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====== Teaching And Learning ENhancement ToolS (TALENTS) ====== ====== Teaching And Learning ENhancement ToolS (TALENTS) ======
 +===== General Introduction =====
 +  - Tools Presentation [ [[http://prezi.com/5ewid1kxschq/teaching-and-learning-enhancement-tools-talents/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy|Prezi]] ]
 +  - Tools Homepage  [ [[https://services.veriguide.org/tools/|Home]] ]
===== Academic Tools ===== ===== Academic Tools =====
  - VeriGuide [ [[http://www.veriguide.org/|Home]] | [[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/veriguide/| CUHK]] ]   - VeriGuide [ [[http://www.veriguide.org/|Home]] | [[http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/veriguide/| CUHK]] ]
  - Reference Detection [ [[https://services.veriguide.org/tools/reference.jsp|Home]] ]   - Reference Detection [ [[https://services.veriguide.org/tools/reference.jsp|Home]] ]
 +===== Analytics Tools =====
 +  - Grammar Checking  [ [[https://services.veriguide.org/tools/grammar.jsp|Home]] ]
 +  - Sentiment Analysis (Opinion Mining) [ [[https://services.veriguide.org/Sentiment/|Home]] ]
 +  - Readability
===== Teaching Tools ===== ===== Teaching Tools =====
  - VeriPoll [ [[https://services.veriguide.org/VeriPoll/| Home]] ]   - VeriPoll [ [[https://services.veriguide.org/VeriPoll/| Home]] ]
 +  - Surveying Software
===== Video Editing Tools ===== ===== Video Editing Tools =====
  - Adobe Premiere   - Adobe Premiere
-  - Camtasia Studio [ [[http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html|Home]] ]+  - Camtasia Studio [ [[http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html|Home]] | [[http://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia-8.html|Tutorials]] ] 
 +  - ScreenFlow [ [[http://www.telestream.net/screenflow/|Home]] ]
===== E-Learning Authoring Tools ===== ===== E-Learning Authoring Tools =====
projs/talents.1382065673.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/18 11:07 by 43107780     Back to top