Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1999

Medical Teaching and Research at CUHK 2
Growing with the Times 2
Introducing Five Areas of Excellence 7
New Treatments, New Buildings, and New Programmes 20
Bringing Endoscopic Therapy to Fruition 20
Telemedicine: Providing Health Care at a Distance 7
Prof. Joseph Lee Reviews the Faculty's Development Before His Retirement 2
What is Patient-centred Learning? 5
A High-powered Anti-Cancer Squad 10
Building a New School of Public Health 22
Introducing a Degree Programme in Chinese Medicine 25
A Rosy Future for Ophthalmology 13
Pioneer of Local Gerontology and Geriatrics 15
Sports Medicine—A Unique Field of Medicine 17
Artist at Work—Wang Mingming's Rendition of the University 26
Research News 29
Before you Swap Butter for Margarine: Adverse Health Effects of Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils 31
New Laboratories to Study Robotics and Microsystems 33
Industry-Academia Collaboration: Advanced Surface and Materials Analysis Centre 36
The 54th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 38
News in Brief 56