Informally: Extract the opinions given in a piece of text.
Or, more formally: A recent discipline that studies the extraction of opinions using Information Retrieval (IR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques.
Big business, right?
Web 2.0 nowadays provides a great medium for people to share what they want to share. This provides a great source of unstructured information (especially opinions) that may be usually (makes a lot of money?)
Identify the segments of text that contain opinions.
e.g. Opinions are in boldface
I have just entered into dslr world with 400d, before I used slr cameras.
400d is extremly well made, precise and overall feeling is vey good.
Decide the sentiment orientation of a given piece of opinion.
e.g. The picture quality is good. (A positive opinion) e.g. The battery life is short. (A negative opinion)
A problem proposed by Kam Tong CHAN. The problem is related to natural language processing:
Given a text with target features and opinions extracted, decide which opinions comment on which features.
It is known to be a difficult problem in natural language processing. Let's take a look at the following example (Originated from
Consider the phrase “pretty little girls' school”,
Which one (or Who) is being commented?
e.g. He is a kind person.
Who is “he”?
e.g. The camera is great!
Which camera model are you talking about?
Given a review text, identify who made the comment.
Achieving this will allow us to build a Question-Answering System.
e.g. Who support Obama to be the next U.S. president?
Given a set of documents (crawled the web / all the reviews from a particular forum / survey results , etc.), summarize the opinion expressed with respect to the target object.
e.g. For Camera
Detect whether opinions that are written by spammers.
A lexicon that contains the sentiment orientation of each term. It may be a domain specific one or a general one.
Ontology is a structural description of concepts. It defines the terminologies and hierarchical relationships of a domain.