== Panel Members ===== ==== Moderator ==== * **Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong** ([[:home|Homepage]]) ==== Panelists (to be confirmed) ==== * Dr. Kenji Doya,Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan ([[http://www.oist.jp/faculty_doya.html|Homepage]]) * Prof. Mika Hirvensalo, University of Turku, Finland ([[http://users.utu.fi/mikhirve/|Homepage]]) * Prof. Nik Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand ([[http://www.aut.ac.nz/research/research_institutes/kedri/staff/nickola.htm|Homepage]]) * Prof. Gary Marcus, Department of Psychology, New York University ([[http://www.psych.nyu.edu/gary/marcus_bio.html|Homepage]]) * Prof. Alessandro Villa, University of Grenoble, France ([[http://www.ujf-grenoble.fr/3758/0/fiche___annuaire/|Homepage]]) * Prof. Jun Wang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong ([[http://www2.mae.cuhk.edu.hk/~jwang/|Homepage]]) * Prof. Takeshi Yamakawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan ([[http://www.lsse.kyutech.ac.jp/lsse_e/kyokan/yamakawa.html|Homepage]])